Are you obsessed with money?

I’m obsessed with money.  Are you?  Well maybe obsessed is too strong a word.  I’ll go with passionate.  Sounds better doesn’t it?

You may be thinking I can’t believe she just admitted that.  Well, guess what?  If you aren’t obsessed with money or even preoccupied or fixated on it then you are uninterested in it and as a business owner/entrepreneur that is not a good thing.

Struggle with not enough?

See lots of men and women struggle with their relationship with money.  Lots of people have a love/hate relationship with it and it causes them to struggle.  You probably have never thought about having a relationship with your money.  You aren’t alone.

But here is the thing, if you don’t have a relationship with money, how can you improve it?  You can’t.  In order to improve and keep your human relationships strong you have to work at them because they don’t just happen on their own.  Money is the same way; you have to work at it.

You may be thinking ok, but I don’t even know where to begin.  Tomorrow I am unveiling a free webinar training series that will help you to create a solid relationship with money.  It is a series of 6 short (10 minutes or less) webinars.  All you have to do is click the link to access the training, listen and take the action I am offering.

So make sure you check back tomorrow to read my blog and get your access to the 5 Key Money Areas so that you can create a solid relationship with your money.

In the meantime, feel free to share your money story with me here or if you’d like it to be private email me directly at

Are you uncomfortable discussing money?

If you are uncomfortable about discussing money, it could be why you aren’t making more of it.

Being uncomfortable about money discussions is just one way that you may be holding yourself back from making more.

In last week’s blog we talked about 5 Key Money Areas.  So before we talk about what you are going to do or not do to make more money, it is important for you to know where your gap is between where you are now and where you want to be with making more money.

When you are uncomfortable discussing money, whether it is in your personal life or your business life, it represents a boundary… a weak boundary at that, and one that creates a gap between you and money.

Boundaries are limits or borders that you create in order to best serve yourself.  Let’s look at boundaries as what you are willing or not willing to do.  If you are uncomfortable discussing money it means that you are unwilling to have those important money conversations.

Imagine the business owner who avoids talking with the client who hasn’t paid her, yet she continues to provide great services to them.  She has a weak money boundary in that she is unwilling to have the necessary money conversation about receiving payment.

I’ve worked with business owners who want to make more money yet allow their clients to consistently get away with non-payment of agreed-upon fees for longer than necessary.  This causes them to not be able to pay their own monthly bills and it halts any monetary growth that they want.  And worse, it allows others (people and money) to control them rather than them being in control of their money.

If you are doing this, stop.  Value yourself while honoring others so that you make and keep more money.  Decide right now what is acceptable and what is not – when you do that you create a positive boundary.  Then you begin to put in money structures that will uphold those boundaries which will lead you to increasing your net worth.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this or any experiences you have had.  Please leave your comments below or if you’d rather keep them private email me personally at

5 Key Money Areas

In last week’s blog asked several thought-provoking questions such as what are you willing to do or not do to make more money.  You might think you know those answers, but do you really?

Most women and men struggle with their relationship with money and often struggle as to how to create and keep more money.

This stems from many things.  It stems from being uncomfortable talking about money, and if you are a business owner you may hesitate to ask for the sale.  It stems from feeling guilty or shameful around money, under valuing your worth, putting off paying or managing bills, not standing in your power with money and/or limiting beliefs around money.

The good news is that money is very simple to master.  You do that by having a strategy for knowing how to control your money, valuing yourself and standing in your power with money… with anyone in any situation.

We’ll be getting more into that later, but in the meantime I want to share with you 5 Key Money Areas:

  1. Forgiveness
  2. Boundaries
  3. Action
  4. Empowerment
  5. Mindset

Right now, on a scale of 1-10 rate yourself in each of the five listed above, 1 being “I need help” and 10 being “I’m awesome”.

If you rated yourself anything less than an 8, don’t be discouraged.  As I mentioned, most women and men struggle with their relationship with money and often struggle as to how to create and keep more money.  What this means for you is that there is a gap that keeps you from realizing your full potential when it comes to money.

Next time we’ll talk more about the 5 Key Areas and also coming up you will have the opportunity to take an awesome quiz that will help you really understand where your gap is so that you will know how you can increase your self-worth and net worth. Soon you’ll be able to answer without a doubt the all-important question of “What are you willing to do make more money?”

Want to get amazing results?

As a business owner, what is your number one goal for 2016?  Did you say “To make more money!”?  How did I know that?  Most business owners want exactly the same thing.  MORE money!

So then, what exactly are you going to do to make more money?  What are you willing to do or not do?  What excuses are you going to give up?  You do know that you have to do things — and in some cases stop doing thingsin order to reach your goals, right?

