Why time is not on your side.

Time is not on your side, and it can be!

Do you ever wonder why time isn’t on your side and it feels like it gets away from you?

Have you looked at the time and thought “gee, I thought I had more time” or “where did the time go?

There are a lot of reasons for this. One that I wanted to talk about today is that things often take way more time than you think they will.

Something you think will take you five minutes actually takes you three times that amount. And that means the other things you planned on doing, can’t be done.

Getting things done, actually takes longer than you plan.

Recently I was registering for CPR training on the American Red Cross site. I thought it would take me five minutes, it took me 20 minutes to complete.

I was so surprised at how long it took after I completed my task I went back and documented the exact steps I took in order to see why it took that long.

It took me about 21 steps to actually complete registering.

In a nutshell, the website is not set up to retrieve data effectively. It took me several narrowed searches to finally find what I wanted.

I could not check out easily. Because I had an account I had to log in. To which, it told me my password was incorrect and I needed to reset it. That took longer than expected and I had to open my email to retrieve that data.

Thankfully though the site did hold the info I had filled in when I began this journey – yes it has been a journey. 

I began this adventure at 12:55 and I finally ended it at 1:15. Really? 20 minutes?

It took a lot of steps, some that I thought were annoyingly long. It’s definitely not the three licks to the Tootsie Pop!

And so this is one of the reasons that time is not on your side.

When planning, make sure to add two to three times the amount you think it should take.

And because things always take longer, this is why we feel we never have enough time.

If we keep in mind that things will take longer than we:

  1. believe it will take
  2. think it will take and
  3. want it to take

We’ll be getting things done in the appropriate time frame and keeping ourselves out of frustration and overwhelm.

One of my early mentors used to tell me to not only double the time you think it will take, but triple it.

I was completely freaked out when she told me that. YET, she is so right. When you do, you have allocated the right time to get the work accomplished and you don’t have to freak out because “oh no I’m running out time” – it just doesn’t happen and often what will happen is
that you’ll very happily have more time on your hands and isn’t that a wonderful thing?!

I think so.

If you struggle with losing time, I’m happy to help.

I offer a free 30 minute Design Your Success with Purpose session. I work with business owners to elevate themselves in order to excel at organizing their thoughts, to-dos and things to accomplish what they set out to do with great confidence and competence. In this session, you’ll get clear on all that you are doing and allocate your time appropriately so that you never feel that times gets away from you again. Schedule your free 30 minute session now


It’s time to do a year-end review.

Your year-end review serves a valuable purpose.

As someone who wishes to succeed, it’s important for you to do a year-end review. It serves a valuable purpose.

It’s so easy to not see the forest through the trees and just keep plugging along, thinking you are moving forward and headed in the right direction, but…are you?

How often do you take the time to look back over time to see your successes and your not so successes?

  1. Always
  2. Sometimes
  3. Never

If you answered C, you are not the only one. My clients have told me that they never do it for various reasons. They don’t have the time, they haven’t really done anything yet, and many more.

Of course, you know when they tell me that it’s the very next thing we end up doing.

Once they do a year-end review, what do you think they discover? YES! They discover that whatever reason (ahem, excuse) they have told me why they haven’t done it was because they were afraid that they didn’t have any successes and didn’t want to look at their “failures”.

We all have successes.

No matter what, you have had successes along the way. Since it’s the end of the year, it’s a great time for you to take 15 minutes (see, not long =) and list out your successes.

List out big and small. They ALL matter.

My last blog was questioning whether it was confidence or competence to succeed in your life and in your business. Read it here.

It’s both actually but how do you know you are confident or have competence?

You pay attention to your successes. You have more of them than you know.  And you pay attention to your failures.

Failure only means you took action.

A failure isn’t something to be swept under the carpet. Just like your successes, failures give you information

Let’s say you wanted to land a new client. The client chose another person to work with. You can certainly ask the client and gather feedback, but if you think of failure as bad, you probably won’t.

Knowing how and what to improve in your business is paramount to success.

My suggestion to you is to look at failure as a means to growing and reaching the successes you want.

You can’t move forward if you don’t get out there and if you don’t get out there you can’t have any results. Reframe how you look at “failure” as you are taking action and moving your business (and yourself) forward.

View your results impartially.

When you look at your results, it’s easy to first feel good about those you like and bad about those you don’t like.

Look at both the good and the bad as a way to help you improve. By doing this you are better able to lay out your plan for the future.

