What Really Is There To Be Fearful Of?

Fear, it is said to be false evidence appearing real.

Or another way to look at it is something you have made up.

Does that feel radical to you? Pretty much everything you may be afraid of you are making up.

Stay with me. Let’s say you want to start a business but you know someone who’s business just closed and so you are fearful that your business may close too. Just because something happened to someone else, doesn’t mean it is going to happen to you.

Same story with just because something happened to you in the past, doesn’t mean it will happen to you again.

Using stories to keep us from reaching our potential.

I work with a lot of business owners who also want to have a great life. They want to have great relationships with their family, be healthy and fit  and they want to be able to do what they want in their personal lives.

Do you know that the number one thing that comes up for just about all of my clients is they are afraid that they won’t be able to reach their goals.

They tell themselves stories. Stories that end with “I won’t be able to do that because…” The because is open ended since there are many reasons (ahem, excuses) that they use.

Ultimately though, it is a story that they have created or worse, bought into that keeps them in fear and from reaching their potential.

It’s time to tell a different story.

Here is an exercise that I do with my clients. We play the “what if” game. We keep asking “what if…” questions. Questions such as “what if you were able to create the business of your dreams?” “What if you were able to live the life you want for yourself?” “What if you could have…?” By doing so, they begin to see how a different story (or looking at things differently) can help them get to where they want to go.

Look, it’s super easy for us to be negative, to take the easy way out and to make tons of excuses (showing up a “reasons”) for why we haven’t realized our dreams. Our brains are actually wired that way!

What if…

Your turn, what if you were to go through the “what if” exercise and keep asking yourself questions until you could see yourself different, your business differently? What if you were able to notice where you were holding yourself back from realizing your dreams, heck, from even beginning your dreams? Would you do it?

I challenge you to take at least 15 minutes (though it won’t take you long to realize you are beginning to think differently) and take yourself through some “what if” scenarios. You can even have someone do it with you. Have them just keep asking you “what if…”

Need help?

Would you like someone to help you with your “what if…” exercise? If yes, I’d be happy to be that someone for you.  Set up a free session with me and we’ll go through the exercise. I promise you’ll walk away seeing things differently and you’ll be on your way to realizing your dreams!

Need More Time? Get Clear On What You Are Doing.

Clarity, the quality of being clear.

Sounds pretty easy right? All you need to do is get clear on what it is you are doing. Then you can go and do it.

We say we want to do something, I want to get organized. But what exactly does that mean? And then how do we go about doing it.

Get organized sounds pretty clear, yet, get organized is an end result. Which in and of itself is great but how do you get there?

Using clarity to help you get to where you want to go.

Now that you know your end result, it’s time to work backward. You ask yourself “what is the very first thing I need to do, the second thing, third and so on”. Those become your next action steps. The clearer you are and the more specific you are, the better.

I like to recommend to my clients that they put a ballpark time of how long it will take to do it as an added benefit. This way they get super clear on the time it will take them to do that one actionable step.

There is a lot of information out there on getting organized, being organized and staying organized. And they are all great, yet until you start to write down your next specific actions on your to do list, you are just writing down your end results.

How to use time for your success.

When you have clarity of what you are going to do next and know the amount of time it may take, you can easily begin to slot those actions into the time you have available.

If you only have 10 minutes, what can you do in 10 minutes and get it done? You will know that you won’t be doing the thing that will take an hour. I read David Allen’s book Getting Things Done and while it is super helpful, I found it overwhelming at first. So I adapted it to my style as I often help my clients adapt things to their style so that they are successful.

David Allen is famous for (and others have said this too), if it is going to take you 2 minutes or less to do it, just do it. I’m all for that – but truthfully, things often take more than 2 minutes. So what I do with that is I use 10 minute blocks to do my 2 minute of less tasks – that way if something takes longer than 2 minutes, I’m still successful.

The key to more time is to get clear on what it is you are doing, how long it may take you and then to schedule it in to be done.

Your turn, where can you start? What one thing would you like to accomplish? Write it down, then list out the specific steps you will do to get it done.

Need help?

Not sure this is something you can do on your own? That’s ok, I have already solved this problem for myself and loads of my clients. I’m happy to be your solution.  Set up a free 30 minute session with me and we’ll take one of your goals and create your next thing actions list so you can get it done. Click here to be on your way. I promise you, once you learn the process and see the results, you’ll say I should have done this sooner!