It’s all in the way of your attitude

Got Attitude?

Mindset QuoteHave you said about someone else that you didn’t like their attitude or that they had an “attitude”?

Or, what about when you were growing up?  There were times when I heard “I don’t approve of your attitude” or “You better change your attitude, young lady”. What about you? And did you even know what ‘attitude’ meant?

Back then for me it meant I better behave in a way that made someone else happy or else I might be punished. Interesting, eh?

Attitude defined

When I looked up the meaning of attitude, the dictionary told me:

Personal view of something:
  an opinion or general feeling about something

Challenging Manner:
 an arrogant or assertive manner or stance assumed as a challenge or for effect

The other thing I discovered was that attitude also means mindset! AH, exactly what I was looking for. See, your mindset will determine your outcomes. In business, your mindset has everything to do with your success (or failure). Your mindset (attitude) will either propel you forward or hold you back.

How to use your mindset/attitude for success

Think about your business right now. Is it everything you want it to be?
Are there things you have wanted to do, yet have not done? Why not? What are you thinking? What are you feeling? What are you afraid of?

Here are few questions for you to use to shift your mindset/attitude:

  • What is the outcome I want to experience?
  • What is one action I can take to get started?
  • What is the worst that can happen?

Start with those and if you’d like more questions and tips download my free e-book. You’ll also get additional steps to creating a successful business that is profitable! The e-book has a companion workbook for you as well that will help you create the business success you know that you can have!

Share your thoughts and comments on my blog or email me back personally; I love hearing from my subscribers!


It’s all about the money

Money, money, it’s such an interesting subject

Mention the word money to someone and see what their reaction is. Then ask them how much they make a year and watch their reaction. Ask them if they think they are great money managers and listen closely.

Money is a touchy subject. Often we look at things in black and white. Those who have it and those who don’t.

Are you someone who wants to have more money? If you answered yes (and I can’t imagine that you wouldn’t) what is it you really think about it? Do you love money or do you hate it? Are you thinking “of course I don’t love money”? And if you said “I love money”, are you feeling excited and elated about that or are you secretly thinking “um, that feels really strange”?

The importance of your relationship to money

The way you feel about money is the way your relationship is with it. Yes, you do have a relationship with money. As a business owner, this plays a huge role in your success and of course, in your profitability.

If you have a negative relationship with money you might bury your head in the sand when it comes to knowing your financials. When you do that, that just leads to disaster.

As a business owner, not knowing your numbers means that you cannot create a healthy business. It means that you may even be working for free. Now I know you don’t want that to happen, so it’s imperative that you know your numbers.

How to know your numbers

Here are simple steps to get your started:

  • Gather your income figures for the last 12 months
  • Gather your expenses for the last 12 months
  • Add each of them up to get a 12 month total and then subtract your expenses from your income
  • Ask: what do these figures mean for my business?

After you get your figure, hopefully you’ll be in the green, but if you aren’t take a deep breath. This may be the first time you have seen everything in one place.

The reason you want to ask what does this mean for my business is so that you can take a look at what is going on. You may need to go through your expenses to see what needs to be eliminated but you also may need to increase your income. If you do this, one thing is for sure, you will have a good financial picture in which to begin to make changes to lead you to profitability.

Can you see how knowing your figures will help you determine your outcomes? First you need to see what is going on, then you need to make adjustments and then from there you can begin to work on making a profit.

Give yourself a pat on the back for doing this. This may be a new behavior for you and you want to make sure you congratulate yourself for taking this action!


My free e-book will give you a step by step guide to creating a successful and profitable business as well as a life! Download my free e-book now! It even has a companion workbook that you can use to get starting immediately.

How to be a time producer instead of a time waster

How you handle your time will = your outcomes

“I’m late for a very important date” said the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland.  He actually said more than that it went more like this:

“I’m late, I’m late for
A very important date.
No time to say hello, good-bye,
I’m late, I’m late, I’m late
I’m late and when I wave,
I lose the time I save.”

And just like my blog last week about creating your roadmap quoted Lewis Carroll who wrote: “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” The same thing will happen for you if you haven’t gotten a hold of yourself when it comes to time.

Not only will you not get to where you are going, you’ll never have the time to get there.

Time Management is a real farce

There is no way you can manage your time, but you sure can handle your time. Are you someone who knows exactly what you need to do as well as know how to do what it is you need to do? Are you someone who has clear priorities and accomplishes a lot in a short amount or time, or are you well, just all over the place?

What to do to get a handle on your time

First, you need to know what you are doing, how much time you think it will take and then how much it actually takes. Once you know that then you need to schedule it to get it done.

