How to make the results you want happen

I saw a Twitter post recently, that said: “Your Attitude Determines Your Direction” and I couldn’t agree more.

Your mindset is your attitude. If you have a winning mindset, guess what? You will win. If you have a losing mindset, well, you will lose.

When it comes to business (and heck, everything) if you aren’t in a winning mindset why are you even in the game? When it comes to being in business and making money, your mindset will make or break you.dreamstime_xs_51541207

My 6th and final free training in The 5 Key Money Areas webinar series is about mindset. You’ll learn how your mindset can transform your results and you’ll answer several questions that will help you with your mindset now.

Listen now and then come back to share your new winning mindset and the one thing you are going to do that will support your new mindset. Can’t wait to hear it! If you’d rather email me privately, please do so at


Do You Do This?


Act imageLights, Camera, Action!  So exciting right?  Action is what we business owners are all about!  But when it comes to money, is your action the absolute right thing you should be doing that will make you more money?’

Let me ask you, do you pay your bills on time (or even early)?  Do you save money regularly?  Do you track your income to the penny every day?  Well, if you want to make more money, you need to be doing these things regularly.  There are certain actions that you must do if you want to make more moneyClick here to learn more about creating simple money systems that allow you to feel confident and help you create greater income.

Once you create your simple money systems, you can empower yourself to new heights, new opportunities and new income!  Empowerment follows actions (it can precede it too).  If you undercharge, or feel overwhelmed when you think about making more money and think you’ll have to work harder, empowering yourself to new heights will eliminate all of that.  Click here to learn how to empower yourself so that you can increase your financial self-worth!

Looking at each of these areas more closely will help you in your goal to make and keep more money.  Remember you are transforming your relationship with money.  And also remember you need to decide that what you want and go for it.

Yes, it may be hard, but it’s always so worth it.  You are the only one who can give you exactly what you want.  You control your destiny.

If you missed any of the previous lessons, click here to listen to them.

I’d love to hear what your results are once you take action (smile), please post below or email me.

Are you doing all it takes to make more money?

When it comes to making money it’s not just about what you do to bring money in but how you handle money as well.

What I’m taking about are the actions you take with your money.  Actions such as:

  • Tracking your income.
  • Paying your bills on time.
  • Filing your receipts in an orderly fashion (just stuffing them in a draw doesn’t count).
  • Sending out your invoices on time.
  • Having an empowering conversation with a client who hasn’t paid you for some time.

Taking action is what will start the momentum, and help you to build and maintain it.

Try this, start saving $10.00 a month in an envelope.  My clients find that when they do it they want to save more, and they also pay more attention to their money actions so that they can do so.  It’s a jumping off point for them and they start to see amazing results that happen just from this one exercise.

Action is the Foundational

If you own a business, you need to take consistent money actions that allow you to run that business as a business.  If not, it is as if you are saying that you do not respect the business.This carries over to yourself personally and your clients as well.

I talk more about this in the 4th webinar 5 Key Money Areas training.  Hop on over and listen now and then determine what ONE thing you will start to do right now.  You must get into action in order to reach your success.

Comment or drop me a personal email at to let me know what your one thing is!


Do these two things if you want to make more money.

financial freedomDid you think I was going to say forgiveness and boundaries?  Probably not.

When it comes to making more money, why is it important to forgive?  Often, when it comes to money you may not recognize that you may need to forgive in order to move forward.  It’s important to recognize that your relationship with money was formed by what you grew up with.  If you ever heard ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ or ‘you have to work hard to make money’ you more than likely were imprinted with someone else’s beliefs that you took on for your own.  And more often than not you also created some of your own beliefs that are getting in your way of financial success.

Beliefs that we have and operate by that aren’t our own (and here is the shocker, sometimes we don’t even know that isn’t how we feel until we dig a little deeper), have the unseen power to hold us back from realizing our potential.

Last week I began a 6 series free webinar training on 5 Key Money Areas in order to help you eliminate the gaps that could be holding you back from making more money.  Click here to listen to the forgiveness training to have a clearer understanding about how forgiveness can help you create a new family money legacy for yourself and the people who are important to you.

The area of boundaries is also key to your financial success because boundaries can be road blocks that you have placed on yourself or they can be solid supports that you use to honor yourself.  If you often feel uncomfortable discussing money or have not substantially increased your income over the past year, you could have a boundary issue.  A lot of small business owners have this problem.  It’s important for you to value yourself while honoring others so that you make and keep more money.  In this webinar training you are going to learn all about boundaries and how to close the gaps you may have.  Click here to listen to how you can do just that!

