Being heart-centered in business doesn’t mean giving it away

Being heart-centered in business doesn’t meant giving it away

In my 20 years as an entrepreneur and business coach, the one thing I know for sure is that women business owners are heart-centered. This isn’t a bad thing at all, in fact, it is very much what makes the female business owner unique.

And that said, because you are a heart-centered services-based business owner doesn’t meant giving it away. 

Being heart-centered is being aware of what you desire in life, knowing your values, knowing how to take responsibility for yourself and your emotions. You are making choices that honor your needs, values and beliefs.  We, as women, do this very well in our personal lives. 

For example, if children are important in your life, then you make decisions (everyday) that match your values.  Such as:

  • The school your kids go to  
  • Foods they eat
  • Charities you support 
  • People you associate with
  • Where you live

Every single answer ties back to your needs, values, and beliefs.  You get the picture, right? 

Now, and here’s the tricky part, let’s apply this to your business. A company’s main “business” is to make money. Otherwise, it’s just a very expensive hobby. I’m going to repeat that because this is the essence of having the open sign on the door. 


So how do you create and maintain a business that reflects the heart-centered YOU, while still bringing home the bacon?  Simple answer is mindset, because how you “do” money is how you “do” everything.

The Business Mindset

Your mindset is paramount to creating a successful and thriving business.  For instance, you are the face of your business, the reason people buy from you and are embedded in every product and service!

Before diving into the money aspect of things, I want you to have a very clear picture of your self worthYou need to feel confident in yourself as a business woman and in order to do that, you need to value your self worth.  Take a look at this list and fill in the blank.

  • Skills and talents you developed over time ______________
  • Positions you’ve held ______________
  • Degrees, schooling, etc. ______________
  • Awards ______________
  • Trainings, areas of study ______________
  • Life experiences or situations you’ve overcome (personal & professional) ______________
  • Natural skills and talents that you take for granted or don’t even think about ______________
  • Words others have said about you – any testimonials ______________
  • What you value and appreciate about yourself ______________
  • What you’ve created ______________
  • Your accomplishments that you are proud of ______________
  • What else! ______________

Now, pat yourself on the back because you are worth every penny!  Take this feeling and apply it to the financial aspect of your business.  This is Money Mindset!

[Tweet “”It is time for you to step into who you really are, to shine in your life” – Kim Ravida”]

Money Mindset

A money mindset is the overriding attitude about your finances. It drives how you make key financial decisions every day and impacts your ability to achieve goals.

If your money mindset is on the negative side, it’s most likely proving to be a hindrance. If you struggle to charge what you are worth AND what you need to make (i.e. covering your costs) in your business, there’s a good chance your business will not succeed.

Repeat after me:

“The More Comfortable I Get With Money, The More I Empower Myself” 

Repeat often!  Write it down and post it on your white board!  Make it your screensaver!  

You will be amazed what opportunities arise for you when you step into a positive money mindset!

It is time for you to step into who you really are, to shine in your life, if for no other reason than to feel good about yourself. Trust me, when you do, the rest will follow.

ScheduleIf you are challenged by money actions or need to consult with money before you make any decisions, a money mindset upgrade will do you and your business a world of good! I offer complimentary Business Blueprint Sessions to upgrade your money mindset and give you the platform for a successful and thriving business! Sign up for one now.


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