It is truly up to you!

The good news it is truly up to you.  The bad news, it’s truly up to you.

That means there is no one to blame, no one.  It is all truly up to you.  I like that actually.  As a recovering people pleaser I like to know that my success in my life and in my business is up to me.  I have the say, I can have it my way.  If you have been participating in my free webinar training series the 5 Key Money Areas recently you already know that you can have things your way.

The trouble is, it is easy to get comfortable where you are but you know what, the excitement, growth and yes success is truly outside that comfort zone.All progress takes place outside the comfort zone


How do you know you are in your comfort zone?

  1. You have trouble creating new ideas.
  2. You can’t seem to create momentum.
  3. You aren’t signing up new clients.
  4. You haven’t increased your income.
  5. You just don’t seem to be energized to get things done.

If you found yourself shaking your head yes to one or more of these, it’s time to shake things up and get things moving!

Here is a great quote that supports stepping outside your comfort zone.

In the event that you are just hearing about my free webinar training series the 5 Key Money Areas you can access the first two trainings below.  Make sure to follow me on Facebook and Twitter to be able to access each subsequent training session as they they are released.

Training 1:  5 Key Money Areas

Training 2:  Forgiveness

Share with me your thoughts and/or ways that you have moved yourself out of your comfort zone here or feel free to email personally at  Looking forward to hearing what you have to say.

It’s all good

It’s all good.  I love that statement.  The other day I saw an image post on Facebook that said to not think of the glass as half full or half empty but that it’s refillable!  Man, that hit me.  I had an immediate shift in my thinking and each day now I think ‘it’s refillable’ – I define my “it’s” as anything I choose.

If something isn’t going the way I want, I can stop and refill and not have to go down the dark path of thinking negative thoughts.  I love that I can change my thinking immediately.

What about you?  Are you a glass half full or half empty person?  Would a change in your thinking help you with your goals?  As a business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in limiting beliefs and ways of doing things that aren’t supportive.  Geez just watch an episode of The Profit on CNBC and you’ll know what I mean.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter of half full, half empty and the new one, refillable.  Feel free to comment here or send me a private email at

One thing I can always count on are my pets to keep me in the moment and having fun.  Yesterday I shared with you my Bernese Mountain Dog Baloo. Here is “the brother”, Razz enjoying his time in the snow!

Razz snow

You are the key

Happy Saturday!

Yesterday in the northeast we got a bit of snow.  Now I’m not a big fan of it but my Bernese Mountain Dog Baloo sure is!

Baloo hanging out in the snow

You can see he just makes himself at home in it.  So while I’m not a big fan, when you have a snow dog, you can’t help but go out in it.  So today we’ll go tromping about in the woods so he can have a blast and be out in the weather he was made for.  It’s pretty awesome, he even has a coat that practically dries off the second he shakes.  I like to say he’s a self-cleaning dog.

I hope that you have planned time off this weekend to relax and to just be.  So often my clients find themselves rushing around all weekend and back to work on Monday feeling frazzled and wishing for time off.  You know, you have to be the one to take it off.  No one is going to just give you time off.  It is up to you.

It’s like the 5 Key Money Areas that I have been sharing with you.  You truly are the key to them and the success of them and ultimately the success of yourself.  The first training was an overview of the 5 Key Money Areas and the second training was about Forgiveness.  I’m sure forgiveness wasn’t high on your list of actions to take to make money but hopefully after you listened you had a new perspective.

In the event you haven’t listened yet, I am including the links to the trainings so you can listen to them.  I kept them very short in order that you’d be able to listen and walk away with something new to think about.  There is also a quick action step in each if you so choose to do so.

Training 1:  5 Key Money Areas

Training 2:  Forgiveness

When you have listened to them, pop back to share your thoughts or feel free to email me directly at  I’d enjoy hearing your thoughts on the subject.

Would you do this if you knew it would help you make more money?

Hello and welcome to Blog Day 5.  I’m a bit surprised to tell you that I’ve had a blast this week creating a blog a day!

Did you get to read yesterday’s blog, It’s easy to make more money?  Did you say ya right when you read the title?

I  don’t blame you, I did too when I first learned the 5 Key Money Areas.  I thought, what a farce, and got kind of annoyed.  Actually, really annoyed.  Yet, what I know from my professional training as well as my personal experience is that when I’m mad, annoyed, or any negative reaction it means that I’m on to something.  Something that can set me free and I’ll always be about that!

