Are you negatively or positively motivated?

There are two types of people in the world. Negative and positive. Which one are you?

Negative people say things like “I don’t want …” and positive people say “I want …” Let me give you an example.

Let’s take health & fitness. The negative person will say things such as:

  • I don’t want to be fat.
  • I don’t want to eat rabbit food.
  • I don’t want to go to the gym.

The positive person will say things such as:

  • I want to look healthy.
  • I want to eat nutritious foods that make me feel great.
  • I want to exercise and add movement to my life.

Can you see the difference? Yes, sometimes you do need to know what it is you don’t want so that you can know what you do want, however, if you constantly are saying I don’t want…well, my friend, then that is exactly what you will be getting.

Quote - Success =

Now don’t despair if you are saying to yourself, “oh gosh, I’m so that don’t person” – I was too,  how else do you think I can help you. Simply take a look at what it is you are saying that you don’t want and turn it around to what you do want. You may feel free to use the examples I gave above.

One thing I have found that helps more people be more successful is to share what it is you do want, so find a trusted friend or if you’d like I’d be honored if you shared what you want with me. Reply here to this blog or email me privately at

If you find you would like some additional support in getting clear on what you do want and/or help getting there, I have opened my schedule up to offer you a FREE Strategic Plan of Action Strategy Session where you’ll be able to lay out exactly what you want and what you will do to get it. Email me privately at, put in the subject line SPA and I’ll be in touch with you to schedule your session!

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, clarity, insight and action steps to having exactly what it is you want. And not to worry, if you are still in the place of “I don’t want…” you’ll definitely walk away knowing what you do want!

Are you a vacation-taker?

A vacation-taker is someone who takes a vacation. Is that you?

I never was.  Most of my early working years was spent well, working. Why would I want to go on vacation?

Good thing I know better now. I didn’t grow up with my family going on vacations so I didn’t know any better. We always stayed home. My dad taught elementary school so he was off the whole summer. There was a few trips here and there but nothing major.

I just saw an interesting infographic on stats and facts about vacation travel from 2015 and couldn’t agree more with their facts.

Quote - The time to relax is when you don't have time for it. Sydney J. Harris

Vacations allow us to unwind, recharge and best of all have a fresh perspective on our lives when we return. Yet many solopreneurs and small business owners forgo taking any time off from their business let alone vacation. It’s an interesting mindset to say the least and one that will not have you coming out ahead.

No, more work is not what you need to create business success. You truly need to put the smart phone/laptop/electronics down and step away from the business in order to create business success.

I could write so much more here but I’ll end with if you haven’t taken time off in the last year, it is time for you to do so. In order for you to optimally work in and on your business you need to have a fresh mind, open space to think, health and wellness (think mind, body and spirit).

So your action item it to get out your calendar and choose right now when you will be taking time off and where you will go! Here is a hint: go somewhere where the cell service is spotty that way you can truly disengage. Take a few moments now and take this action step then pop on over to share with me where you are going at


Let’s see if we can’t meet in the middle.

There is a syndrome going on out there among a lot of business women. It’s called the I have to get it all done and if I can’t then I might as not even try syndrome.

It plagues so many women. So instead of just getting a few things accomplished or moved forward, they wait and wait until they have all the time in the world to get the whole project complete. And of course we all know that that isn’t going to happen any time soon. So why bother anyway?

Quote - Kim Ravida

So what if we could meet in the middle? What I mean is what if we could look at what we had to accomplish and set aside time regularly to move the project forward a little bit each day? The trick is to actually set the time aside for doing what you want to do.

I remember when I first started to implement this concept. Yes, I used to have the all or nothing mindset and feel that I never got anything accomplished, well, how could I if I never started things in the first place?

If you find that you are in an all or nothing mindset, what if you were to take one thing at a time, determine what actions steps you need to take in order to get your project complete and then schedule the time into your calendar and actually do the work when the time comes?

Would you say that you would find yourself accomplishing a lot more and feeling really good about yourself? I bet you would!

But don’t take my word for it, go for it yourself and then let me know! Feel free to comment here or email me privately at


There is more to getting things accomplished than just having a strategy

Do you like to strategize? To plan? I love to do both, it’s the execution I can get stuck on. What I have come to realize is that sometimes I don’t have the right tactics or the step by step action map that I need in order to execute to completion. And in business execution is paramount to having things completed.

Early in my career as a business coach I struggled with completing things for my business. I never had a problem working with clients, that was easy it was the bits and pieces that went into creating a successful business structure that I got hung up on.

That was until I realized that while I had a fabulous plan, I didn’t necessarily have the tactics (the methods I was going to use) or the steps in which I would do the right things at the right time that would equal the results I wanted.

Once I realized this, boy was it easy to execute and actually complete things so that I got the results I wanted. A lot of organization and structure went into getting there and I’d love to share with you several steps that I used to go from planning to execution to completion!

