Want to get amazing results?

As a business owner, what is your number one goal for 2016?  Did you say “To make more money!”?  How did I know that?  Most business owners want exactly the same thing.  MORE money!

So then, what exactly are you going to do to make more money?  What are you willing to do or not do?  What excuses are you going to give up?  You do know that you have to do things — and in some cases stop doing thingsin order to reach your goals, right?

Did you determine your number for 2016?  What about your quarterly number?  Your monthly number, your weekly number and, yes, even your daily number?  If you do not have a specific number in mind and write it down (don’t forget that key part), how will you know if what you are doing is working?

Here is a secret: this strategy works for anything – all you need to do to make it real is get serious, specific and take actions steps.

You know what you need to be doing, right?  Well, if not, hang in there and tune in to next week’s blog.  We’ll go over that so you get crystal clear on what you need to do to hit your number and end 2016 making more money!

Are you simple or complicated?

Complicated or simple.What is one thing that can turn a good thing into a bad thing?  Too much of a good thing!  Does that sound like a riddle?  Well, it can be for lots of business owners.  What I mean is that oftentimes, instead of being short and to the point, many business owners overcomplicate what they do and what they say.

It’s easy to make simple things confusing. Think about what you might consider is effectively communicating, when really what’s happening is over communicating — and no one is hearing, much less listening (two different things), to what is being said.

How we do things in one area of our lives, we tend to do in other areas too.  Think about areas (business or personal) where you aren’t 100% happy with the results you are getting.

Ask yourself, “Am I making this more complicated than it needs to be?”  More than likely, if you aren’t getting the desired results you want, you are.

After you see that you are making things complicated, it’s time to make them simple. 

The next time you notice yourself struggling with something because you’re making it more difficult than you should – simply stop and take a step back.  Ask yourself “What can I do to make this go smoother and easier so that I get what I want?” Once you have your answer, do it and watch what happens!

Do you do Time Travel?

Time Travel SyndromeHave you have ever had this happen: you make an appointment with yourself to get something done, you put it in your calendar with extra “just-in-case time” and when the time comes to do it, you get down to business and then discover that even the “just-in-case time” wasn’t enough?

What is that??

It’s your thinking. The thinking that things won’t take as long as they do and time just goes by faster than you expected.

I call it the Time Travel Syndrome. It’s when you plan for a set amount of time and poof it just is gone. And now you are ahead in time and with nothing accomplished.

How do we get it so that our time doesn’t just go poof leaving us standing there holding the bag of things to do that didn’t get done?

Well, one way is to know how much time you truly need especially for tasks you do more than once. In order to find out, you need to do a time travel experiment.

  • Review the task you are going to do
  • Estimate how much time you think it will take
  • Before you begin, set a timer (or stop watch) to determine how much time it actually takes
  • Keep a log of your recurring tasks and the actual time they take so you can accurately schedule your time and tasks

Bonus tip: add more time because even when you are accurate something is bound to happen: you’ll lose power, the phone will ring, your child will need something, the dog will want to go out, etc.

We’ll call this buffer time or a bit of a gap so that you can actually get the things done that you want to get done. It will also allow you to eliminate the stress, anxiety and frustration of having your time evaporate and finding that you time traveled without accomplishing much.

Just imagine how wonderful it is going to feel when you have more time than you thought you did. This is the perfect time for you to do your experiment so you can be productive in the New Year!

Speaking of the New Year, it is still not too late to sign up for the Prosperous Business Mastery Group Coaching and Mastermind Program. In this program, among many other things, you’ll become a master at making your time work for you! Click here to sign up.

Are You Positively Positive?

I just read one of Tony Robbins books.  This quote really got me thinking:  “The difference between acting badly or brilliantly is not based on your ability, but on the state of your mind and/or body in any given moment.”

I gave this a lot of thought.  I realized that when I’m tired, I’m cranky and things go oh so wrong.  When I’m hungry, I’m rushing and I’m very short with myself and others.  When I’m not at my optimal, I’m angry, frustrated, stressed out and nothing I do ever goes right.

Can you relate?  So then, what’s a person to do?  The obvious physical actions are: eat and sleep.  But what about our mindset around those actions?  We all know that we should take care of ourselves better, but do we?  I know of more and more people who put off taking care of themselves, eating well, exercising, sleeping, and down time all in lieu of working more, doing more, being more.

A wise woman once told me “I have to take care of my body; I take it everywhere I go.”  So true.  Also true is that our body takes us everywhere we go.  Well then, since that is the case, how can we better take care of ourselves so that we are optimally running all the time?