Business Team

Well today you get the next training in my free training series on the 5 Key Money Areas.  I don’t want to spoil it for you but what I will say is that if you do this, you will free yourself to be able to increase your income like you won’t believe.

Today I was talking with a client and I said that we all have “stuff” around money that comes up.  We can’t help it, some of it is our doing and some is not.  What’s important is that we don’t let it stand in our way of having what we want, especially when it comes to making money.

Listen to today’s training so that you don’t let your stuff stand in your way!

Once you listen, come back and post your comment or feel free to email me your thoughts directly at  I’d love to hear them.


It’s easy to make more money

Don’t believe me?  Well, you wouldn’t be the only one.

If you have been reading my blogs lately, you have noticed a pattern from me.  It’s been a lot about money.  That’s because a lot of my clients — and even a survey I did — told me that people want to make and keep more money!

Not surprising because most men and women struggle with their relationship with money in their personal lives, so it’s no wonder that they would struggle with it in their business lives as well.

With that knowledge, I decided to do a FREE webinar training series for you this month.  The only thing you need to do is listen to them and then take action.  That’s it.

They are super short.  Nothing you have to sign up for, calendar in or be on time for.  It’s all for you at your leisure! Though I will warn you… you will want to make time for them and also to implement what you learn.

I’m making it easy, just watch for the link in my social media posts or keep reading my weekly blog where you’ll find the links for each training.  Hint:  you may want to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn so you won’t miss anything.

Today’s first training is an introduction to the 5 Key Money Areas that cause you to struggle with your relationship with money. 

Here is a brief overview of the 5 Key Money Areas:

  1. Forgiveness – why it’s important to forgive and who to forgive.
  2. Boundaries – how not having boundaries causes a lot of indecision, concern and worry.
  3. Action – when you know exactly what you are doing, you do it.
  4. Empowerment – embrace that you are the one in control of your destiny.
  5. Mindset – understand that your attitude, thinking and approach can make or break you.

Click here to get your first training.  Listen now so that you can begin to transform your relationship with money and see fast results.

Do you want the keys to more money?

I know I sure do!  When I started my business, it seemed I was always struggling to make money (never mind more of it) and once I learned the keys to make and keep more, I felt as if I had a big secret.  One that I wanted to share.  If I could help someone else from struggling like I had, then I wanted to do that!

That is where The 5 Key Money Areas free training came from.  And it is ready for you right now!  It will help you create a successful relationship with money. In yesterday’s article I talked about how lots of men and women struggle with their relationship to money and how it is important to have a relationship with your money.


Well you can start today, right now as a matter of fact!  You can learn the 5 Key Money Areas and how you can use them to increase your income.  I’m inviting you to listen here now.  The training is under 10 minutes so you just have to click, listen and then take action (and that is super short too).  That’s it.

My goal is to get this information to you, quickly and easily.  I know that when people transform their relationship with money, amazing things happen for them and for those around them.  Yes, they make more money, but it is so much more than just that.

This is for you if you want to make more money, understand how you may be stopping yourself, understand what you can do to reach your goals and do so quickly.  This is the first in a series of six.  The training links will be posted to my social media as well as to my blog so make sure you connect with me.

For your ease in connecting and in the event that we aren’t already connected, you can find me on Twitter @KimRavida and on Facebook.

Once you listen, post a comment or drop me a note to let me know what you thought.  I’m always happy to hear your thoughts and comments directly.  You reach me at  I’m excited for what is going to happen for you with your relationship with money!



Are you obsessed with money?

I’m obsessed with money.  Are you?  Well maybe obsessed is too strong a word.  I’ll go with passionate.  Sounds better doesn’t it?

You may be thinking I can’t believe she just admitted that.  Well, guess what?  If you aren’t obsessed with money or even preoccupied or fixated on it then you are uninterested in it and as a business owner/entrepreneur that is not a good thing.

Struggle with not enough?

See lots of men and women struggle with their relationship with money.  Lots of people have a love/hate relationship with it and it causes them to struggle.  You probably have never thought about having a relationship with your money.  You aren’t alone.

But here is the thing, if you don’t have a relationship with money, how can you improve it?  You can’t.  In order to improve and keep your human relationships strong you have to work at them because they don’t just happen on their own.  Money is the same way; you have to work at it.

You may be thinking ok, but I don’t even know where to begin.  Tomorrow I am unveiling a free webinar training series that will help you to create a solid relationship with money.  It is a series of 6 short (10 minutes or less) webinars.  All you have to do is click the link to access the training, listen and take the action I am offering.

So make sure you check back tomorrow to read my blog and get your access to the 5 Key Money Areas so that you can create a solid relationship with your money.

