The missing ingredient it takes to run a successful business

The missing ingredient it takes to run a successful business

Running a business isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s not for those who are afraid to make decisions and it especially isn’t for someone who is afraid to make mistakes. Running a business take courage. Do you have that courage? It’s the missing ingredient it takes to run a successful business.

Courage comes from within. No one can teach you courage. And that said, you can build your courage muscle. 

Why you need courage

When I first started my business I didn’t give much thought to it. Now, I do not recommend this. It lead to lots of confusion, indecision, and money spent (and not always in the right places or for the right things).

I started my business and went by the seat of my pants. It wasn’t until I realized I wasn’t getting anywhere (as in not making any money) that I decided to hire a business coach to help me.

Best-decision-ever! I cut the time it took me to know what to do by half. She helped me see where my profits would come from (my services), what to charge, and who my ideal clients were.

She helped me know all the things I needed to do in and for my business.

Let’s name them, shall we:

  • Designing/Developing/Pricing Service Offerings (so people can work with you and pay you).
  • Promotions/Marketing (so your ideal clients can find you and pay you).
  • Sales/Enrolling Clients (so you can confidently sell your services and be paid).
  • Financial Management (so you can manage your cash flow, pay your bills and operate your business).

While that is not an exhaustive list, it is the main components of any business. And if you don’t already know this, a business that does not make money, is just a hobby. An expensive one.

Great! Knowing what it is you need to be doing is one thing, but actually DOING is an entirely different thing. You may have no idea how to design, price, promote (market), sell. So being told “ok, so now you are ready to sell” does nothing to inspire confidence. 

I mean, have you ever sold a thing before? In the beginning, I’d never sold a thing and what exactly do I say? If you are picking up the “I’m afraid” energy, you are spot on!

[Tweet “”Courage is a must to be successful in business.” ~ Kim Ravida”]

More like crash and burn

It wasn’t until I began to implement the amazing plan I had to build and grow my business that I realized there were two big pieces missing.

Courage and Know-how. Do you need both to be a successful business owner? No. But one of those is an absolute MUST. Running a business takes courage.

Did you guess courage? If yes, yay! You get a gold star. Know-how we all can learn (and we can also hire for). Courage comes from within.

If you go back to the list above, we all can learn HOW to do each of the categories. And we can even hire out for those.  But let me ask you, do you have the courage to do them. Are you confident in your skills to design, market and sell your services?

Truly, I hear “but I don’t want to be salesy” from so many business owners. It’s probably the #1 fear I hear especially when I’m working with a new client that came to me because they aren’t making the money they want to be making. 

You can learn how to design, market and sell. I cannot teach you how to have courage and to be confident. I can show you areas I see where you have already proven you have courage and confidence. Yet, if you aren’t willing to see them or step into being courageous, a successful business may not be in the cards for you. It’s where you’ll find yourself crashing and burning time and again.

It’s time to courageously and confidently be a business owner

As you look at the future of your business, are you willing to step courageously into the shoes you need to fill in order to hit your business goals?

I hope so. The world needs what you have to offer. The people who need you, need you to be courageous so that they can find you. Courage is built one small step at a time (or sometimes one giant leap).

I bet there is something you have been wanting to do that if you did it, you’d say to yourself “that was courageous of me”. And that’s all you need to begin being courageous.

What might that look like for you? Share what it is in the comments below!

ScheduleBecause I know the value of having help, I have a special offer for you. It’s an opportunity for you to create the results you desire once you know what to do and what order to do it in. This will make it possible for you to get clear on what you need to do and when to do. From there you will build your courage one step at a time! Don’t delay click here and grab your spot!


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