As the end of the year approaches, as a business owner, it’s important to know where you are going next. To plan for the new year and more specifically to plan quarterly.

All of your results over the past year will give you guidance and inside knowledge to formulate a clear picture for what is next to come.

When you are attached to the results, you are back to not being able to see the forest through the trees. Give yourself a head start. Imagine you are looking at someone else’s business and be impartial with what you see. Not good nor bad, just information for the future.

Celebrate your successes.

Of course you want to celebrate those successes you’ve had! Why not. That’s am important part too. To say “YES! I did this and I’m so excited for myself.”

You’d celebrate someone else, why not yourself?

In fact, do that right now, what is one success you are really happy about (business or personal) that you want to share? Go ahead and comment or send me a private email at kim@kimravida.com and tell me what it is.

I’m excited to hear about it. And I’ll go first so you don’t feel funny doing it. One of my successes in business is that I let go of a lot of old training materials from coaching programs I took as professional development and helping me get started in business.

It was hard, because well, you know, “what if I needed those.” Yet, I’ve not ever looked back at them. Not only did it help me clear space in my office but it gave me even more confidence that I had the competence to do what I love to do, coach my amazing clients to reach their successes and work through anything they view as failures.

So what is the success that you want to share?

And of course, if you want help with your year-end review let me know.

I offer a free 30 minute Design Your Success with Purpose session. I work with business owners to elevate themselves in order to excel at organizing their thoughts, to-dos and things to accomplish what they set out to do with great confidence and competence. We can use that time to help you get clear on your successes, not so successes and how to use them to get a head start for next year’s successes. Schedule your free 30 minute session now


Which Do You Need More Of Confidence Or Competence?

Confidence and Competence go hand in hand.

Have you ever felt that in order for you to succeed in your life and in your business all you needed was to feel confident?

I have. And so have many of my clients.

Yet, for myself and my clients, often what we needed in addition to confidence was competence.

Confidence is definitely a skill you can learn to excel at. And so is competence.

Having confidence is a feeling or a belief that you can rely on and trust yourself or someone/something else.

Competence means having the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.

Why it’s important to have both confidence and competence.

Being a small business owner in any way, shape or form is challenging. There are lots of moving pieces and lots of things to consider.

There is a saying “you don’t know what you don’t know.” Sometimes you can have confidence doing something because you don’t know all that could go wrong with it.

And sometimes you can have competence because you know what will go wrong and can put the necessary pieces in place to successfully reach your end result.

It’s important to have both. They go hand in hand. Confidence and competence are best friends. And we need them both because in being, doing and having what we want we always have to take an action.

Getting to where we want to go.

In business and in life we are constantly doing things to get to where we want to be. Sometimes we are also not doing things (but that’s still doing an action).

When my clients come to a session telling me that they “just need to be more confident” my first question is: more confident about what?

This is where they usually say something about being a better networker or closing more sales or writing copy. They may also say being more assertive, standing up for themselves, or saying no.

Can you see that the first examples are connected to having to do something? And the second are connected to being a certain way?

Do you see that in both instances you can learn to do and be what it is that is wanted?

What about the correlation between confidence and competence. Technically, in both you need competence first and then confidence. That said, for being a better networker you can attain skills that will help you. Having those skills will lead to you “do networking” better and “be confident” because you now know what to do and will feel good about it.

And that more than likely will lead to you actually doing it rather than procrastinating.

In the being more assertive, you still need skills and once you have those, you’ll feel more confident.

I argue that while they do both go hand in hand, that it’s actually competence that is the leader because when you know how to do something, confidence follows.

Do you agree? I’d love to hear your side of this in the comments below. It’s an important topic for business owners, especially women business owners.

Want help with your own confidence and competence?

I offer a free 30 minute Design Your Success with Purpose session. I work with business owners to elevate themselves in order to excel at organizing their thoughts, to-dos and things to accomplish what they set out to do with great confidence and competence. Take a moment to schedule your free 30 minute session now. You’ll walk away with specific ways to increase your confidence and competence immediately.


Do you have the courage to reach your destination?

It takes courage to reach your destination. 

In order for you to reach your destination, you must have courage.

All the planning and list making does you no good if you aren’t able to take the steps you need to reach your destination.

All the planning, the list making and wishing will get you so far. You must have the courage to actually take the action steps that come out of the planning and list making in order to reach your destination.

Are you willing to take a big breath, stand up straight and do what you need to in spite of any fears you may have?

