How to have a money mindset makeover

If you are someone who loves makeovers, then this is for you! How to have a money mindset makeover will be the highlight of your year! It’s something that will help you attain your overall business financial goals as well as personal financial goals.

Ok, maybe not your year, but come on, who doesn’t see a makeover for someone else and think “I want one too!” I know that’s what you are thinking so let’s get started.

Defining money mindset

Before we can get into a money mindset makeover, it’s important to understand what exactly it is we are going to makeover. And truthfully, you more than likely won’t need an entire overhaul (thankfully), yet you may find you do. Which is very much ok.

A money mindset is an overriding attitude that you have about your finances. It is how you make your money decisions. Be it investing in a coaching program, training or buying a pair of sneakers to the food you purchase to eat each week. Basically a mindset is a belief (or a set of beliefs). And that belief drives your actions. Your beliefs have a direct impact on whether or not you reach your goals.

I like to look at money mindset as a money personality. We all have different personality traits and so it stands to reason that we’d have money personality traits, yes? And so just like our personalities, there are positive things and not so positive things.

Here are a few scenarios:

  • You enjoy the pleasures of life and enjoy the things that money can buy but you ignore or avoid anything to do with finances. And wonder why you can’t afford the things you want or need.
  • The desire to achieve lends you to innovate new and exciting growth opportunities, yet you never feel there’s enough money which causes you to overwork at the expense of the other areas of your life.
  • Saving and living within your means comes naturally and sometimes at the expense of obsessiveness or not wanting to spend “hard earned” money on not only luxuries but necessities which ultimately makes your life more difficult.

In my work with the subconscious, anytime your results aren’t happening the way you thought, wanted or laid them out, it is because your subconscious has put up obstacles. Your money personality leads to actions and your money mindset can often be the cause of those obstacles. See, your beliefs and mindsets are the #1 factor to whether or not you get your intended outcomes.

When you change the way you think about something, you usually have better results. Doesn’t that sound good? So right now, I only want you to think about your current money mindset and how it’s been holding you back.

Your current money mindset

Would you rather achieve your financial goals with ease or with struggle? You might have noticed a physical reaction to that question. You might have noticed you immediately thought, “with ease” um, duh!

And I hope that was the case. Yet, I want you to think back to a recent purchase that you made and take yourself through your buying decision and the filters your ran that decision through. You did run it through filters, even if you didn’t know you did. That’s the thing with a mindset, sometimes you don’t even know you have one.

Here is an example. A business coaching client of mine expressed remorse for a new car she just purchased. She said she wished she hadn’t spent the money and if she hadn’t had to order it, she wouldn’t have bought it.

When asked for a little more information, she said “if I had to buy it right away rather than order it, I would have taken more time to think it over.” What she ultimately meant was she would have asked herself some specific questions, such as why do I want this car, what will this car give me, is this a good price for me to pay, how long do I think I’ll keep this car, what will the insurance cost me, what about the excise tax. Questions like that. She didn’t ask any of those questions. She saw it, she wanted it and she ordered it. Do you see how her money personality of enjoying the pleasures of life and enjoying the things that money can buy caused her to step into flamboyant spending and ignoring other financial aspects.

How you connect or disconnect with your money is such an important piece when it comes to your money mindset. And here is a mic drop moment: how you do money is how you do everything. So, yes there were other areas in her life that she behaved in the exact same manner. It’s part of why she wanted to work with me. She wanted to create a solid business that was sustainable and could eventually be sold.

She wanted to be more connected to her money and change her self-defeating business and money habits.

If you discovered that you haven’t been making money decisions to the best of your ability. There is no need to stay where you are. If you realized that your money mindset needs some upgrading or an overhaul, you can! You don’t have to keep the one you have. The first key is recognizing what your money mindset is because once you do, you can change it!

Changing your money mindset

Ok, so back to a recent purchase that you made. What was your buying decision? What did you notice about it? Did you notice that you do other things that way? If yes, good. Noticing where else you have the same behavior is key to making the change.

Remember, how you do money, is how you do everything. Take a moment to think about it. Here is an example, I love to save money. I also love to save other things. Some are valuable and some not so much. I also like to keep money and can be hard pressed to spend it. Not always good especially when I needed a new computer. And another example, I have a client who is relentless with her money actions when it comes to business she’s so tuned into her financials, she likes to say she’s relentless.

You may be thinking, that’s good. Well, she is also relentless when it comes to working out, parenting her children, training her dog. And the kids and dog do not particularly like the relentlessness of her personality. Can you guess the results she gets in those areas of her life? If you said she’s frustrated because she isn’t getting the results she wants, you would be right. So hopefully you get the picture of how your money personality can drive your behaviors. If you don’t like the behavior or the results from the behavior, it’s time to make a change.

So, as you begin your money mindset makeover, where do you see that how you do money shows up in other areas of your life. And if you aren’t sure, ask someone close to you. Believe me, they’ll have no problem showing you.

Ok, so hopefully you’ve taken the time and have a clearer picture of how you are operating in your business in every other area of your life. This is how you will begin to give yourself a money mindset makeover.

Your Money Makeover Begins

The first step is to recognize where you are and then the next is to decide what is a new money mindset you wish to step into.

Here are some money mindsets for you to take on should you wish:

  • Creating and embracing a secure financial future is a way I can always enjoy the best of life
  • Sometimes the biggest risk is investing regularly in the tried-and-true
  • I fulfill my destiny by achieving prosperity and leadership with grace and ease
  • Say yes to opportunities because opportunities create wealth
  • The more comfortable I get with money, the more I empower myself
  • The more I do well in the world, the more I can help others do good
  • Increasing how much I love, accept and believe in myself is priceless
  • Creating clear money boundaries is a powerful way for me to demonstrate my caring

Did one of those resonate with you? If so feel free to use it for your new money mindset. And to start your makeover being creating your money makeover by:

  1. Bringing that money mindset into your daily life. Say it first thing in the morning and last thing before bed. You’ll be reprogramming your subconscious mind to lean into your new money mindset.
  2. Creating and following routine money actions. Decide what actions would embrace and empower you to really live that new money mindset daily.
  3. Being aware and paying attention. Notice where else this new money mindset will enhance other areas of your life and begin to put new actions into place.

Remember, a money mindset is an overriding attitude that you have about your finances. It is how you make your money decisions. Be it investing in a coaching program, training or buying a pair of sneakers to the food you purchase to eat each week. Basically a mindset is a belief. And that belief drives your actions. Your beliefs have a direct impact on whether or not you reach your goals.

Take your time, while a physical makeover is almost instantaneous, a money mindset makeover isn’t. And while you won’t want to hear this, it does take time. However, it is time well spent.

Here’s to you stepping into the money mindset that supports you into your future both for your business and your life!

Your mindset in 90% of what brings you the success you seek. If just one thing is out of alignment, like maybe you have this fear that your clients will default on their payments or that you can’t charge “that”. That mindset needs to change. Sign up for a 20 minute Laser Coaching Session to reframe that negative mindset to one that will serve you better. Once you have a new belief around money, it’s so much easier to get to your goals.

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