© Studio Dream | Dreamstime Stock Photos

  • Make the plan realistic. Look at your plan and ask yourself honestly, “is what I’m saying I’m going to do, realistic, is there something that I need to look at differently?”
  • Keep it simple. Once you determine your realistic plan, ask “how can I get this done in a simple manner?”
  • Lay out your tactics on paper. By doing so you will be able to see if the approach is realistic and simple. Here you can determine what it is you will do and how you will do it.
  • Create a step by step detailed action map. After you have completed the above, this step will encompass what to do and when including who is to do it and any materials needed to complete it.

When I work with my clients, I help them create a do-able Strategic Plan of Action so that they have confidence to commit, execute and complete everything on their list that will lead them to reaching their results.

If you would like to set up a free Strategic Plan of Action Call simply email me at

© Studio Dream | Dreamstime Stock Photos

Do you feel like you are in a rut?

Quote - Wayne DyerIn February I undertook a challenge; a blog challenge in that I would write every day. You may have read some of my blogs (if not, feel free to go to

What I discovered was that I loved writing every day and it was fun to post to my blog daily, receive and respond to comments, and interact with people. What I also discovered was that coming down to the end of the month, I was looking forward to it being over.

Kind of strange, right? I started out enjoying the challenge and finding something new that was fun to do, but after a while it was not as gratifying. It felt as if I got in a rut. Hmph. What is that about?

Well, I realized that while I love to write, there are other things I love to do, too. And because it took time out of my workday to blog, I had to let other things go by the wayside (to say ‘yes’ to one thing sometimes is to say ‘no’ to something else). Therefore, when the blog challenge came to an end, I had time open up in my day again to do the other things I missed doing.

Now, after thinking this over more I saw that the rut I got into was a routine I didn’t change up. Take exercise for example. Many of my readers know that I also am a group exercise instructor.  Some of you come to my group classes and know that I never do the same class twice. That’s because I like variety. I have a structure and a foundation, but I like to vary my actions.

Diversity is what keeps me motivated and energized. So if you feel you have gotten into a rut here are a few tips to get you going again:

  • Change up your routine. Instead of doing the same thing at the same time every day, reverse your activities.
  • Look for ways to do what you are doing differently. Using exercise as an example; if you regularly walk on the treadmill, try walking outdoors or use a different piece of equipment.
  • Switch your environment. If you work from home, go to the library or local coffee shop once in a while.
  • Set a revolving schedule. Every 10-15 days switch up your activities, where you work and what you are working on. You will keep your existing structure but instead of doing the same things at the same time and getting in a rut, you’ll be able to keep it fresh and new.

Often what happens is that our energy gets stagnant and flat. Changing things up is a great way to keep things light and airy and fresh.

Maybe you’ve noticed that this month my blogging schedule has changed; it’s how I can add a little bit of variety to the mix of things I love to do during my work day.

Your turn! I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter, please post to my blog or email me personally at to share.

Sometimes you just have to take the chance

In this great big wonderful world of ours there is so much we can put our attention on.

We can take classes, work with mentors, read do-it-yourself books. We can follow influential people that inspire us but sometimes you just have to take a leap. That’s a leap of faith in yourself.

Quote - Holly Holm

I am an avid sports fan. I have my favorites but one thing that is true in any sport is mental preparation. Also know as mindset. Recently I heard Holly Holm, who is an MMA fighter say that “The mental part is the hardest part. Take the chance, believe in yourself. If you don’t take the opportunities that come to you how do you expect to get somewhere? It’s hard to put yourself out there sometimes.  It’s uncomfortable sometimes but I really just like to take the chance and believe in myself.”

I work with and know so many strong women who won’t put themselves out there because they are afraid. I won’t list all of the reasons but some are fear of failure, fear of success, fear of what others may say, fear of not being good enough.

And guess what? Yes, those may be true and they may not be true but how will you ever know if you don’t just take the chance?

I know from my own experiences that when I do put myself out there the results are amazing and I also know from my clients’ experiences as well as my friends’ experiences that they have experienced the same amazing and oftentimes unbelievable results just because they did take the chance.

Now it’s your turn. When have you taken the chance and discovered the yellow brick road was so much more than you even imagined? Comment here or feel free to write to me privately at I’m so looking forward to reading what you have to say!

The magic happens outside your comfort zone

You didn’t actually think stuff happened in your comfort zone did you?

It is truly magic when you have the courage to do something new and/or different. Today I did something I knew would help me grow my business. Something I absolutely am committed to doing. Yet, I was dragging my feet on it. When I finally did it it not only felt amazing but I got exactly the results I wanted.

So what is it I did? I went into Boston for a women’s networking event. No biggie you might be thinking.  Ok, I hear ya. However, having worked in the City of Boston for 25 years and making a very fast escape, never to return to work there it was a big deal for me to head in in rush hour no less!

But man, I am so glad I did.  I not only was in a room with some amazing women and business women, but I was able to meet 5 new women that I can work or collaborate with. That wouldn’t have happened had I sat at home. Already I have set up 4 appointments for the upcoming weeks.

I took a Parking locationphoto of the card you take from the garage elevator to prove that I was indeed there this morning!