It’s the difference between being a victim and being a victor.

Are you being a victim or a victor?

I love Earl Nightingale’s quote. It really helps you to remember that it’s not all about the doing, it’s about the being.

How do you know if you are being a victim? One of the tell tale signs is when things are happening around you that you don’t like. It means that you are being at the effect of your life. 

You want to be at the cause of things.

It’s the cause and effect rule. You are either at the cause of things in your life and in your business or you are at the effect. And nothing good ever happens being at the effect of things.

When you notice that you aren’t at the cause of your life, you have slipped into victim mode. The best way to get out of that and shift into being in victor mode is to pause, look around and ask yourself “what’s one thing that I can do right now that will move me from here to there (where you want to go)?”

Then do it.

Sometimes things get in the way.

We all get caught up in being at the effect of things in our lives and our businesses. I’ve been known to jump into the deep end when it comes to personal matters. We are human, it happens.

I work with some great clients who are creating a life that matters and they too get caught up in the effect of things in their life and business.

Lots of times what they find is that there is too much going on, they have too much around them and they aren’t clear. So their boundaries get squashed because they aren’t being intentional.

When it happens, it may sound odd, but the best thing to do is not try to “fix” the issue. It’s to take a step back. Get things in order, get rid of unwanted thoughts, to-dos and things so that you have space around you.


Having space equals having clarity.

Have you ever worn a pair of pants that were so tight when you took them off you thought and felt “ahhhhh, I’m so glad to take those off”? And hopefully you realized that those pants were not ones you should continue to wear and you donated them.

That’s what it can be like when you have lots of thoughts, to-dos and things in your world. 

It’s hard to breathe, think and be. In order for you to be able to cause changes, cause success and cause your life to be what you want it to be, you need to be clear what that is.

You need to design the road map for you to take. It’s up to you to get in the car, put your foot on the gas and go. And it’s up to you to remember to put the brake on from time to time as well.

Want help?

I offer a free 30 minute Design Your Success with Purpose session. I work with business owners to organize their thoughts, to-dos and things so that they accomplish what they set out to do. Which is to create a successful business for them to live a rich life.  If you would like help with designing your own road map schedule your free 30 minute session now. You’ll walk away with a clear eye on you being at the cause of your own success!


How to be a high performance producer

High performance producers get things done.

When you think of someone who is a high performance producer what do you think of?

Do you think of a movie producer? Someone who produces performances?Or do you think of a person who gets a lot done, reaches their goals and is basking in success?

I hope you thought of the latter.

As a business owner, your goal is to be a high performance producer. As in being uber productive, knocking your actions out of the park toward your continued success.

Success is not an end all, be all. It is ever evolving.

I’ve worked with business owners who define success as when they reach a certain number of clients, or make a certain amount of money.

These are not bad goals. They are actually really good goals. Because they always put a specific number on their goals and a timeline to reach them.

So, yes, in essence, they are successful.

But a high performance producer is someone who doesn’t end when they reach their goals. 

They are constantly evolving both personally and professionally. They define business success as the ability to keep the needle moving forward, to keep elevating themselves to excel. To get to the next level and keep going.

Notice that last sentence. It’s to keep going, not to stay there.

Steps to becoming a high performance producer.

In order to keep yourself excelling in your life and your business. You need to keep going.

To do that you have to have your plans laid out before you. The vision, actions and timeline for where you are and where you are going. 

Lots of business owners forget to think past the next week or month. To have your ongoing, evolving success you need to have a plan laid out for the short-term, mid-term and long-term.

By doing that you have the road map for what you will do and when.

Let’s take a brief look at what that looks like:

  • Do an assessment: Where are you, where do you want to go, how do you want to get there. What opportunities do you have available to you now and in the future? What obstacles do you see that may get in your way?
  • Create the vision: Knowing where you want to go, when do you see yourself getting there? What do you need to do in order to get there? Who do you have to become? What do you need to put into place? Lay everything out, all the pieces – this part may take you the longest.
  • Plan and lay it out: Start with the end in mind and back track. What do you need to do to begin to move forward? Think what comes first, second, third and so on. Create a timeline and begin working on your first piece and keep moving toward your end goal.
  • Reflect and course correct:  Build in times to review your vision and plan to see if you are on track or need to make some shifts and changes. At this point, you will go back to vision and then to plan. You also can go back and assess at any point to keep you on track.

