It is truly up to you!

The good news it is truly up to you.  The bad news, it’s truly up to you.

That means there is no one to blame, no one.  It is all truly up to you.  I like that actually.  As a recovering people pleaser I like to know that my success in my life and in my business is up to me.  I have the say, I can have it my way.  If you have been participating in my free webinar training series the 5 Key Money Areas recently you already know that you can have things your way.

The trouble is, it is easy to get comfortable where you are but you know what, the excitement, growth and yes success is truly outside that comfort zone.All progress takes place outside the comfort zone


How do you know you are in your comfort zone?

  1. You have trouble creating new ideas.
  2. You can’t seem to create momentum.
  3. You aren’t signing up new clients.
  4. You haven’t increased your income.
  5. You just don’t seem to be energized to get things done.

If you found yourself shaking your head yes to one or more of these, it’s time to shake things up and get things moving!

Here is a great quote that supports stepping outside your comfort zone.

In the event that you are just hearing about my free webinar training series the 5 Key Money Areas you can access the first two trainings below.  Make sure to follow me on Facebook and Twitter to be able to access each subsequent training session as they they are released.

Training 1:  5 Key Money Areas

Training 2:  Forgiveness

Share with me your thoughts and/or ways that you have moved yourself out of your comfort zone here or feel free to email personally at  Looking forward to hearing what you have to say.

It’s all good

It’s all good.  I love that statement.  The other day I saw an image post on Facebook that said to not think of the glass as half full or half empty but that it’s refillable!  Man, that hit me.  I had an immediate shift in my thinking and each day now I think ‘it’s refillable’ – I define my “it’s” as anything I choose.

If something isn’t going the way I want, I can stop and refill and not have to go down the dark path of thinking negative thoughts.  I love that I can change my thinking immediately.

What about you?  Are you a glass half full or half empty person?  Would a change in your thinking help you with your goals?  As a business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in limiting beliefs and ways of doing things that aren’t supportive.  Geez just watch an episode of The Profit on CNBC and you’ll know what I mean.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter of half full, half empty and the new one, refillable.  Feel free to comment here or send me a private email at

One thing I can always count on are my pets to keep me in the moment and having fun.  Yesterday I shared with you my Bernese Mountain Dog Baloo. Here is “the brother”, Razz enjoying his time in the snow!

Razz snow

You are the key

Happy Saturday!

Yesterday in the northeast we got a bit of snow.  Now I’m not a big fan of it but my Bernese Mountain Dog Baloo sure is!

Baloo hanging out in the snow

You can see he just makes himself at home in it.  So while I’m not a big fan, when you have a snow dog, you can’t help but go out in it.  So today we’ll go tromping about in the woods so he can have a blast and be out in the weather he was made for.  It’s pretty awesome, he even has a coat that practically dries off the second he shakes.  I like to say he’s a self-cleaning dog.

I hope that you have planned time off this weekend to relax and to just be.  So often my clients find themselves rushing around all weekend and back to work on Monday feeling frazzled and wishing for time off.  You know, you have to be the one to take it off.  No one is going to just give you time off.  It is up to you.

It’s like the 5 Key Money Areas that I have been sharing with you.  You truly are the key to them and the success of them and ultimately the success of yourself.  The first training was an overview of the 5 Key Money Areas and the second training was about Forgiveness.  I’m sure forgiveness wasn’t high on your list of actions to take to make money but hopefully after you listened you had a new perspective.

In the event you haven’t listened yet, I am including the links to the trainings so you can listen to them.  I kept them very short in order that you’d be able to listen and walk away with something new to think about.  There is also a quick action step in each if you so choose to do so.

Training 1:  5 Key Money Areas

Training 2:  Forgiveness

When you have listened to them, pop back to share your thoughts or feel free to email me directly at  I’d enjoy hearing your thoughts on the subject.

Would you do this if you knew it would help you make more money?

Hello and welcome to Blog Day 5.  I’m a bit surprised to tell you that I’ve had a blast this week creating a blog a day!

Did you get to read yesterday’s blog, It’s easy to make more money?  Did you say ya right when you read the title?