That was a struggle for me. I wasn’t always so great at time. I was a total time waster! I struggled so much with time. I worked with productivity experts, coaches, accountability partners and I read practically every book (yeah, not kidding) on time management as well as any blog I could find to help me and I just couldn’t figure this time thing out.

I started to think something was wrong with me. It wasn’t until I realized I didn’t have a clear idea of how much time something would take that I had my “V-8 moment” and I finally understood how I could handle time and be a time producer!

Become a Time Producer

A time producer is someone who gets a lot done without a lot of chaos, stress and mess! A time producer knows exactly how much something will take, knows when they will do it and does it.

This might sound like a no-brainer but you’ll be surprised how many people tell me they have no time to do what I’m recommending.

Take the time to figure out exactly how long something will take you to do so that you can know when you’ll be able to get it done.

If you would like a time tracker sheet, download my free e-book 5 Essential Steps to Creating a Successful Business That is Profitable. It comes with an accompanying workbook where you’ll also find step-by-step instructions on how to track your time to know your exact figures to be able to put more time in your day, because for a business owner, more time, equals more money!!

My free e-book will give you a step by step guide to creating a successful business as well as a life! Download my free e-book now! It even has a companion workbook that you can use to get starting immediately.

How to avoid going down the rabbit hole

As entrepreneurs and business owners, it is easy to just jump in and get caught up in the doing or running a business.

e-book 5 Essential Steps

Believe it or not there are essential steps that you can take in order to create a successful and profitable business. Here is a brief overview of those essential steps:

  1. Know your why. Why did you go into business in the first place?  Was it to make more money, have more time, be your own boss, be in charge of how things were handled? What was your reason for going into business. When things get going and sometimes they get going fast and become out of control, when you can remember your reasons for wanting to go into business for yourself you’ll be less likely to give up and throw in the towel.
  2. Create your roadmap. The saying is true, if you don’t have a plan, then any road will get you there and usually not the “there” where you want to be. What is your outcome, then what is your first step to getting you there, your second, and so on. When you have a well thought out plan you will be able to reach your destination with a lot less pot holes.
  3. Be a good time user. When in business for yourself time is usually not on your side. Being very clear about what you will use your time for is a key component for success in business. Otherwise you’ll be that person who never seems to be able to get anything done or relied upon to come through and that is not a good place to be in your business.
  4. You must understand the financials. Not knowing your numbers means that you can definitely kiss a successful and profitable business bye-bye. Your numbers do not lie. They tell a story, it’s up to you to decide if you want that to be a happy story or a horror story. Tracking your income and your expenses at the very least is an absolute must. Do not underestimate the power of knowing your numbers inside and out.
  5. Mindset Mastery. A strong, positive mindset is the biggest key to a successful and profitable business. Your mindset will either propel you forward or hold you back. And my guess is that as a business owner you want to be propelled forward. When you are feeling as if you do want to throw in the towel, ask yourself “what is one thing I can do to change my thoughts right now?” It’s a powerful question and you will receive an answer, once you do, take action as if your business depended on it, because it does.

I suggest you begin at #1 and start to implement that this upcoming week and then go on to #2 and so on.  Whether you have an established business or just getting started each of the essential steps will help you become extremely skillful in your business so that you enjoy more of what you want, money, success, joy!

Love those steps and want more to help you succeed? Download now my free e-book 5 Essential Steps to Creating a Successful Business That Is Profitable. It’s normally $7.99 but it’s your’s for free for a limited time so don’t delay, get it now! The e-book comes with a companion workbook for you to use to put each of your steps into action.

I know that by taking action, you will receive amazing results!  Once you read it and take action, be sure to email me at and let me know what step made the most difference for you.


Do you wish you had more time?

When I first began my business, one of the things that I used to say was “I wish I had more time.” Here is the kicker though, no matter how much time I had, I never felt that I had enough of it.

TimeAre you someone who constantly feels as if you never have enough time or wonders where your time went?  One thing that might help you is to learn how you use your time that will make the biggest difference for you.

Have you heard of Parkinson’s Law where work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion? It’s so true!  If you have an hour to get something done, it will take you an hour and if you have 15 minutes, then well, it will take you 15 minutes. So you can absolutely create more time simply by completing your tasks faster.

So that said, some tasks need to be done faster and some do need time to unfold and to build.  A key for your success is to know without a doubt which tasks need to be done quickly and which tasks need more time.

Most people struggle with the challenge of trying to figure out what is a priority because they think that everything is a priority. Stephen Covey created a Time Management Matrix to be able to help you prioritize better and have a better understanding of what is truly important and needs to get done and what is just urgent and has you hopping around putting out fires.