Having a plan that is laid out cleanly and clearly helps you stay focused on your goals and enable you to become a high performance producer.

Want help?

I offer a free 30 minute Design Your Success with Purpose session. If you know a coach is what you need to help become a high performance producer, schedule your free 30 minute session now. You’ll walk away with a clear plan of action to become the high performance producer you know you truly are.


Is Your Baggage From The Past Keeping You Stuck In The Present

Baggage from your past can keep you stuck in your present.

There are lots of ways the baggage from our past can keep us from our future. 

You probably know that. I am sure I’m not telling you anything new.

Though, did you know that it also keeps you from experiencing your present?

In our lives we are constantly striving to get somewhere. As a business owner, you are always striving to get to a new level of growth. And that is in the future.

Your past not only defines your future, but your present. And it is in the present that we design our future.

Our present actions define our future results. 

You have probably heard the saying “what you do today, will result in who you are tomorrow.”

And what if you are carrying around the past? Is it possible for you to have the best today in order to get to tomorrow?

Or what about those days when you think or say to yourself “I’ll do that tomorrow, I don’t feel like doing that today.”

How do you think that affects your tomorrow? 

In my work as a coach, I teach a lot about clutter and how it impacts people in their personal lives and in their business lives.

I help my clients get clear on their vision so that they can create a clear path to get there. Almost always, that means getting rid of old baggage. 

In order to get to your future, your present must be clear of the past.

Clear the past to be present.

If you are stuck or finding that you aren’t getting the results you wanted or thought you would get, you need to clear the past.

Probably the easiest place to start is to take a look where you are right now. What are you doing? Are you doing what you need to do to move yourself forward?

Do you even know what you need to be doing? This is a common problem for many of the business owners I work with. They don’t even know what they need to be doing now to get to where they want to go. Calendar and schedule

Let me give you a quick example. I work with a woman who wants to start her coaching business. She keeps telling me that she has to get her website “just so” in order to do that.

Yet, she also told me that when she gets out and meets people they want to work with her. And it isn’t because she has a website that is just like she wants it.

It is because she is amazing and offers great value to those who need it.

After that, we cleared up her old thinking of she needed to have her website just so. It was a hold over mindset she had from her past that things had to be “just so” in her eyes before she could move on.

We created a vision of where she wanted to go with step-by-step action plans and a timeline for her to follow. She kept in mind when her old mindset may get in the way and committed to recognize it and let it go when it did.

In essence, she let go of that baggage. She now has a waiting list of clients that want to work with her, for her…not her website.

Be honest about what baggage is holding you back.

It is important for you to recognize your baggage. And when it holds you back.

Sometimes it’s mental baggage and sometimes it’s physical baggage. All result in clutter that keep us from being our best, doing our best and experiencing the best.

Several questions to ask yourself include:

  • Is this thought/thing helping me and how?
  • How is this thought/thing hindering me?
  • What is it I feel I need by keeping this thought/thing?
  • If I were to let this thought/thing go, how would that help me and what amazing things would I be able to do and have?

Oftentimes, you may need the help of a professional be it a therapist or a coach. 

Seeing your baggage clearly can be all you need to send it packing (yes, pun intended =).

Want help?

I offer a free 30 minute Design Your Success with Purpose session. If you know a coach is what you need to help you let some of your baggage go schedule your free 30 minute session now. You’ll walk away being in the present with an eye on your future.


Things to declutter that will add more time to your day

Declutter before you organize.

So much has been said about organization. Yet, do you know that when you have too much stuff, it’s almost impossible to organize it.

I know that sounds odd. One thing I’ve learned from Lisa Woodruff, from Organize356.com is that we need to declutter first.

When I first listened to a podcast she did about this, I was skeptical. I have been “organizing” for years. I love it! And I also help my business clients organize for their optimal success.

As a coach, I’m always open to new thoughts, ideas and ways of doing things so while at first I wasn’t sure. But then I realized she was right.

I work with many solopreneurs and entrepreneurs who have a small team. We work on many pieces of life and business as the two go hand in hand. What comes up all the time (and I mean all the time) is the amount of clutter my clients have. Both external and internal clutter. And it needs to be dealt with before any real progress can be made. 

And it takes up so much of their time! Time they could use to increase revenues or have time to themselves.

What to declutter first.

For the sake of time, let’s take a look at a few things that if you were to declutter would save you time. And this works even if you aren’t a business owner. My clients do this for both their business and their personal lives.

