What successful people do: They keep going

11-15-16 used for Tuesday ThoughtThought for the day.

So often we hit a snag or a snafu and we give up.  We say that we’ll do it later but then later never comes.  We then say we don’t have the time to do it later and we can’t do it because of this or because of that.

Eliminate the excuses and do what the clock does and keep going!

You’ll be amazed at the results you get, the increase in energy and the feelings of accomplishment!

Who is with me and the clock?  If you are, please share and let’s create some success for ourselves and the world!

Did you know you had your own unique brilliance?

3You already have what it takes to succeed.

Your Unique Brilliance is something that is all and totally you! It is you at your best no matter what you are doing and no matter who you are with. Business owners who are in tune with theirs will have more success for themselves.

Your Unique Brilliance shows up when you are in the flow. When you are connecting with your true self. When you are open and everything flows into and through you.

Using your Unique Brilliance.

As a business owner using your Unique Brilliance is what will help you reach your goals faster and with less stress and frustration. When you are in your brilliance, everything feels easier, you have insights and experiences that serve you and you see quicker and more amazing results.

Maybe you are thinking that you aren’t too sure about what your Unique Brilliance is, well it is your essence and probably something you take for granted or even might not see. If that is the case, you won’t be able to use it to excel in your life and in your business.

Think of a time when you were at your best, things were flowing, you were in the groove, and feeling amazing. Do you have that time in mind?

  • Where were you?
  • What were you doing?
  • What were some feelings you had?
  • What were some thoughts you had?
  • What were some things you loved to do as a kid?

Jot all of that down. Now what are some words and qualities that describe what you wrote down? What do they mean for or meant for you?

Unique Brilliance in action.

An example of Unique Brilliance is:  I inspire possibility.

It’s mine. I loved to teach as a child, I loved to help others, I loved to listen and to brainstorm. I loved to help others see what was possible for them, to look at things in a different way, to see the other side of the coin/story/situation and to this day I still do. I believe it is what makes me a great coach.

I have always inspired possibility but it wasn’t until I learned of my Unique Brilliance that I was able to truly step into myself and own what I knew deep down inside that I was great at. Once you see what your Unique Brilliance is you will too.

What’s next.

Once you answer the above, create your own Unique Brilliance Statement by starting with the word “I” and then use a verb such as spark, ignite, shape, or any verb that fits you. A few more examples from my clients are:

  • I spark greatness
  • I empower action
  • I achieve decisiveness
  • I listen openly
  • I build empires
  • I accomplish fabulousness

What you want is a true “I” statement and one when you hit it you will own it! It will feel so totally you that you’ll be bursting with excitement and have a smile a mile wide on your face.

It’s your turn, what is your Unique Brilliance? Go ahead and figure it out and then share it with me on my Facebook page so that you can also share it with the world. And if you aren’t ready just yet to openly share and would like to keep it private for now, email it to me at kim@kimravida.com where it will be kept safe with me until you are ready to share it with the world!


How to propel yourself forward toward success

Secret to Success

Well, truly, it’s not a secret. It’s being talked about all over the place. It’s called your psychology. Also known as your mindset.

It is the one thing that can propel you to success.

As a business owner your success is paramount.

How to know if your mindset is sabotaging your efforts for success

There are many ways we harm our opportunities for success.  Several ways in which you may be taking yourself out from the success track are:

  • Are you using words such as “you are such an idiot, I can’t believe you did that, you are so stupid” in your self talk?
  • Do you often find yourself thinking about a situation hours or even days after it happened wishing you did or said something different than what you said?
  • Have you found yourself in the same situation over and over again, wondering what happened to get you here again?

If you said yes to any of those, you are in a negative mindset – therefore, your psychology is not one that will support you, it will actually destroy you.

Simple ways to boost your psychology for success

One of the reasons you may be more negatively focused is your upbringing. While we can’t go back to the past, you most certainly can change your present and your future.

  • Pay attention to your self talk.  Are you constantly berating yourself? Are you calling yourself derogatory names? There was a great article in Psychology Today that laid out the reasons why it’s easy to be negative. Once you are aware of your pattern it is easy to learn to turn it around.
  • Change your self talk.  If you do notice that you are not so nice to yourself, when you find that you are doing it, stop, and choose something nice to say about yourself.
  • Repetition is key.  In order to begin to change your pattern, you must be on guard and be at the ready when the negative self talk shows up so that you can change how you speak to yourself.