As business owners, what if we were to change our mindset to one that is supportive and loving of ourselves and others?  What do you suppose would happen?  The right mindset when it comes to running a business really can be the difference between a successful business and a failing or struggling business.

Think about your mindset as a business owner; would you say you have a positive or negative one?  Which is dominant?  Many clients when they first start working with me realize they have a negative attitude.  When they recognize that they are in a negative mindset they can’t believe it.  See, often they can’t even see it.  Ever heard the saying “can’t see the forest through the trees”?  Fortunately, in time they turn it around. 

Where might you be holding yourself back?  If you were to shift your mindset from negative to positive, could make a world of difference to your business?

If you are serious about making changes to your own mindset, join my Prosperous Business Mastery Group Mastermind Program where you’ll have lots of opportunities to learn how to change and master your mindset.  For more information click here.

How to Get What You Want!

Don't look backLately I’ve taken notice to hearing a lot of people say, “I’ve got to let it go.”  So I started to pay attention whenever this comment was made.  I became aware that most people are not saying this in reference to holding on to things as I would have expected, but instead they are talking about holding on to the past

Think about it, how often do you spend time with your family and friends talking about what happened in the past? You talk about when you were growing up or in college or back when so-and-so did such-and-such.

Quite a bit, right?

Does that surprise you?  It did me!  I realized wow, when I get together with certain people all we do is talk about the past – and it’s not usually in a positive frame either.  Well, that made me take pause and, honestly, it kind of horrified me.  You see, if we are constantly in the past, how can we possibly be in the present?

No wonder we all have a lot of stress!  I love one of Oprah’s quotes, “Every ending brings with it a brand new beginning.”  Yet we tend to hold on to the past like there is no tomorrow.  And you know what?  If you are spending your time in the past, you truly cannot even begin to create a tomorrow… let alone your future

Just like, if you aren’t exactly where you want to be, instead of dwelling on the negatives, think about the positives. It’s as simple as that.

When one of my family members had a sick baby, she would say “In time this too shall pass.”  It became a mantra of sorts and it’s absolutely true.  In time, no matter what it is happening — good, bad or indifferent — it will pass. 

Take a moment right now and set your sights on your future.  Think about how your life could be different.  See yourself in that place, that life, you want to have.  Feel how your life would be better.

You can’t have any of that if you talk about the past or dwell on the negatives.  Like attracts like.

I can tell you without a shadow of doubt (and believe me, I used to spend a lot of my life in doubt), that simply by putting your attention onto what you do want, not only will you get it, you’ll get so much more.  Again, like attracts like.

Try it!  Then let me know how well it works for you.

Do you have an experience to share?  Post comments below or email me directly.

The world will not fall apart if you do this…

ImagineLast month my article was about reaching for the stars.  This month it’s about not being afraid to run with the horses and step up your game.  What do I mean by that?  Well, quite honestly there are so many people who say that they want to do something, yet do absolutely nothing. Talk, talk, talk but no action.

Have you been there?  Have you ever noticed a time that you talked a great game, but didn’t follow through?  Sure, you have – we all have.  So what makes some people a “get-up-and-go, get it done” type person and others a “Yeah, right” person?  There are a lot of reasons but mostly it’s about fear… or lack thereof.  Fear of many things; fear of success, fear of failure, fear of what other people might/will say (I know that one very intimately), fear of feeling like a fool… you get the picture.

Well then, how do you run with the big guns feeling confident, self-assured and full of motivation to get things done to reach your goals?  It’s not as hard as you think.  No, really it isn’t.  I can speak from experience here that’s for sure.

For many years I wanted to make a career move and talked about it, but never did anything about it. Until finally one day I had had enough – enough of hearing my own voice talk, talk, talk.  What held me back was fear of what others would say… and also fear of making mistakes and feeling stupid.  One day I just said “I’m not doing this anymore” and there was no more worry about what if (the world came apart, I had no money, I didn’t have insurance).  All of those things ceased to matter.

So how can you make the changes that deep down you want, yet feel too much fear about doing?  First, there is a saying “Feel the fear and do it any way.” While I am not going to discount that, there is a little more to it than it sounds.  Here are several tips for you:

  • Imagine the best thing(s) that could happen for you because you had the courage to reach for your stars. Visualize how you will feel, what you will be doing and tap into all the great things you want for yourself, your family and your life (business too).  The great news is that our minds cannot distinguish from what is real or imagined – so imagine away!
  • Write out what you want on paper. Be super specific here and do not hold back.  I do suggest pen and paper because there is something special that begins to happen.  You really begin to tap into the feelings of what it will be like when you have your goals realized.  This part is a lot of fun.  Play up the ‘what if’ game and think about the amazing things that will happen for you.
  • Make a decision to do one thing that will move you closer to what you imagined. Then put that into an action-able form.  Being decisive is the first step to moving into action.  Once you decide, then you can easily create your next steps to reaching your goals.