There are so many things that you have that are taking up your energy, space and time. They might be different than you think, but they are not exhaustive. We’ll cover more over time but for now, let’s look at your:

  • Health.
  • Calendar and schedule. 
  • Phone apps.

Are you scratching your head thinking “ok, one of these things is not like the other.” And by that you are probably thinking, I don’t know why health is on there and at the top.

Fair enough, let’s look at each one, shall we.

Your health.

I spent many years in the fitness industry and still keep my hand it in to this day.  I can tell you how much time people spend on their health when it is poor. Not to mention, it’s costly and it deprives you from doing what it is you want both personally and professionally.

When you take the time to clean up your health, you give yourself so much energy, time and space. Here are several ways for you to declutter in the health department:

  • Stop eating processed foods and eating on the run. Redefine your eating habits. Choose healthy, for you, foods that you enjoy and have them ready especially at lunchtime so that you can easily nourish your body. By taking care of this, you’ll save time having to think about what you want, making it (or worse going to get it). My clients plan their eating weekly. They already know what it is they will eat and when they will eat for lunch (and many for dinner) prior to their work week.
  • Don’t drink excessive coffee or soft drinks. Drink lots of water instead. Yes, you probably know the benefits of drinking water and if not, here is a link for you to check out.  It will give you many reasons why water is important for our overall health as well as how much you may need to drink. One of the benefits I love is that when you drink water, you need to use the restroom.  It is a built in alarm for your body to get up and move. We so often just sit and work at our computers and movement is absolutely key to our health.
  • End being immobile. Move more throughout your day. While drinking water will force you to get up periodically. That is a great thing. Incorporating exercise into your life will give you many amazing benefits which you can read about here.

When you declutter unhealthy habits and start taking care of your health you will feel better. You’ll have more energy and be in an optimal frame of mind making getting things done easier and perhaps faster so you’ll save time.

You’ll find that it is easier to organize your health once you let go of the unhealthy habits and begin new ones. You will find that they fit nicely into your day and on top of that you’ll love your results.

Calendar and schedule.

Got too much to do? Racing around networking or going to meetings? What about feeling as if you have no time to do what you need to in your business and in your life?

The next segment to declutter before you can organize is your calendar and schedule.

When I work with my clients we take more time than you think to look at this area of their world. So many people try to fit themselves into a system that someone else designed and truly, it doesn’t always work.

I know, I still do it sometimes. So we are organizing our time (which we barely have enough of because we have too much clutter) around someone else’s idea of how we should “manage our time” and are frustrated that it isn’t working.

Where are you spending your time and is it the best use of your time? Are you feeling that what you are doing is a good use of your time and are you getting the results you want because of it?

If we worked together I’d ask you those questions and more so you can have a clear picture of your time.

Usually what happens is you begin to see that things on your calendar and in your schedule don’t need to be there, you don’t even want to do them in the first place but maybe are afraid to let them go. Or you don’t even know why they are there in the first place. 

Declutter your calendar and schedule and you’ll be able to organize the things you do want and need to do so you do them in less time. Again, when you do this, you save time. All good right?

Phone apps.

This one is loaded, the reaction my clients have when we talk about this area is pretty interesting.

They all (and I mean all, no one has easily said “yes, let’s delete this”) want to keep every single app on their phone!

Why? I always ask. 

Because I…(wait for it…) might need it someday.

And that’s the crux of clutter, having things we don’t use now but might need someday.

The funny thing is, we can delete them from our phones and put them back if we ever want to again. Though, truth be told, I do a follow up with my clients a month or so after they declutter their apps and no one has wanted to put an app back. In fact, when I ask them what the apps were they wanted to keep (actually fought with me to keep them), no one can tell me what they were. Telling, yes? YES!

When you declutter this area, you free up space on your phone (inside and out). You have a clearer view of what you have and can easily access and your brain relaxes because there isn’t so much “stuff” clouding the picture (so to speak). You can now easily organize the apps you use and love and have ready for you when you want them. And of course you…drum roll…save time!

There you have it. Yes, there are many more areas and we’ll talk about them in future articles but for now, commit to decluttering these three areas and start noticing how much time you have, how better you feel and how easily you get things accomplished!

Want help?

I offer a free 30 minute Design Your Success with Purpose session. We’ll get you started on the one area you know you need to most help with.  Schedule your free 30 minute session now.  If you find you want help with more, we’ll talk about what that support looks like for you.