How to get ahead in business, it’s not what you think

How to get ahead in your business, it’s not what you think

What if I told you that in order to get ahead in your business, it’s time to start quitting.

Quitting as in doing all the things you have been doing that are not getting you to where you want to be.

To get ahead in your business, it’s imperitive that you are focusing on the right for you things. Those activities that work for your business.

I’m talking about working your business, marketing and profitability plan in a way that fits your goals, your aspirations and your desires.

Let me ask you, when you began your business did you sit down and map out a plan or did you jump in?

If you jumped in, you aren’t alone. I end up working with a lot of business owners who did that. Then they realized that they weren’t getting the results they desired. And it was taking a lot of time, money and effort.

Quit to get ahead

One of the best things I’ve done (and support my clients with) is to quit doing about 80% of what I had been doing. It’s a little scary at first. And yes, my clients often look at me like I’ve lost my head when I ask them to list out all they are doing and then cut 80% of it out.

They think (and maybe you do too) that they have to continue to do it or do it because they have always done it. Maybe yes, maybe no.

The best way to absolutely know is by having actual results as to what it is you actually got from doing what you are doing. Truly, you do not need to do all you are doing. And my guess is you struggle with it in the first place.

And what if you were to quit some of that to get ahead.

How to know what to quit

I’m not going to leave you hanging. I will show you how to know what to quit. That way, you can confidently quit. And while we are on the subject, quitting is not a bad thing. It can actually be a good thing.

First, what are the things you always seem to put off? You know those things like making phone calls, following up, writing a blog, doing your financials.

Second, what are the things you seem to “forget” to do? Things like forgetting you had an appointment, where you put a document, or forgetting to get back to someone.

Third, what is it you do, but don’t like or really hate to do and it seems to take you a long time to complete?

Fourth, what on your calendar is a “nice to have/do” that if you didn’t do it wouldn’t matter?

After you answer the above, you’ll have a list. This is where you begin. You simply quit doing them.

But…I can’t just quit doing them mindset

And that’s what it is, a mindset. Yes, you can. Here is an example from a client. She had a lot of meetings on her calendar and was constantly telling me she couldn’t get to what she really wanted to get done. We went through her calendar with a fine tooth comb and rated her meetings. 

She discovered (and I’m sure you won’t be surprised) that 80% of those meetings were nice to have meetings. They were not at all related to what she had said was her number one goal – to grow her business and take on more clients.

The meetings weren’t strategic nor were they with people who could help her reach her goals.

So before you say “I can’t” take a look at your mindset. Maybe you don’t want to and that’s a whole other story. And if you don’t want to, why? What are you afraid of missing by saying no.

[Tweet ““If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got” – Henry Ford.”]

If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten

You may have heard this saying. It is attributed to Henry Ford. If you want what you have, fantastic. Change nothing.

Yet, if you are frustrated, overwhelmed and working way harder than you think you need to, it’s time to take a long look at what you are doing.

And it’s time to quit. Quit settling for less, quit letting other unimportant things take over, quit whining that you don’t have what you want. You need to be willing to do things that you haven’t done in order to get what you want.

Are you ready? I hope so. I’d love to hear what you will quit so that you get what you want!


It’s easy to create the results you desire once you know what to do and what order to do it in. If you struggle with this, I have something that will help. I call it my Business Mastery Custom Session.

You’ll be able to know what to quit and what to focus on to reach your goals easier and faster. I only have a few open in my schedule at a time and I’ve opened a few for you. So grab your session today!


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