I  don’t blame you, I did too when I first learned the 5 Key Money Areas.  I thought, what a farce, and got kind of annoyed.  Actually, really annoyed.  Yet, what I know from my professional training as well as my personal experience is that when I’m mad, annoyed, or any negative reaction it means that I’m on to something.  Something that can set me free and I’ll always be about that!

Business Team

Well today you get the next training in my free training series on the 5 Key Money Areas.  I don’t want to spoil it for you but what I will say is that if you do this, you will free yourself to be able to increase your income like you won’t believe.

Today I was talking with a client and I said that we all have “stuff” around money that comes up.  We can’t help it, some of it is our doing and some is not.  What’s important is that we don’t let it stand in our way of having what we want, especially when it comes to making money.

Listen to today’s training so that you don’t let your stuff stand in your way!

Once you listen, come back and post your comment or feel free to email me your thoughts directly at  I’d love to hear them.


Do you want the keys to more money?

I know I sure do!  When I started my business, it seemed I was always struggling to make money (never mind more of it) and once I learned the keys to make and keep more, I felt as if I had a big secret.  One that I wanted to share.  If I could help someone else from struggling like I had, then I wanted to do that!

That is where The 5 Key Money Areas free training came from.  And it is ready for you right now!  It will help you create a successful relationship with money. In yesterday’s article I talked about how lots of men and women struggle with their relationship to money and how it is important to have a relationship with your money.


Well you can start today, right now as a matter of fact!  You can learn the 5 Key Money Areas and how you can use them to increase your income.  I’m inviting you to listen here now.  The training is under 10 minutes so you just have to click, listen and then take action (and that is super short too).  That’s it.

My goal is to get this information to you, quickly and easily.  I know that when people transform their relationship with money, amazing things happen for them and for those around them.  Yes, they make more money, but it is so much more than just that.

This is for you if you want to make more money, understand how you may be stopping yourself, understand what you can do to reach your goals and do so quickly.  This is the first in a series of six.  The training links will be posted to my social media as well as to my blog so make sure you connect with me.

For your ease in connecting and in the event that we aren’t already connected, you can find me on Twitter @KimRavida and on Facebook.

Once you listen, post a comment or drop me a note to let me know what you thought.  I’m always happy to hear your thoughts and comments directly.  You reach me at  I’m excited for what is going to happen for you with your relationship with money!



Are You Positively Positive?

I just read one of Tony Robbins books.  This quote really got me thinking:  “The difference between acting badly or brilliantly is not based on your ability, but on the state of your mind and/or body in any given moment.”

I gave this a lot of thought.  I realized that when I’m tired, I’m cranky and things go oh so wrong.  When I’m hungry, I’m rushing and I’m very short with myself and others.  When I’m not at my optimal, I’m angry, frustrated, stressed out and nothing I do ever goes right.

Can you relate?  So then, what’s a person to do?  The obvious physical actions are: eat and sleep.  But what about our mindset around those actions?  We all know that we should take care of ourselves better, but do we?  I know of more and more people who put off taking care of themselves, eating well, exercising, sleeping, and down time all in lieu of working more, doing more, being more.

A wise woman once told me “I have to take care of my body; I take it everywhere I go.”  So true.  Also true is that our body takes us everywhere we go.  Well then, since that is the case, how can we better take care of ourselves so that we are optimally running all the time?

As business owners, what if we were to change our mindset to one that is supportive and loving of ourselves and others?  What do you suppose would happen?  The right mindset when it comes to running a business really can be the difference between a successful business and a failing or struggling business.

Think about your mindset as a business owner; would you say you have a positive or negative one?  Which is dominant?  Many clients when they first start working with me realize they have a negative attitude.  When they recognize that they are in a negative mindset they can’t believe it.  See, often they can’t even see it.  Ever heard the saying “can’t see the forest through the trees”?  Fortunately, in time they turn it around. 

Where might you be holding yourself back?  If you were to shift your mindset from negative to positive, could make a world of difference to your business?

If you are serious about making changes to your own mindset, join my Prosperous Business Mastery Group Mastermind Program where you’ll have lots of opportunities to learn how to change and master your mindset.  For more information click here.

Are you seeing your true self?

pretty from withinDo you see yourself as a most beautiful, intelligent and loving person?  Or do you see yourself as less than those things?

