You may already have what you need to make money in your business
One of the things I hear most as a Business Coach when I begin to work with a new client is: “I need to identify a viable way to make more money.” Maybe you say that exact thing too. And my guess is this, you may already have what you need to make money in your business.
Now, the above is not a bad statement. What I find interesting though is that often when we dig in I see that they already have a viable way (or several actually) to make more money. The problem is that they aren’t doing it. Often, they haven’t taken the time to lay out a system for it and/or given it enough time to see actual results.
I think it has to do with the phenomenon us small business owners get called bright shiny object syndrome. Or our penchant for immediate results that causes this. I see so many business owners giving up way to early. I have heard “well, it didn’t work” so many times I could be a millionaire.
Usually when I hear this, I ask “how long did you do this?” And I’m often met with “a couple of times”.
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Seeing worthwhile results takes time
Just like building an emergency savings account or losing weight, time is often where the success lies when it comes to making money in your business.
There is a science to business. You need to experiment and give that experiment time to come to fruition. Of course, there are the specifics to put into place like knowing who your ideal clients are, where to find them, what to say to them and knowing what you are offering them that they feel is valuable for them to say yes please.
That’s all the backend work you need to already have done. There is strategy and then there are tactics. It’s the tactics that may take time to return the results you seek.
Sometimes you need to put in some effort
Have you ever tried something once and said “oh this doesn’t work”? So not only do you not give yourself ample time to have something work, but you also do not put in ample effort to make it work.
Here is an example: a client of mine wanted to have more bookings for her quarterly fitness classes. She wanted her fall classes to be booked over the summer. The plan was to send personal emails and make phone calls (yes, remember those =). She sent some emails and made a few phone calls. Mind you, she left messages and had not talked to anyone. Then promptly announced “no one was interested in signing up” to her fall class.
Upon further review, she never did actually have anyone say they weren’t interested in signing up. She didn’t actually hear back from any of the people she emailed or called.
You better believe that her next coaching assignment was to follow up and actually TALK to people – not just send messages. And not just any people, but her people. The people who always signed up for what she was offering. And I tasked her with doing it by a certain date.
She begrudging agreed. And within a week she had a full roster of clients for her fall classes. Which meant, she was now officially booked ahead of time. And she had income coming in and her fall already laid out.
There are no quick fixes
While there are no quick fixes, if you lay out a solid plan and put the effort in, you will get results. If you have found yourself giving up quickly, not putting in the effort you need to see the results you want, you are not alone.
The good news is that you aren’t alone. The bad news is that if you want to stand out alone from your peers and competitors, you need to put in the work. You need to put in the time and the effort. As they say Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was a thriving business.
So let me ask you, are you willing to put in the time, effort and yes sometimes the money to make your business what you want it to be?
I hope so! Because it is so worth it and there are many people out there that need you and what you have to offer.
Sometimes having fresh eyes on your business helps you to see what you already have and what to do with it to get the results you want. This is why I offer complimentary Business Blueprint Sessions. We’ll look at what you have and how you can maximize it to your advantage now! My gift to you. I do this because I am committed to helping service-based business owners step authentically into their business!