Did you determine your number for 2016?  What about your quarterly number?  Your monthly number, your weekly number and, yes, even your daily number?  If you do not have a specific number in mind and write it down (don’t forget that key part), how will you know if what you are doing is working?

Here is a secret: this strategy works for anything – all you need to do to make it real is get serious, specific and take actions steps.

You know what you need to be doing, right?  Well, if not, hang in there and tune in to next week’s blog.  We’ll go over that so you get crystal clear on what you need to do to hit your number and end 2016 making more money!

Do you have a healthy relationship with money?

u.s. dollar banknote in heart shapeI’m passionate about health.  When we talk about health though, we are usually referring to our physical condition.  But health can be used for other areas of our life as well, like a healthy relationship with our spouse, children, friends, colleagues and so on.  You may very well be aware of that and even strive to have both — a healthy physical condition as well as healthy relationships.

Here’s another area to think about.  Do you have a healthy relationship with money or are you constantly feeling stress, strife and conflict around money?  Do you say:  “I don’t have enough”, “I can’t afford that”, “Money’s hard to make”?  If so, this plays havoc in your life and even double havoc if you happen to be a business owner!

I too had an unhealthy relationship with money.  I constantly felt and talked about never having enough money, having a hard time making money and how I couldn’t do things or have experiences because I didn’t have the money.  ARGH – it was not only depressing but each day in my business was a struggle!

Fortunately, I realized I was doing this to myself and feeling this way… and I knew something needed to change.  What I was doing obviously wasn’t working and I didn’t want to stay frustrated and in struggle any longer!  Also as a fitness instructor (at the time) and a coach helping people make changes in their lives, I knew it was important for me to make a big change and finally get a handle on my money!

I began paying attention to those thoughts and feelings I was having, and what I was telling myself and others about not having enough money.  And by taking small, specific actions I was able to change my harmful relationship with money to one that is healthy and life altering.

Here are a few things I learned that will help you:

  • The number one thing you must do is to value money!  It is vital to your success in having a healthy relationship with money.  If you don’t value something, you are basically saying “it’s not important”.
  • Create powerful, empowering money habits.  A few examples are to track your income daily or weekly, set up a debt repayment plan and a regular savings plan.
  • Pay your bills on time or even early.  Yes, really.

Those are just a very small sampling of what I discovered.  They worked so well that I began coaching my life and business clients to adopt healthy habits around money too.

Through my personal — and also my clients’ – experiences, I realized that what I had discovered was so amazing and life-changing that I simply had to share it with more people.  I decided to take what I know and put it into a program… and I did. It’s called Grow Your Money Tree and I just launched it this week! Check it out because it might be exactly what you’re looking for and it’s being offered with Super Early Bird Pricing!


3 Secrets to Money Success

MoneyI love secrets!  But what is a secret? It’s something we usually can’t or don’t tell another.  Well, a secret can also be something that is undisclosed or hush-hush.  When it comes to women and money there are lots of secrets in the way of if you don’t tell or talk about it, it ain’t happening.

Well, I’ve got news for you, it IS happening and that usually isn’t good.  So I want to share with you three secrets.  Once I disclose these to you, and you know about them, you’ll be on your way to money success and happiness!

Secret #1:  Discover Your Money Patterns and Behaviors.  In other words, this is how you “do” money consciously or unconsciously.  And believe me, when it comes to money we all do things unconsciously.  You probably say you want more money and to be better at money.  Well, in order to have money success, you need to look at your patterns and behaviors.  One of the ways to identify your patterns and behaviors is to understand your money archetypes.  Archetypes represent a pattern of power within you.  Meaning stories, beliefs, motivations, fears, courage and perspectives.  They speak to you through your subconscious.  When you are aware of your money patterns, you’ll be able to see objectively how you handle your money: your spending and saving patterns, your decisions around money, what you do and what you don’t do. Ultimately you will be better at money so that you can start making the changes you want.

Secret #2:  Create a Positive Money Story.  What is your money story?  A money story is the narrative you tell yourself about money.  Some examples are:  Money is hard to make, I’m not good with money, money doesn’t grow on trees, and things of that nature.  Take a few moments and write down what the money story is that you grew up with.  Is it one that is serving you or is it holding you back?  If it isn’t serving you, change it!  You have the power to change what you believe about money.  Now, there is way more to this topic and when I work with my private clients, we go through several exercises to really get clear on this and to heal ingrained money beliefs and legacies.  But for now, just start thinking about what you want your money story to be right here in the present.

