Is the tale you spin weaving you to success?
Tales of the business owner! How they can help you succeed and how they can plummet you to ruins. In my last blog I talked about how having courage is key to having a successful business.
Is the tale you spin weaving you to success? Courage comes from within. No one can teach you courage. And that said, you can build your courage muscle. We create our own courage with the mindset we come to the table with.
What kind of tale are you telling?
Just like a computer, you have your own operating system. Are you inputting a success system or are you inputting a failure system?
The tale (aka story) you tell yourself and others will turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s up to you whether you want that to be one of success or failure.
I worked with a woman who always (and yes, always) would say “I can tell you what is going to happen.” Then it would and she’d say “I knew it!” Of course she did, she predicted it.
Now this was before I ever learned about mindset (and why I now believe it’s the single most important piece of making our lives what we want them to be) and I used to say to her, “what if you thought about it another way?”
She was skeptical. Of course she was, her pattern was to predict and experience the worst. So we practiced and wouldn’t you know it, she started getting different results!
How to predict amazing results for yourself
Your turn, think of your business. What is one thing you really want but feel like oooh, I don’t know… and have some uncertainty around it.
An example may be in raising your prices. A recent client just said she couldn’t get $1,500.00 out of her mouth for her fees. And had a big story around it. So we brought that figure down a little to one she felt she could, provided she did some mindset work and drafted out a script for herself.
She agreed to tell herself and others a new story. One that felt empowering, energizing and true for her.
Back to you, what is that one thing you really want. And what might it look like for you to have it? Share what it is in the comments below!
And who doesn’t love Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman!?
It’s time for you to write yourself and your business a new story. It really it is. Let’s take you from just merely getting by to thriving, loving your business and telling a fabulously successful story for yourself! Get your Business Success Blueprint session right here! Don’t delay these fill up fast.