I have no idea why, but a lot of people look in the mirror and think “Oh, I have wrinkles, my hair is horrible, I hate how I look, I’m not pretty” or down the path of “I’m not…” this or that.  Then they go into the inner sanctum of themselves and continue to say such negative things throughout the day – I’m stupid, what a fool, I’m a loser, I can’t do this, who do I think I am, no one likes me, I’m unlovable and so on.  It wears them down and keeps them down.

Where does this come from and why does it happen?

What if we were to see ourselves as who we truly are?  Brilliant, gorgeous, amazing, kind, loving, worthy of love, and worthy of anything and everything we want.  What if we embraced being the shining star we are… no matter what we think the outside looks like?

How great would life be?

But it doesn’t end there.  I know many young people (and older people, too!) who have low self-esteem and think of themselves as losers and not worth anything.  And no matter what I or anyone else tells them, they can’t aspire to be great and follow their dreams because they just don’t feel it.  If they don’t feel it on their own, nothing is going to happen for them.  It is really heartbreaking.

So how can we also help others feel as though they are wonderful and deserving?

What if we were kind, loving and supportive to everyone around us? What if we truly listened to others? What if we encouraged them without judgment, fear or worry so that they could go out and become exactly who they were put here to be?

What a wonderful, joyful, and highly successful world we would have!

You already may know this, but each of us are true miracles — just think about the birth process and how we come to be. Your true self is magnificent.  You are unique and special in so many ways.  Therefore, you are definitely a most beautiful, intelligent and loving person!

Can you think of someone you might encourage or support… or just reach out to and say “Hey, you are perfect just the way you are”?  If you can, please share with them what you truly think about them.  You never know, that one act could truly change the course of their life.

Do you have an experience to share?  I’d love for you to share by either emailing me at or sharing here on my blog!

To tell the truth…

Concept of accusation of guilty business womanI haven’t always been honest.  Man, that was hard admit — to you and to myself.  But now that the truth has been told… what do I really mean?

Well, I realized that I am someone who is so loving, caring and compassionate that I was not being of exceptional service to my clients!  See, I come from a place of not wanting to hurt anyone – and so I would let my clients’ pussyfoot around and not stand in their power.  Oh sure, I pushed them (I know this because they are very free in telling me “Kim, you’re pushing it!”), but there were times I let them off the hook and boy, does that make me mad at myself now.

It makes me mad because that is what they do for and to themselves already.  They came to me because what they were doing wasn’t working and they needed that proverbial kick in the can…  and I wasn’t doing that enough! 

Once I recognized that I had been afraid of creating conflict or controversy, I decided right then and there that I wasn’t being honest with myself and with my clients and I was making a change.

What happened next is so amazing!  After my clients were introduced to the “new” Coach Kim — and got over the shock of me no longer using kid gloves with them but really holding them powerful no matter what (something I learned from my own coach) — they began to see even faster results.  It was inspiring!  When they understood that I was no longer afraid of creating conflict or controversy, they were able to step outside of their comfort zone and really soar.

By allowing them to see what was possible for them, they got a taste of how their life could be. Instead of being fearful of “What if it doesn’t work?” they began to take actions based on those positive feelings and came from a place of “What if the results are so amazing?

My new truths are that it’s okay to push someone out of their comfort zone and I can still do it in a loving, caring, compassionate way – hey, that’s just who I am!  And it’s okay if someone gets upset with me.  When I teach my group exercise classes, I often say “I don’t care if you don’t like me right now, you’ll love me when we are done and you feel great!”  By embracing that philosophy in my coaching business and challenging my clients to truly be greater and wiser and more successful than they think they can be, I am absolutely standing in my honesty with and to them.

Is there a place in your life where you aren’t being honest to those you are trying to serve?  I hope this helps you change your thinking. Share your story below!

Be confident and believe!

Believe You Can You're Halfway There Words Saying QuoteOne thing I realized when I first started to teach was that no matter what, I had to act as if I belonged in front of the room. So even if my inner gremlin was saying to me “Who do you think you are? You have no idea what you’re doing” or “You have no business teaching these people,” I had to put that voice aside and act as if I did belong there and that I did know what I was doing.