Secret #3:  Empower Your Voice.  Empower means:  Authorize – Allow – Sanction – Give Power to – Make Powerful.  What this means for YOU is that you get to do all those things for yourself.  By authorizing yourself, allowing yourself, sanctioning yourself to be, do and have all that you want, you give power to yourself (and make yourself powerful) simply by connecting with – and creating a healthy relationship with – your money.  Empowering Your Voice is about being confident to speak up for what you want and to get what you want.  Again, this is the tip of the iceberg here and when I work with my private clients we go through a very powerful exercise that has them empowering their voice in so many amazing and unsuspecting ways.  I’ve had women who, after going through the exercise with me, decide to stop hiding out from their spouses.  They finally have what they felt were hard conversations about money but which turned out to bring them closer to their spouse.  I’ve had clients leave jobs they were unhappy in and find ones that made their heart sing.  There is no telling what can come from Empowering Your Voice.  For you, right now, just think about what is it you want and then ask for it — speak up and declare it!  You won’t be sorry, I will guarantee that.

Once you embrace these 3 Secrets to Money Success, you will be on your way to your financial freedom, inner self-worth and money success!

If you are interested in learning more about your Money Archetypes which I mentioned in Secret #1, and taking your very own personalized money archetype assessment, email me at and put in the subject “I want to know my Money Archetypes.”  Yes, it’s that easy!

Do you have ‘secrets’ about money? Do you know your patterns? What’s your money story?  Post them below!

Have you had enough?

How much is enough conceptDid I get your attention?  Did you ask “Well, what is enough?”  Or did you think “What does ‘enough’ mean?”  For many of us we have no idea what ‘enough’ is or means.  Take money for example; I hear from my clients all the time “I just need enough money.” Or, “I just want to make enough money.”  But what does ‘enough’ mean?

So let’s first define ‘enough’.  It means sufficient, adequate, as much as necessary or as much as needed.  I’m not sure about you, but I know that my clients and most people (I’m including myself in there too) want more than needed.  I want enough money so that I can do and have whatever I want.  Plus, I want to feel secure and not have to worry if I can meet my financial obligations day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-money and yes, year-to-year.  Therefore, I want more than enough.

So have you had enough of enough?  My clients have.  When they say they just need enough money or to make enough, we do some coaching around that.  I ask them to define what enough is to them.  When they do, they realize that they actually want more.  And we then take it a step further and I ask “What do you want more for?”  It’s absolutely amazing what they say!  I hear things like: they can help more people, they can reach more, they can spend more time with their kids, on their health, take a trip, hire help and the list goes on.

Look, for most of us we do have enough, and it is okay to want more.  It’s actually more than okay because when you say “I want more” you will get it and you will also help more people around you.  Think of it this way, what if you had all the money in the world, would you do something to help someone else?  Many of you will say yes.  And so then, isn’t it worth striving for having more than enough?

I’d say so!  So say goodbye to just ‘enough’ and hello to moremore joy, more freedom, more happiness and dare I say more peace of mind!


Profitability, you got it?

pie chartAs a business owner, how do you define ‘profit’?  Do you take your sales minus your expenses and then see what is left over?  If you do, you aren’t alone; there are many business owners who do just that.  It’s the way we have been taught, programmed and told to do.  But there is another way.  Say what?  Yes, there is another way and I’m happy to share that with you here.

I work with an amazing system called Profit First.  It was created by Mike Michalowicz and since being certified by him, I’ve helped numerous business owners make money in their business and — even better — take money for themselves from their business.  Now I’m not talking about “Oh, look there’s money in the account, I think I’ll write myself a check.”  I’m talking about seriously planning to make a profit and paying yourself a salary, all while you are covering your business expenses and your taxes.

The Profit First System is exactly as it sounds, take your profit first!  We so often pay everyone else and then we live off of what is left (or not live in some cases, I kid you not).  Well, this system flips all of that and has you calculating your profit first and paying yourself a regular salary.  You wouldn’t accept a job interview by saying “By the way, I’m here to work for free,” so why should you work for free in your own company?  If nothing else, you gotta eat, right?

The first step of the Profit First System is that you establish four accounts:

  1. Profit Account
  2. Owner’s Pay Account
  3. Tax Account
  4. Operating Expenses Account

I want to stress here that you want four separate accounts.  You don’t want to have all your money living in one account because that’s one sure-fire way to end up with more month leftover than money.

The next step is to determine the percentages that you’ll be putting into those separate bank accounts regularly.  Now the trick here is to look closely at your operating expenses and make sure that you aren’t paying for things that you don’t need to run your business.  There may be things you think you need that you truly don’t, and guess what?  Once you get rid of those, you’ll have more money for your profit and owner’s pay.

What if you could put more money in your pocket?  Sounds way better, doesn’t it!