At first, it’s challenging, you may not even be aware of it.  Once you notice what you are doing, your pattern for your negative self talk, and implement your new habit of speaking kind and supportive to yourself, it gets easier!

Your assignment is to 1) pay attention to your self talk and notice if you are being negative and mean to yourself; 2) come up with several turn around phrases that you can tell yourself to start and shift from negative to positive; and 3) make it a habit.

That’s it! You will now be on the road to speedier successes and happiness!


My free e-book has a section about mindset. Learn more ways to help yourself to a successful and profitable business as well as a life! Download my free e-book now! It even has a companion workbook that you can use to get starting immediately.

Are you piling on the bull?

Did I get your attention? I hope so, that was my intent.

Pile of booksAnd so the next question is, are you? Piling on the bullsh*t that is. Making excuses, having “reasons” for not getting things done? Telling yourself you’ll get to it later and then later never comes? You have probably read other posts from me regarding excuses, and it’s a theme that continues to plague people, but why?


Many reasons, self-doubt, fear, worry, and concern which all point to f-e-a-r! Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of what other people will think, will say and more things than I can name in this one blog post. The interesting thing is most people won’t say they are afraid of something specific, fear shows up in very interesting ways.

Fear can show up in ways such as piling too much on yourself to do. If you have big to-do lists and a jammed packed schedule you’ll never get to anything and that actually keeps you safe. However, when you have too much to do, it’s almost impossible to finish any one thing.

Ask yourself are you keeping yourself (because make no mistake, it is you that is doing this) so busy because you absolutely have to do these things or are they holding you back from achieving what it is you want? Be completely honest with your answer here because often we think we have to do things or should do things when we really don’t.

What to do

And if you find that you are doing things that you really don’t have to do (or at least do right now) ask yourself what you are a avoiding, it’s a great question because if you ask what you are afraid of more than likely you won’t be able to answer that question -it’s too big and elusive.

By asking yourself what you are avoiding, you’ll be able to reach what it is that you are afraid of in a roundabout way. When one of my clients asked this question of herself she realized that she was afraid of saying no to others both in business and in life. So by keeping herself so busy she never had to say ‘no’ since she had other things she could cite as her reasons why she couldn’t do something.

Here’s the trick, learn to say no and feel good about it. That’s a whole blog for another day (we’ll get to that soon). Right now, take a look at where you are piling on the bullsh*t on yourself and then you can look at how to let it go.

Come on over to my Facebook page and share your experiences and any tips you have used to eliminate your stress.


Do you know when is when?

I had two conversations recently that gave me food for thought.  One day a friend said to me “I can’t help myself, I keep taking things on and it’s stressing me out.”  Then right after that, a client said “I have a hard time saying ‘no’ to everything and I’m totally stressed.”

My first thought was “Oh good, I’m not alone!” because I do the same thing.  My second thought was “Oh dear, there are others who don’t know when to say ‘when’, too.”  So I have decided to share my story with you so that if you are challenged by taking on too much too, maybe you’ll take something away from my experience to make your life better.

I have this habit of pushing myself a little too far. It shows up in ways like (and you may have the same issues):

  • putting too many to dos on my to do list
  • taking too many business-building classes
  • saying yes way too many times

When I do this I’m always in a mode of rushing around trying to get things done.  Of course, because there is too much to get done nothing ever feels like it’s coming to an end.

I recently finished learning how to be better at social media, but wanted to learn Instagram, so I signed up for a class for that. Then I saw an ad for a class to grow my email list and that is of interest to me as well, so I signed up.  Next I stumbled across an Ed2Go class for online businesses and thought this course would fill in the missing pieces that I felt I needed – so yes, I signed on for that one, too.

Now three classes isn’t really a lot (or so I think, you may think otherwise; it’s all in the perception) but that’s if you haven’t another thing you are doing … and in my case that isn’t so.

I run two businesses — my coaching business and my fitness business.  Plus, I am part of a group coaching program (where, yes, I’m learning in that as well) and I’m also in a private program that has group components, too.  So honestly, adding on even one of the classes above (and if I’m really being honest all of them) wasn’t in my best interest.