Click here first to listen to the Forgiveness Training and then listen to the one on Boundaries.

Do you have clear and present boundaries?

Do you remember the Tom Clancy book or movie, “Clear and Present Danger”?  Well if you don’t have clear and present boundaries you most definitely could be in danger!  This applies to all areas in our lives such as people and money.

Do you remember this:  “Warning!  Warning, Will Robinson”?  It was what the robot on “Lost in Space” would shout whenever there was danger. Boundaries protect us, they help tell not only ourselves but others what it is we will have in our lives and what we won’t. Take behavior, if you have weak boundaries you more than likely tolerate a lot of bad behavior from others. When it comes to your business and money, you may be giving your services away, over-delivering with a client or even working for free (though you might not even realize that part) and what about how you manage your money? Wait, you are managing it regularly, right?


Are there some money boundaries that you need to set, maybe draw the line at over-spending, running up credit card debt or paying your bills late?  Maybe you have some behaviors around money that are holding you back from increasing your income?  Are you thinking to yourself “I never thought about this”?  That’s ok, I didn’t either.  However, now that I do know about it and know the ways in which not being aware of it impacted my income, I’m happy to share my knowledge with you.

Today’s the day that the 3rd training in my free webinar training series The 5 Key Money Areas is released and it’s all about Boundaries!  Go ahead, take a listen and let me know your thoughts.  I’d also love to hear one of the boundaries you want to change and what you will do about it.  Please comment or email me privately at and let me know.

When you set solid, positive boundaries for yourself you have the power to set yourself free. Now that’s a powerful place to be.


Are you allowing your past to run your present?

Be honest here.  Are you allowing your past to run your present?

You may say no, nope, not at all. Great and let me ask you, have you ever said “that didn’t work well, so I’m not going to do that again”? Or what about “I already did that, it didn’t work for me”?

Well if you have then you are allowing your past experience to impact your present day results. I’ll give you an example. A client of mine wanted so badly to increase her income. She told me she would do anything in order to do so. You probably know what is coming, right? Well, she didn’t want to do this and she didn’t want to do that.

The past has no power over the present monent

When I would ask her why her response was that she had done that before and it didn’t work. That’s very valid, I’m not discounting that.  However, the problem was that she wasn’t open to analyzing why it didn’t work. That left her unable to learn from her efforts.  Notice I did not say “mistakes”. I believe there are no mistakes, only learning opportunities. The inability to learn from her efforts kept her firmly rooted in the past.

In order to move forward, it is important to look at what didn’t or isn’t working in order to do what will work. When you are stuck in the past because of disappointment, fear or limiting beliefs you compromise your future.

In business, I like to look at ROE – Return On Everything, something I learned from Sandy Carter of IBM. And in looking at ROE knowing what didn’t work and why is just as valuable as knowing what will work.

In order to increase your income, you must know first the 5 Key Money Areas, what holds you back from moving forward and having the courage to do both. Because once you know that the past has no power over your present moment, you are free to make decisions that will bring you to where you want to be and having the results you want to have.

When it comes to increasing your income, being in the past and in fear can have a direct impact on your results. If you would like to increase your income my free webinar training series the 5 Key Money Areas will help you do that. Below you will find the links to the first two trainings and make sure you follow me on Facebook and Twitter to get access to each subsequent training sessions (there are a total of 6 short trainings).

Training 1:  5 Key Money Areas

Training 2:  Forgiveness

I’d love to hear your comments on this post, the trainings or anything you would like to share. You can also email me personally at if you’d like to keep your comments private.  I look forward to hearing from you.

You are the key

Happy Saturday!

Yesterday in the northeast we got a bit of snow.  Now I’m not a big fan of it but my Bernese Mountain Dog Baloo sure is!

Baloo hanging out in the snow

You can see he just makes himself at home in it.  So while I’m not a big fan, when you have a snow dog, you can’t help but go out in it.  So today we’ll go tromping about in the woods so he can have a blast and be out in the weather he was made for.  It’s pretty awesome, he even has a coat that practically dries off the second he shakes.  I like to say he’s a self-cleaning dog.

I hope that you have planned time off this weekend to relax and to just be.  So often my clients find themselves rushing around all weekend and back to work on Monday feeling frazzled and wishing for time off.  You know, you have to be the one to take it off.  No one is going to just give you time off.  It is up to you.

It’s like the 5 Key Money Areas that I have been sharing with you.  You truly are the key to them and the success of them and ultimately the success of yourself.  The first training was an overview of the 5 Key Money Areas and the second training was about Forgiveness.  I’m sure forgiveness wasn’t high on your list of actions to take to make money but hopefully after you listened you had a new perspective.