These will help you get started.  And what happens once you get started?  Yes, a body in motion stays in motion.  The beauty here is that once you begin, you’ll want to continue. You’ll be in the feeling of possibility, and then opportunities will show up seemingly out of nowhere.  Then you’ll be taking actions that you might not have while you were in the fear frame of mind.

Get out of your fear and get into faith: faith that you can do it and you can have what you want.  Life is meant to be fun and enjoyable.  Think about it, would you rather be in fear, worry and dread or be in joy, excitement and courage?

As many of my clients know, taking action leads to results, the results lead to the success, and the success leads to happiness.  So my friend, by when will you sit down and go through the steps I gave you to do?  Make a date with yourself by the end of the month – do it this weekend! – and lay out your next grand adventure.  When you do, be sure to drop me a note at kim@kimravida.com to let me know what your next action is going to be for you to reach your goals.  Or if you wish to share with a larger audience, post below here on my blog!

Got things to do?

Bucket with notes featuring things to do in the future with clipping path at original size

In order to get to where you want to go, you just have to get moving. If you think “I’ll do it when…” then guess what? When will never come.  Never.  Do you need to hear it again? When will never come.

You have to get moving right now! The smallest movement will begin the momentum of helping you get to where you want to go.

When I teach my group exercise class we start simply by moving: marching in place and breathing, or sometimes just taking a few breaths is all we need to get the momentum going.  Once we are in action, it’s easy to stay in action. When I coach my clients, we start by taking a moment to celebrate what action they have accomplished and then we move on to what they want to accomplish next.  Did you catch that?  We move on.  There is no standing still in life or in business! 

We get in, get going and get done.

I use this method in my own business too (of course!) especially when I’m feeling like I have to wait for the right moment.  When I catch myself stalling, I say “Just get into it, get started and get done!” It never fails me.

Even if you feel that you need to do something to educate yourself before taking action — like reading up about a foreign country before going there – then do it.  Start now! Make the time to get the learning in which will keep you motivated enough to actually take your trip.

You’ll be delighted with the results!

Reach for the Stars!

Young woman pulling bright starsI’d love to pose a question.  What are your thoughts on being realistic?

Many times in my past I was told, “Kim, you need to be realistic.”  And so I would be.  But what did I get?  Lots of nothing.  I never stepped out of my comfort zone.  It wasn’t until I recognized I was a people pleaser that I realized those people — who I was trying to please — were actually holding me back by telling me to be realistic.

So what is realistic anyway? Realistic is defined as sensible, practical, reasonable.

But sometimes you need to not be sensible in order to soar.  Be outrageous and think really big, abandon practical, and embrace what might feel like the impossible.  You need to break from being reasonable, and to be a bit awkward, in order to grow and do new things.

See, being realistic can hold us back.  Abraham-Hicks says that being realistic can root us firmly to where we are.  I truly do not know any person who wants to absolutely, without question, stay where they are.  Everyone wants more in and for their life.

Let’s say you have a goal of being a six-figure business owner and you are currently making $10,000.  If you think “Realistically, can I be a six-figure business owner?” you can easily determine that no, you can’t.  However, if you think “OK, I’m going to go for the moon here and aim for six figures and I’ll do this, this and this to get there” then you have successfully broken free of being realistic!  You allowed yourself to step into a bigger version of yourself and what is in store for you.

Being realistic keeps us in a space where often we do not want to be.  As Jack Canfield says you have to take 100% responsibility for yourself.  So I encourage you to stop being realistic about your life and your goals and go for what you truly want.  When you do that you’ll be thinking what is the best thing that could happen?

I don’t know about you, but I sure enjoy my life more reaching for the moon!

So what do you think?  Post below on my blog or email me at kim@kimravida.com to share!

Okay, I get it.  Sometimes reality does bite.  So if you are unhappy with the reality of your bank account balance and want to have more money to help you reach for the moon and the stars, my Grow Your Money Tree Program is for you.  Click here to find out more!