Truth be told, it wasn’t always easy. See, even if I made a mistake, I just kept going. I didn’t dwell on it in my head and I proceeded on. I acted like the expert… and well, I was. I was the one standing in the front of the room presenting my knowledge and my material. It was probably one of the hardest things I ever did in my life. But it was one of the most important things, too.

I was able to do this because I had learned that the number one secret to success is not what you know, what you do or how you do it… the secret to success is in your head. Your mindset. If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, well… you can’t.

Much has been written on mindset over the years. We have quotes from Henry Ford and Eleanor Roosevelt and the story of The Little Engine That Could, and yet we continue to talk ourselves out of success. We don’t give ourselves the credit to be confident. We believe we are less worthy others.

Oh boy, I seem to have gotten on a soap box. Well, while I am here, I might as well keep going.

I’ve taught numerous classes over the years and worked with many people in groups and individual settings. One thing I observe over and over is that there is a point where people will take themselves out of the game. They decide that they can’t do whatever it is they are asked to do… or even what they want to do. It truly isn’t that they can’t physically or mentally accomplish it; instead, they take themselves out psychologically. Their mindset is that they aren’t good enough or nor worthy.

But I always know that they can. I’ve seen countless expressions of amazement, astonishment and sheer joy when they do what they formerly believed they could not. I’ve shared in the tears and laughter when they realize they are greater than they once believed they were.

So the next time you think “I can’t do that”, I invite you to act as if you can and then do it. Because once you realize you can, there will be no stopping you.

Here are a few suggestions for you as you embark on your personal success track:

  1. Act as if. Act as if you can do or do know what you need to know in order to get it done.  Give yourself a pep talk. Simply saying “I can do this” or “I’ve got this” will help.
  2. Visualize yourself successful. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Visualize yourself being successful, whatever that is for you. Put yourself in the place you are going and see yourself standing tall and confident and acting from a place of empowerment.
  3. Make a list of your strengths. List those things which you know you are good at and read them daily. By keeping your strengths front and center, it will be easy to step into them any time you need to.

Truly, to be successful you have to be the greatest version of you that you already are!  You already are strong, confident and successful; you might just need to remind yourself of that.

Need more help acting as if and being your authentic self, I can help you.  Email me at kim @  And if you want to share your experiences or even tips, please post them below here on my blog!


Stop Automatically Listening to Others!

stop listeningOne thing I know for sure is that the best way to create stress in your life is to live your life according to someone else.  I know this because that is exactly what I did for many years.  I listened to what other people told me and I believed that they knew better than I did.

For me, I had a self-confidence issue.  I wasn’t confident in myself at all.  So when someone told me something – anything — I took it to be true, believed it and did it.  As in, I stayed with a job that was horrible, abusive and stressful for many years because I was told by my loved ones that I “had a good job”.  Of course they would say that!  They were on the outside looking in.  They saw I worked at a stable company, got paid well, had great benefits and so on.  What they couldn’t understand was how poorly I was treated on a daily basis, how stressful and negative the environment was, and how unsupporting management was.  My loved ones didn’t know my true feelings because they didn’t live my life.

Makes sense right?  Yet, because I didn’t believe in myself, I listened to them.  They must know better, than me.  They must know more because they are older than me.  They must know because of their experience.  That is what I thought!

I know better now.  There is no way they could know because they are not me.  My father had a saying “You don’t know what someone is going through unless you walk in their shoes, and since you only walk in your shoes be careful about judging someone else.”  Oh, this is so true!  We must be careful to not judge.  Because honestly, who are we to say what someone else should or shouldn’t do?

If only I knew then that my loved-ones couldn’t know better than me – about me – because they weren’t walking in my shoes.

If you are reading this, more than likely you are looking to clear your stress.  I have news for you that you might not like, but it is valuable.  If you bring it into your life, you’ll eliminate lots of your stress immediately.  Stop automatically listening to others.

Often people give us wonderful information that we might not have discovered and learned on our own — but you need to question, “Is this true for me?”  Also question who told you that, and are they the best person for you to listen to?  Can they absolutely know what you are going through, what you need to do, what you want to do?  Have they walked in your shoes?  Are they really trying to help or are they afraid that by you making a change, they will also have to change?  (That’s biggie and a topic for another day.)

Please remember, you are truly the only person who can decide what is best for you!  And that will go a long way to removing and clearing your stress in your life.