In the event you haven’t listened yet, I am including the links to the trainings so you can listen to them.  I kept them very short in order that you’d be able to listen and walk away with something new to think about.  There is also a quick action step in each if you so choose to do so.

Training 1:  5 Key Money Areas

Training 2:  Forgiveness

When you have listened to them, pop back to share your thoughts or feel free to email me directly at  I’d enjoy hearing your thoughts on the subject.

Would you do this if you knew it would help you make more money?

Hello and welcome to Blog Day 5.  I’m a bit surprised to tell you that I’ve had a blast this week creating a blog a day!

Did you get to read yesterday’s blog, It’s easy to make more money?  Did you say ya right when you read the title?

I  don’t blame you, I did too when I first learned the 5 Key Money Areas.  I thought, what a farce, and got kind of annoyed.  Actually, really annoyed.  Yet, what I know from my professional training as well as my personal experience is that when I’m mad, annoyed, or any negative reaction it means that I’m on to something.  Something that can set me free and I’ll always be about that!

Business Team

Well today you get the next training in my free training series on the 5 Key Money Areas.  I don’t want to spoil it for you but what I will say is that if you do this, you will free yourself to be able to increase your income like you won’t believe.

Today I was talking with a client and I said that we all have “stuff” around money that comes up.  We can’t help it, some of it is our doing and some is not.  What’s important is that we don’t let it stand in our way of having what we want, especially when it comes to making money.

Listen to today’s training so that you don’t let your stuff stand in your way!

Once you listen, come back and post your comment or feel free to email me your thoughts directly at  I’d love to hear them.


It’s easy to make more money

Don’t believe me?  Well, you wouldn’t be the only one.

If you have been reading my blogs lately, you have noticed a pattern from me.  It’s been a lot about money.  That’s because a lot of my clients — and even a survey I did — told me that people want to make and keep more money!

Not surprising because most men and women struggle with their relationship with money in their personal lives, so it’s no wonder that they would struggle with it in their business lives as well.

With that knowledge, I decided to do a FREE webinar training series for you this month.  The only thing you need to do is listen to them and then take action.  That’s it.

They are super short.  Nothing you have to sign up for, calendar in or be on time for.  It’s all for you at your leisure! Though I will warn you… you will want to make time for them and also to implement what you learn.

I’m making it easy, just watch for the link in my social media posts or keep reading my weekly blog where you’ll find the links for each training.  Hint:  you may want to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn so you won’t miss anything.

Today’s first training is an introduction to the 5 Key Money Areas that cause you to struggle with your relationship with money. 

Here is a brief overview of the 5 Key Money Areas:

  1. Forgiveness – why it’s important to forgive and who to forgive.
  2. Boundaries – how not having boundaries causes a lot of indecision, concern and worry.
  3. Action – when you know exactly what you are doing, you do it.
  4. Empowerment – embrace that you are the one in control of your destiny.
  5. Mindset – understand that your attitude, thinking and approach can make or break you.

Click here to get your first training.  Listen now so that you can begin to transform your relationship with money and see fast results.

Do you want the keys to more money?

I know I sure do!  When I started my business, it seemed I was always struggling to make money (never mind more of it) and once I learned the keys to make and keep more, I felt as if I had a big secret.  One that I wanted to share.  If I could help someone else from struggling like I had, then I wanted to do that!

That is where The 5 Key Money Areas free training came from.  And it is ready for you right now!  It will help you create a successful relationship with money. In yesterday’s article I talked about how lots of men and women struggle with their relationship to money and how it is important to have a relationship with your money.


Well you can start today, right now as a matter of fact!  You can learn the 5 Key Money Areas and how you can use them to increase your income.  I’m inviting you to listen here now.  The training is under 10 minutes so you just have to click, listen and then take action (and that is super short too).  That’s it.

My goal is to get this information to you, quickly and easily.  I know that when people transform their relationship with money, amazing things happen for them and for those around them.  Yes, they make more money, but it is so much more than just that.

This is for you if you want to make more money, understand how you may be stopping yourself, understand what you can do to reach your goals and do so quickly.  This is the first in a series of six.  The training links will be posted to my social media as well as to my blog so make sure you connect with me.

For your ease in connecting and in the event that we aren’t already connected, you can find me on Twitter @KimRavida and on Facebook.

Once you listen, post a comment or drop me a note to let me know what you thought.  I’m always happy to hear your thoughts and comments directly.  You reach me at  I’m excited for what is going to happen for you with your relationship with money!