I did have a funny, I have always been challenged by riding the elevators in the big city (I’ll save my very first Boston elevator ride for another time) and this was no exception. You would think someone who worked in a high rise for 25 years would be able to get into an elevator, right? I mean, how hard is it to get into an elevator? Well, apparently now in the high rise buildings you don’t just walk up to the elevator and push the up button, you have to put in on the keypad (where the up button used to be) the floor you are going to and you are then assigned an elevator.

After I gave security a run for their money trying to help me and a big laugh I made it to my destination. I’ve been laughing about it all day and it makes me think, no matter how much you feel you are prepared there is always something that will show up for you to keep you on your toes.

Where in your business are you keeping yourself on your toes and creating the magic to reach your goals? I’d love to hear your stories! Either comment here or drop me a personal note at

Do you want amazing success and satisfaction in your business?

Today I took my two dogs to the vet.  I was telling Dr. Rockwell, our long time vet about Razz’s (our Australian Shepherd) reluctance to walk on the kitchen floor. He has no problem on any other surface but the kitchen floor is a whole different ball game for him.

Dr. Rockwell thought he may have wiped out recently and now has a fear of the floor. This is challenging as his food dish is in the kitchen and he has to come in to eat as well as go outside. He went on to say that sometimes dogs have something happen and then have a fear about it happening again and so they are hesitant or avoid it all together.



I asked if we should move his food dish elsewhere and he said no, it will take some time but he’ll get over it. He went on to say he’ll have to face his fears.

This was intriguing to me since the clients I work with have their own fears that they are facing and overcoming in order to make more money in their business and have a life they love. It got me to thinking how interesting it is that we aren’t the only ones who have things happen and then have a fear around it.

My big take away from today is that there will always be a fear of something and it’s by facing and overcoming it that we triumph over it. And that triumph is where the real joy and accomplishment come from. So next time you are fearful of something don’t move your food bowl, think about how great it will feel when you overcome it.

Notice I said when and that is because I know you will. As I have and my clients have overcome our fears you will too.

Jump in and share your experience or feel free to email me privately at I’d love to hear what you have to say.


A startling opportunity to your monumental success

Early on in my business I had no idea what I was doing so I tried doing what other successful business owners were doing. I thought if I did what they did, I’d be successful too.

I was pretty good at copying what they were doing, but I wasn’t getting the results I wanted (or that they had). I was getting really discouraged. It was only after much ado (lots of frustration, overwhelm and tears) that I knew why I wasn’t getting the results that I wanted.  I wasn’t them.

Duh! Of course not, I am me. That was an eye-opener for me. I can only be me, I can only do me. I am (as I tell my own clients) unique and specially made and there is no one else like me.

Quote - Rod Stryker

Hence, there is no one else like YOU! You are unique and specially made and that is why you must march to your own beat. You must listen to your own gut, your own intuition and follow your own heart. It is only then that you will reach your monumental success in your business and in your life!

Here is a question to help get you started: What do I want to experience in my life and what can I do to invite or create it?

By asking this, you lay the foundation for what it is you want and start the thought process of what you can do to get it. I used the word life, but you can substitute the word business or you can answer the question twice, you’ll gain a clearer picture of what you want so that you can then create it.

I encourage you to take 30 minutes, sit quietly and ask yourself out loud what is it you want to experience in your life, wait for the answer and then write it down. Then ask what can you do to invite or create it. Listen to what you hear, your loving inner being will answer you.

I’d love for you to share your experience here or privately with me by email me at

An intention is a purpose you have for yourself. May your purpose light up your world, bring you joy and everlasting happiness.


Did you ever do something you weren’t sure you could do in the first place?

How did it feel? Did it feel amazing? I know it did. I know because I just did something I wasn’t sure I could do in the first place too.

I blogged for 29 straight days. When I first heard about the challenge, I was intrigued but I wasn’t sure I could do it, you may remember that from an earlier post. But I decided to go for it, don’t know if you don’t give it a go, right? I’m thrilled to say I did it! And I learned a whole lot.

Processed by: Helicon Filter;

Here is what I learned:

  • I love to write;
  • I love to create a sequence (money breakthrough webinars);
  • I love to choose photos that go with what I’m writing about;
  • I love to create tweets;
  • I love to help others by sharing my expertise;
  • I love hearing what readers thought from their comments and their private emails I received.

I’m so very glad I decided to take part in this challenge. I had fun, I learned, I grew, I created a writing structure and I feel great about myself and my accomplishments this month. I was able to share my free webinar training series The 5 Key Money Areas that so many of you found to be helpful in your own quest for money success.

I know that because I had the determination to take on this challenge, that I will have the courage to take on other ones and that is very exciting to me.

Thank you for coming along with me for this ride, for reading and for commenting! I look forward to continuing to provide you with valuable and inspiring content.

As of this writing, I plan to post regularly on Tuesdays and Thursdays so make sure you continue to come back to check out what is new and as always share your comments and your thoughts!

You can continue to reach me privately at

Photo © sherrie smith | Dreamstime