If you find that you are putting out more fires than you are getting to your important things, learning to implement time producers and eliminate time wasters is something that you can benefit from. In my brand new e-book 5 Essential Steps to Creating a Successful Business that is Profitable I have a section that will help you become a master of your time.

Download the e-book now and get started on being a master of time. After you have downloaded the e-book and taken action on creating more time for yourself, I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments and victories, email me at to share!



Want results, set a powerful intention.

When it comes to results, there is more to it than laying out goals. It’s about setting powerful intentions.

What is your intention?

How many times have you said or even heard “It wasn’t my intention to do that.” For the most part those words are uttered after something happened that either didn’t go well or wasn’t something that you wanted.

Create Your Future

When that happens usually it is because there was no aforethought. It’s usually a dive in and get going. Kind of like driving blind, you just get going and hope for the best. Well that isn’t any way to get results.


Setting an intention means to have a purpose, an aim, to have meaning. Yes, it is important to quantify your results. Writing down I will make $10,000 by June 30, is a powerful goal and adding a powerful intention in terms of purpose to go along with that means that you will see results.

Let’s take a look at setting an intention for the $10,000 by June 30.


  • To make $10,000 by June 30 (quantifiable)


  • I will show up for my business in a confident and assertive way.
  • I will hold myself as powerful no matter what.
  • I will take powerful actions:
    • To speak to 10 previous clients about working together again.
    • To follow up with potential clients to make an offer to work together now.
    • To track and keep all income and expenses up to date.

As you can see, there are some intentions that are focused on your way of being and then there are intentions that are focused on actions. The things you will do that will help you attain your result.  Each one is an important part of the result equation, to have one without the other results in less than what you want out of your goal.

The best way to be productive, purposeful and profitable is to:

  • Set specific intentions
  • Write down your specifci intentions
  • Review daily
  • Take consistent action

Here is the beauty of setting goals with powerful intentions, you immediately set yourself up for success. You will know exactly what it is you will do in order to work toward your goal throughout the time frame you have given yourself.

So many people let themselves down by choosing general goals without intentions, when they don’t reach them they feel like they have failed. When you set those powerful intentions, write them down, review them daily, and take consistent action you have no choice but to succeed.

Even if let’s say, you did not make $10,000 by the end of June, but you took specific action daily, you have won. Can you see that failure is not an option?

The other thing that happens when you set and follow your intentions is that you give yourself some insight into what perhaps didn’t (and of course, what did) work  so that you can easily course correct. The ultimate end result here is to continuously stay on target by taking action,  reviewing the results that come out of taking action and course correcting accordingly.

Are you ready? Good! I’m excited to hear how it goes for you. Email me your goals and intentions at along with the time frame you set for yourself. I’ll be here to support you in any way during your goal time and after the time frame is over, you’ll be able to write again to share your results!

Here is a resource for you if you are truly interested in reaching your goal, it’s called the Freedom Journal. Click here to go to the website and order your own copy.




It’s all about the plan

Do you remember when you were younger and getting together with your friends you’d ask “hey, so what’s the plan?” And usually there wasn’t one but you’d all come up with something.

It’s not a bad strategy when you are a teenager but it’s a terrible one if you are a business owner. No plan, no success. I should know, I spent a lot of time doing things with no real plan. Oh sure, I thought I had a plan, I would do a little social media, blogging, networking and other business building tasks but that was only because that was what I thought I should do because others either said to do it or were doing it. (Gee, as I write this I’m realizing I wasn’t that far removed from what goes on in high school.)

Then one day it hit me, I wasn’t getting where I wanted to go because I didn’t have a plan. I didn’t have a step by step plan of the things I would do that would bring me what I wanted. When I think of the elite athletes and successful business owners and businesses each one had a plan that laid out what to do first, second and so on.

I realized that building a business was much like building a brick and mortar building. There are separate contributions from many areas and they all need to fit together as one. And to do that, each has to be executed precisely in coordination. In some cases, in order to reach a goal there are certain pieces that need to be done before others.

Once I realized this, that everything comes together to make the whole the results start happening. Oh and another thing I learned was that I wasn’t necessarily the best person for all of the jobs. In order to reach my goals I needed to delegate, sometimes delete and always be open to course correcting.

Now, to this day, before I do anything in my business I either get out a checklist (if it’s something I’ve already done) or I create a step by step plan (and turn that into a checklist) so that I always know what to do and when to do it. This helps me reach my end result faster and with a lot less stress.

It’s become a game of sorts, I love to plan so I get to do what I love and then I love to see results of that plan, so by taking the steps in between (the meat of the matter so to speak), I work my plan and see my results!