Do you have a healthy relationship with money?

u.s. dollar banknote in heart shapeI’m passionate about health.  When we talk about health though, we are usually referring to our physical condition.  But health can be used for other areas of our life as well, like a healthy relationship with our spouse, children, friends, colleagues and so on.  You may very well be aware of that and even strive to have both — a healthy physical condition as well as healthy relationships.

Here’s another area to think about.  Do you have a healthy relationship with money or are you constantly feeling stress, strife and conflict around money?  Do you say:  “I don’t have enough”, “I can’t afford that”, “Money’s hard to make”?  If so, this plays havoc in your life and even double havoc if you happen to be a business owner!

I too had an unhealthy relationship with money.  I constantly felt and talked about never having enough money, having a hard time making money and how I couldn’t do things or have experiences because I didn’t have the money.  ARGH – it was not only depressing but each day in my business was a struggle!

Fortunately, I realized I was doing this to myself and feeling this way… and I knew something needed to change.  What I was doing obviously wasn’t working and I didn’t want to stay frustrated and in struggle any longer!  Also as a fitness instructor (at the time) and a coach helping people make changes in their lives, I knew it was important for me to make a big change and finally get a handle on my money!

I began paying attention to those thoughts and feelings I was having, and what I was telling myself and others about not having enough money.  And by taking small, specific actions I was able to change my harmful relationship with money to one that is healthy and life altering.

Here are a few things I learned that will help you:

  • The number one thing you must do is to value money!  It is vital to your success in having a healthy relationship with money.  If you don’t value something, you are basically saying “it’s not important”.
  • Create powerful, empowering money habits.  A few examples are to track your income daily or weekly, set up a debt repayment plan and a regular savings plan.
  • Pay your bills on time or even early.  Yes, really.

Those are just a very small sampling of what I discovered.  They worked so well that I began coaching my life and business clients to adopt healthy habits around money too.

Through my personal — and also my clients’ – experiences, I realized that what I had discovered was so amazing and life-changing that I simply had to share it with more people.  I decided to take what I know and put it into a program… and I did. It’s called Grow Your Money Tree and I just launched it this week! Check it out because it might be exactly what you’re looking for and it’s being offered with Super Early Bird Pricing!



Truly, it’s ALL an excuse!

I’ve always been interested in making things – life, business, health, etc. – better for myself and for other people.

Over the years I have worked with so many clients — and had lots of friends — who say they are going to make things better in their lives.  Things such as lose weight, get healthier, get a new job, save more money, stop spending, do a household budget, take a vacation, have more time to spend with kids, parents, family, friends.  Yet, they don’t follow through on what they say.  Why?

What I realized is that man, there are a lot of excuses out there!  Here are some of the things that not only my clients and others are saying, but I’ve said too:

  • I can’t.
  • I have no time.
  • I have too much to do.
  • I don’t have enough money.
  • I need to learn how to do x first.
  • The weather is too cold/hot/whatever (yes, I’ve heard this).

Well, let me tell you exactly what these are…these are just excuses – and we all make them.  Because when we truly want to do something, we’ll do it.  When we really, really want something, we find a way to make it happen.

Why, then, do we make excuses?

Many of us fool ourselves into thinking it will be hard or we don’t like change or it’s going to take too much time.  And oh yeah, there can be a lot of that “F” word – FEAR!  Fear of lots of things.

Some of us know underneath and down inside, though, that we can’t be trusted to follow through.


For years we have let ourselves down by saying one thing and doing another.  This creates not only a pattern of negativity but also sends a message to our subconscious that we can’t be trusted.  So why bother getting started, we won’t be successful anyway.  Right?  Let’s make it wrong!

Look, we all know people who are successful at whatever they set out to do, so what makes them different?  They trust themselves to do what they say they are going to do… even if it’s hard.

Here are a few tips to break the negative pattern so you can begin to trust yourself, too:

  1. Pick something small to do and when you’ll do it – like walk around the block in the morning or read for ten minutes this evening — and write it down. Then do it!
  2. When you’ve done it…do a happy dance and pat yourself on the back! Yes, reinforcement does work!
  3. Do this for several weeks and then take on bigger goals. Soon you’ll be proving to yourself that you can be trusted.
  4. Enlist the help of a trusted friend or hire a coach to help support you and keep you accountable to yourself. Often, just having an outside source is enough to keep the fire lit through completion.
  5. Keep a journal or list of how you are doing so you can see that yes, indeed, you are following through.

When you finally show yourself that you can be trusted, the sky is the limit!  You’ll be done with excuses and reaching your goals faster and with more joy.

When you do, post below on my blog or email me at kim@kimravida.com to share your success and elation!