Can you guess what happened to me? If you guessed that I had stressed myself out beyond measure, you would be correct. Now let me tell you that it’s a negative self-sabotaging pattern that leads me to defeat not victory.

Can you relate?

I’m ambitious, I like to get things done, and I like to be constantly moving forward.  Yet what I’ve done with this pattern is make myself come screeching to a halt.

And that’s when I realized that I need to know when is when – when enough is enough, when too much is too much.  So I have decided that once all of these courses are complete, the new boundary for myself is to only take ONE course and be enrolled in ONE program at a time.

Truth be told, I don’t know how I’ll do with that (I’ll let you know though), because it’s such a different behavior and way of being for me.  However, I’m game to see how my life changes because of it!  

I wanted to share my story so that you can see you aren’t alone and you can do something about it.  Stay tuned to next month’s article where I’ll give you several tips to break your patterns and start recognizing when is when.

Your turn!  Hop on over to https://www.fb.com/KimRavidaCoaching/ and share your experience, what you have done to overcome the do-itis or what you’d like to know about recognizing when is when.

And of course, if you’d like to keep it private you are welcome to email me personally at kim@kimravida.com to share.

Are you disappointing yourself?

It’s an interesting thing we do. We disappoint ourselves all the time. Are you thinking “no I don’t” right now?

Let me ask you, have you said to yourself “I’ll do that today” (whatever “that” is)? And then do you end up NOT doing it? Or even making an excuse as to why you didn’t do it or weren’t able to do it? Well, that’s disappointing yourself.

A disappointed monster in front of a wooden signage

Your true self knows that you are lying to avoid the disappointment of saying you didn’t do it or didn’t do what you said you’d do so you are truly only hurting yourself. Why do we do it? (Yes, I’ve done it too.) Well, to feel successful, we want to look good and so we tend to say things that aren’t necessarily accurate even to ourselves.

But that’s where we end up disappointing ourselves and it’s a downward spiral from there. So then, I’d like to offer you a couple of ways in which you can start to be honest with yourself.

  1.  Write down everything you plan to do. This will give you a touch point to refer to so that you remember what you told yourself you were going to do so you can go and do it.
  2. Cross it off ONLY when you complete it. This may seem silly but this action will show you without a doubt what you did get done. You must be honest (no futzing/fibbing) though and not cross things off if you did not do it.

By doing these two steps you’ll be able to truly and honestly see yourself in the best light, and you’ll be in the best light! You’ll be on the road to trustworthiness with yourself. The days of disappointing yourself will be over and you’ll find you are more successful as well as happy!

Your turn, how can you see using the above steps to move from disappointing yourself to seeing yourself shine? Hop over to my Facebook page to share.


Sometimes you just have to take the chance

In this great big wonderful world of ours there is so much we can put our attention on.

We can take classes, work with mentors, read do-it-yourself books. We can follow influential people that inspire us but sometimes you just have to take a leap. That’s a leap of faith in yourself.

Quote - Holly Holm

I am an avid sports fan. I have my favorites but one thing that is true in any sport is mental preparation. Also know as mindset. Recently I heard Holly Holm, who is an MMA fighter say that “The mental part is the hardest part. Take the chance, believe in yourself. If you don’t take the opportunities that come to you how do you expect to get somewhere? It’s hard to put yourself out there sometimes.  It’s uncomfortable sometimes but I really just like to take the chance and believe in myself.”

I work with and know so many strong women who won’t put themselves out there because they are afraid. I won’t list all of the reasons but some are fear of failure, fear of success, fear of what others may say, fear of not being good enough.

And guess what? Yes, those may be true and they may not be true but how will you ever know if you don’t just take the chance?

I know from my own experiences that when I do put myself out there the results are amazing and I also know from my clients’ experiences as well as my friends’ experiences that they have experienced the same amazing and oftentimes unbelievable results just because they did take the chance.

Now it’s your turn. When have you taken the chance and discovered the yellow brick road was so much more than you even imagined? Comment here or feel free to write to me privately at kim@kimravida.com I’m so looking forward to reading what you have to say!

The magic happens outside your comfort zone

You didn’t actually think stuff happened in your comfort zone did you?

It is truly magic when you have the courage to do something new and/or different. Today I did something I knew would help me grow my business. Something I absolutely am committed to doing. Yet, I was dragging my feet on it. When I finally did it it not only felt amazing but I got exactly the results I wanted.