Where are you failing to plan? And more importantly, what do you want to do so that you succeed? As Winston Churchill said, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. I know you don’t want that. So hop on over to my Facebook page and tell me your tips for planning or what one step you will commit to after reading this.


There is more to getting things accomplished than just having a strategy

Do you like to strategize? To plan? I love to do both, it’s the execution I can get stuck on. What I have come to realize is that sometimes I don’t have the right tactics or the step by step action map that I need in order to execute to completion. And in business execution is paramount to having things completed.

Early in my career as a business coach I struggled with completing things for my business. I never had a problem working with clients, that was easy it was the bits and pieces that went into creating a successful business structure that I got hung up on.

That was until I realized that while I had a fabulous plan, I didn’t necessarily have the tactics (the methods I was going to use) or the steps in which I would do the right things at the right time that would equal the results I wanted.

Once I realized this, boy was it easy to execute and actually complete things so that I got the results I wanted. A lot of organization and structure went into getting there and I’d love to share with you several steps that I used to go from planning to execution to completion!

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  • Make the plan realistic. Look at your plan and ask yourself honestly, “is what I’m saying I’m going to do, realistic, is there something that I need to look at differently?”
  • Keep it simple. Once you determine your realistic plan, ask “how can I get this done in a simple manner?”
  • Lay out your tactics on paper. By doing so you will be able to see if the approach is realistic and simple. Here you can determine what it is you will do and how you will do it.
  • Create a step by step detailed action map. After you have completed the above, this step will encompass what to do and when including who is to do it and any materials needed to complete it.

When I work with my clients, I help them create a do-able Strategic Plan of Action so that they have confidence to commit, execute and complete everything on their list that will lead them to reaching their results.

If you would like to set up a free Strategic Plan of Action Call simply email me at

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Do you feel like you are in a rut?

Quote - Wayne DyerIn February I undertook a challenge; a blog challenge in that I would write every day. You may have read some of my blogs (if not, feel free to go to

What I discovered was that I loved writing every day and it was fun to post to my blog daily, receive and respond to comments, and interact with people. What I also discovered was that coming down to the end of the month, I was looking forward to it being over.

Kind of strange, right? I started out enjoying the challenge and finding something new that was fun to do, but after a while it was not as gratifying. It felt as if I got in a rut. Hmph. What is that about?

Well, I realized that while I love to write, there are other things I love to do, too. And because it took time out of my workday to blog, I had to let other things go by the wayside (to say ‘yes’ to one thing sometimes is to say ‘no’ to something else). Therefore, when the blog challenge came to an end, I had time open up in my day again to do the other things I missed doing.

Now, after thinking this over more I saw that the rut I got into was a routine I didn’t change up. Take exercise for example. Many of my readers know that I also am a group exercise instructor.  Some of you come to my group classes and know that I never do the same class twice. That’s because I like variety. I have a structure and a foundation, but I like to vary my actions.

Diversity is what keeps me motivated and energized. So if you feel you have gotten into a rut here are a few tips to get you going again:

  • Change up your routine. Instead of doing the same thing at the same time every day, reverse your activities.
  • Look for ways to do what you are doing differently. Using exercise as an example; if you regularly walk on the treadmill, try walking outdoors or use a different piece of equipment.
  • Switch your environment. If you work from home, go to the library or local coffee shop once in a while.
  • Set a revolving schedule. Every 10-15 days switch up your activities, where you work and what you are working on. You will keep your existing structure but instead of doing the same things at the same time and getting in a rut, you’ll be able to keep it fresh and new.

Often what happens is that our energy gets stagnant and flat. Changing things up is a great way to keep things light and airy and fresh.

Maybe you’ve noticed that this month my blogging schedule has changed; it’s how I can add a little bit of variety to the mix of things I love to do during my work day.

Your turn! I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter, please post to my blog or email me personally at to share.

A simplistic way to create your victory

One of my favorite days of the week is Sunday. It is the one day that I do not work, no matter what.  I love hanging out reading, watching tv (especially if it’s a sporting event) and relaxing.

Today is the DaytoMike Murdockna 500. I’m not a big race fan but I am fascinated about how big NASCAR is and I enjoy watching the beginning of each race because there is so much that goes into one,  the big one as they call this race.

Talk about having a structure, each week is pretty much the same but different venues, the drivers and their teams have very specific actions that they follow, their routines on race day rarely vary. I guess I like it because while I would tell you that I hate routines, I do realize the value of them and when I follow my own routines for my life and my work, everything is rosy and I like that.

What are some structures and routines you use to be successful in your life and in your business?

I would love to hear them. Either comment here on my blog or email me privately at