In the meantime, feel free to share your money story with me here or if you’d like it to be private email me directly at

Would you do it?

It’s official! It’s February and I went and did it. I signed up for the Blog A Day Challenge.

I must admit, I’m a little tense about it. It’s not my first time blogging, I blog regularly. What is new is that I’ll be doing it every day.

Baloo under the covers

Baloo under the covers

Until today I was blogging about several times a month or even weekly (and I thought that was a stretch). I’m up for the challenge though because I’m ready to take myself and my business to the next level and I know that I can’t do that unless I’m willing to step outside my comfort zone. As someone who regularly asks others to step outside their comfort zone, I need to be prepared and willing to do the same myself.

What’s going to be different here is that I’m doing this all on my own. I usually have my assistant read through and proofread my blogs to make sure I don’t make any typos and that I make sense. This challenge is going to be all me. So I might make a few mistakes or have a snafu (or two) happen and that is what is really the crux of it all and why I’m tense about this challenge. I mean come on, it might not be perfect.

AND I’m going to do it anyway. I’m willing to step outside my comfort zone and show up in the world to grow and to show others that it doesn’t have to be perfect (you can also read that to say I don’t have to be perfect =). I can do it. I’m really looking forward to it and where this experience takes me.

If you resonate with this, let me know what your fear point is that you would like to overcome. You can reply to this blog or email privately at

Would you like to participate in the Blog A Day Challenge? If so, sign up here: we can do it together!

Are you uncomfortable discussing money?

If you are uncomfortable about discussing money, it could be why you aren’t making more of it.

Being uncomfortable about money discussions is just one way that you may be holding yourself back from making more.

In last week’s blog we talked about 5 Key Money Areas.  So before we talk about what you are going to do or not do to make more money, it is important for you to know where your gap is between where you are now and where you want to be with making more money.

When you are uncomfortable discussing money, whether it is in your personal life or your business life, it represents a boundary… a weak boundary at that, and one that creates a gap between you and money.

Boundaries are limits or borders that you create in order to best serve yourself.  Let’s look at boundaries as what you are willing or not willing to do.  If you are uncomfortable discussing money it means that you are unwilling to have those important money conversations.

Imagine the business owner who avoids talking with the client who hasn’t paid her, yet she continues to provide great services to them.  She has a weak money boundary in that she is unwilling to have the necessary money conversation about receiving payment.

I’ve worked with business owners who want to make more money yet allow their clients to consistently get away with non-payment of agreed-upon fees for longer than necessary.  This causes them to not be able to pay their own monthly bills and it halts any monetary growth that they want.  And worse, it allows others (people and money) to control them rather than them being in control of their money.

If you are doing this, stop.  Value yourself while honoring others so that you make and keep more money.  Decide right now what is acceptable and what is not – when you do that you create a positive boundary.  Then you begin to put in money structures that will uphold those boundaries which will lead you to increasing your net worth.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this or any experiences you have had.  Please leave your comments below or if you’d rather keep them private email me personally at

5 Key Money Areas

In last week’s blog asked several thought-provoking questions such as what are you willing to do or not do to make more money.  You might think you know those answers, but do you really?

Most women and men struggle with their relationship with money and often struggle as to how to create and keep more money.

This stems from many things.  It stems from being uncomfortable talking about money, and if you are a business owner you may hesitate to ask for the sale.  It stems from feeling guilty or shameful around money, under valuing your worth, putting off paying or managing bills, not standing in your power with money and/or limiting beliefs around money.

The good news is that money is very simple to master.  You do that by having a strategy for knowing how to control your money, valuing yourself and standing in your power with money… with anyone in any situation.

We’ll be getting more into that later, but in the meantime I want to share with you 5 Key Money Areas:

  1. Forgiveness
  2. Boundaries
  3. Action
  4. Empowerment
  5. Mindset

Right now, on a scale of 1-10 rate yourself in each of the five listed above, 1 being “I need help” and 10 being “I’m awesome”.

If you rated yourself anything less than an 8, don’t be discouraged.  As I mentioned, most women and men struggle with their relationship with money and often struggle as to how to create and keep more money.  What this means for you is that there is a gap that keeps you from realizing your full potential when it comes to money.

Next time we’ll talk more about the 5 Key Areas and also coming up you will have the opportunity to take an awesome quiz that will help you really understand where your gap is so that you will know how you can increase your self-worth and net worth. Soon you’ll be able to answer without a doubt the all-important question of “What are you willing to do make more money?”