My clients go through an analysis so they can see exactly where they are bleeding money and also where they need to put money in order to have a healthy business.  That’s what this system is all about; creating a healthy business that thrives not just survives.

If you are interested in learning a lot more about this Profit First theory, read Mike’s book.  Here is my link on Amazon for you to pick up your own copy.  And if you feel you need or want help with getting a profit first, let me know because I am a Certified Profit First Professional!  Feel free to send me a private email at


Do you think about money?

Piggy BankI’m pretty sure you do.  However, how do you think about money?  Are you someone who thinks about it positively or are you constantly thinking “I don’t have enough”?  It’s important because how you think about money will lead to the actions you will take (or not) around money.

There’s much out there written on your relationship with money.  Why?  Because many of us have a negative relationship with money and, hence, we have lots of debt and no money.  We spend more than we save and we have challenges being self-supporting on what we make.

You know the old rule of spending less than you make, but do you do it?  I didn’t.  And guess what? I was trapped in the loop of never having enough.  I always had to pay the credit card or loan… and let me tell you it’s a challenge to get out of that loop.  The interest on those credit cards kill you.  Just when I celebrated paying off a credit card, I’d get a bill that said I owned more!?  Say what??  That can’t be!  I called, I asked for the payoff figure, I paid it off.  Oh, but alas, there is that dreaded interest rate that just keeps on adding up.

So then how do we create a solid money relationship?  We need to do several basic things.  Notice I said basic, I did not say easy.  But then again, anything worth going for is never easy; there is always some skin in the game, sacrifices, dedication and hard work to be had.

Here are a few must dos in order to begin to create your own solid, positive relationship with money.

  1. Spend less than you make.  Yes, there it is.  In order to do this, add up all of your monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly and yearly expenses and get a clear picture of what you pay out.  Then add up your income.  If the income is more than the expenses, awesome, go on to number three but if not…
  2. Cut expenses.  Truly ask yourself what is essential to live (in other words what do you have to have) and what is optional.  Guess what?  Cable TV is NOT essential, nor is dinner out every night, take out, etc.  Get rid of non-essential expenses so that income is more than your expenses.
  3. Track your income and expenses on a monthly basis.  Use pen and paper or any electronic means that makes sense to you – if you can have this process be fun, even better!  It is exciting once you start to see your expenses going down and more money in your pocket.
  4. Get support and encouragement.  It’s not easy to make these changes on your own; if you could have you would have by now.  Have your spouse/significant other on board with you.  Ask a trusted, money-savvy friend or someone else you know to help you get started creating solid, positive money goals.

Keep in mind that there are more things you can do.  However, if you begin with this list, it’s a great place to start.

If you would like more information and steps to take, feel free to reach out to me.  If you want to know your money archetypes, send me an email at with “archetype assessment” in the subject line. I’ll give you the assessment and a free session to go over what it means for you and how you can use them to improve your relationship with money!

Do you like prizes?

Jubilant womanDo you like prizes?  I do!  So I’m pretty sure that you do, too.  Wouldn’t life be wonderful if we received a prize every single day?  Guess what!  We can have prizes every day.  We even get to determine what the prize is.

No, I’m not crazy. What I mean is that you can determine at the beginning of every day what you want the prize to be.  Let’s say you are an entrepreneur working in (and on) your business so you have a lot of things to do.  Ask yourself what is one thing you could do today that would give you the biggest return on your efforts?  That’s your prize!  See, it’s easy.

I’ll admit that sometimes it isn’t easy determining the what.  It may take some planning and possibly some critical and creative thinking.  Let’s start with what you want for an outcome in your life.  It can be personal or professional.  I know money is a top #1 want for a lot of people – so let’s say the outcome is you want more money.  That can be the big prize.

So how do you reach the big prize?  Let’s look at a few things that you may have to do in order to have more money.

  1. Determine how much more money you want.  Yes, be specific and clear. Maybe you want another $3000 a year.
  2. Ask yourself what is it you need to do in order to have this amount of money.  You might have to start doing something (i.e. saving more) or stop doing something (i.e. eating out every day).  Only you know what it is you need to do.
  3. Once you know what it is you need to do, you then choose to do it and from there you work toward your prize.  For example, you decided to stop eating lunch out every day and instead you pack your lunch or eat at home.  Your prize each day is that saved around $10 which then moves you toward your big prize, more money.
  4. Put a timeframe on when you want the big prize. After saving $70 a week for 52 weeks you’ve not only reached your goal of $3000, but you’ve surpassed it! Whoohoo!

That’s it!  See it’s easy.  First you need to determine your prize and then you go for it.  The saying “Keep your eyes on the prize!” takes on a whole new meaning when you know what your prize is!