So what is it I did? I went into Boston for a women’s networking event. No biggie you might be thinking.  Ok, I hear ya. However, having worked in the City of Boston for 25 years and making a very fast escape, never to return to work there it was a big deal for me to head in in rush hour no less!

But man, I am so glad I did.  I not only was in a room with some amazing women and business women, but I was able to meet 5 new women that I can work or collaborate with. That wouldn’t have happened had I sat at home. Already I have set up 4 appointments for the upcoming weeks.

I took a Parking locationphoto of the card you take from the garage elevator to prove that I was indeed there this morning!

I did have a funny, I have always been challenged by riding the elevators in the big city (I’ll save my very first Boston elevator ride for another time) and this was no exception. You would think someone who worked in a high rise for 25 years would be able to get into an elevator, right? I mean, how hard is it to get into an elevator? Well, apparently now in the high rise buildings you don’t just walk up to the elevator and push the up button, you have to put in on the keypad (where the up button used to be) the floor you are going to and you are then assigned an elevator.

After I gave security a run for their money trying to help me and a big laugh I made it to my destination. I’ve been laughing about it all day and it makes me think, no matter how much you feel you are prepared there is always something that will show up for you to keep you on your toes.

Where in your business are you keeping yourself on your toes and creating the magic to reach your goals? I’d love to hear your stories! Either comment here or drop me a personal note at kim@kimravida.com

Do you want amazing success and satisfaction in your business?

Today I took my two dogs to the vet.  I was telling Dr. Rockwell, our long time vet about Razz’s (our Australian Shepherd) reluctance to walk on the kitchen floor. He has no problem on any other surface but the kitchen floor is a whole different ball game for him.

Dr. Rockwell thought he may have wiped out recently and now has a fear of the floor. This is challenging as his food dish is in the kitchen and he has to come in to eat as well as go outside. He went on to say that sometimes dogs have something happen and then have a fear about it happening again and so they are hesitant or avoid it all together.



I asked if we should move his food dish elsewhere and he said no, it will take some time but he’ll get over it. He went on to say he’ll have to face his fears.

This was intriguing to me since the clients I work with have their own fears that they are facing and overcoming in order to make more money in their business and have a life they love. It got me to thinking how interesting it is that we aren’t the only ones who have things happen and then have a fear around it.

My big take away from today is that there will always be a fear of something and it’s by facing and overcoming it that we triumph over it. And that triumph is where the real joy and accomplishment come from. So next time you are fearful of something don’t move your food bowl, think about how great it will feel when you overcome it.

Notice I said when and that is because I know you will. As I have and my clients have overcome our fears you will too.

Jump in and share your experience or feel free to email me privately at kim@kimravida.com. I’d love to hear what you have to say.


Did you ever do something you weren’t sure you could do in the first place?

How did it feel? Did it feel amazing? I know it did. I know because I just did something I wasn’t sure I could do in the first place too.

I blogged for 29 straight days. When I first heard about the challenge, I was intrigued but I wasn’t sure I could do it, you may remember that from an earlier post. But I decided to go for it, don’t know if you don’t give it a go, right? I’m thrilled to say I did it! And I learned a whole lot.

Processed by: Helicon Filter;

Here is what I learned:

  • I love to write;
  • I love to create a sequence (money breakthrough webinars);
  • I love to choose photos that go with what I’m writing about;
  • I love to create tweets;
  • I love to help others by sharing my expertise;
  • I love hearing what readers thought from their comments and their private emails I received.

I’m so very glad I decided to take part in this challenge. I had fun, I learned, I grew, I created a writing structure and I feel great about myself and my accomplishments this month. I was able to share my free webinar training series The 5 Key Money Areas that so many of you found to be helpful in your own quest for money success.

I know that because I had the determination to take on this challenge, that I will have the courage to take on other ones and that is very exciting to me.

Thank you for coming along with me for this ride, for reading and for commenting! I look forward to continuing to provide you with valuable and inspiring content.

As of this writing, I plan to post regularly on Tuesdays and Thursdays so make sure you continue to come back to check out what is new and as always share your comments and your thoughts!

You can continue to reach me privately at kim@kimravida.com

Photo © sherrie smith | Dreamstime