How to not give in to distractions

Distractions are just a part of our lives.

You probably didn’t want to hear that. I know I don’t! Yet, it is so true.

How then can we cope with them and even overcome them when they appear in our lives?

It’s important to first know that there are different types of distractions that we deal with. There are the small distractions. The telephone calls, text messages and social media bings and bongs. Heck, this blog post might be distracting you from something you should be doing instead.

There are medium sized distractions. If you work from home you might be distracted by your children or spouse or even your pet. Full disclosure, right now Bruin, my 8 month old Bernese Mountain Dog is bumping my elbow wanting his lovies.

And then we have the BIG sized distractions, a sick relative, looming deadlines, things you just have to do and do now or their will be grave consequences.

Oh and let’s not forget odd distractions like your street being paved (I’m raising my hand here as that is also happening right now as I write this). Or an accident that happened in front of your house or things along that nature.

No matter what the distraction is, don’t let it derail you,

Now that you know that there are different kinds of distractions, you can learn how to not let them derail you.

One of the things I help my clients with is to set up solid systems so that if and when (cause ya know it’s gonna happen) distractions hit, they’ll be prepared.

When you are prepared for things to happen they usually don’t have the power to pull you off course for long. Sure they may pull you off for a short time, but with your systems and tools you easily get back on track.

My friend and colleague Ann Rusnak once said to me, when I got distracted and didn’t finish what I wanted to, it’s like sometimes we play whack a mole. That has stuck with me because it made so much sense.

That’s when I set up those systems for myself and what I help my clients with and it made all the difference in the world!

How to not find yourself playing whack a mole in your life and business.

Here are several strategies to take so you don’t find yourself getting caught up in distractions:

  1. Plan for them. Not all distractions we can plan for but the small ones we can. Such as the telephone calls, emails and text messages (even the puppy dog wanting his lovies). Have set times when you will be “doing” what I like to call admin/communicating time. The big ones, if we know what they will be can be planned too.
  2. Follow a To Do and Projects List. Well-thought out lists can help you plan your time accordingly.
  3. Be Mindful. This one is a little less of a step. However, just as important. Do you know when you usually get distracted? When you are mindful of what is going on with your life and business, you’ll be able to avoid them in the first place.

Those are a few ways you can start using to not fall prey to the distractions around you.

Distractions can derail us faster than you can say the word. If you want more personalized help to be able to be productive no matter what is going on around you I can help you do that. Set up a free 30 minute session with me and we’ll work together to create a plan for you to feel good about your change. Click here to be on your way.

It’s all about the health of you and your business

Fitness photo - blog 10-20-16What does health mean?

Health, it’s such a buzz word. Everywhere you go you hear “I want to get healthy” but what exactly does that mean? It means different things to different people. For an athlete it means one thing and for someone who is sick it means something completely different.

What does it mean to you?

Getting healthy doesn’t have to be a chore.

I’ve worked in the health & fitness industry for a long time. One of the things that I try to teach others is that getting healthy doesn’t have to be a chore. It doesn’t have to be hard, nor do you have to spend tons of time on it.

What it does have to be is a lifestyle that you choose.  As a business owner, one of major assets is your health, your personal health. I want to make sure I’m really clear here, that means your physical, mental and emotional health. Because the saying is true. If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.

How it can be easy.

Start very small, I mean s-m-a-l-l. Here are several ideas:

  • Exchange one glass of soda for a glass of water a day for 5-7 days (or more if that’s what it takes) then increase from there.
  • Eat one new vegetable or fruit each week.
  • Park just a bit further from where you are going and increase it each week (or more if that’s what it takes).
  • Take 30-60 seconds and stand up to stretch.
  • Spend 30-60 seconds breathing slowing, inhaling and exhaling equally.

Yes, I have tons more ideas for you but if you are just getting started or thinking it is going to be hard and that you can’t do it, small is what will bring you the success you need to be healthy.  Trust me, biting off more than you can chew (pun intended) will get to exactly where you are and that’s not healthy.

Here is a quick video that can help you get started, it’s simple and you can do it in about 30 seconds, heck you can do it as you watch it. So click and watch, then share with me what you did!


Do you have the stamina to run your business?

2Who is running the business, is it you or the other way around?

I’ve been working with a lot of business owners recently who are stressed out and exhausted running their business. In fact, I’d say their business is running them rather than the other way around.

Most of them have been sitting behind their computer tap, tap, tapping away at their keyboards. And we all know what goes along with that, a lot of sitting. Sitting equals being sedentary and that equals a lot of poor health.

The low down on being fit to run your business.

Owning a business is much like running a marathon, it is a long journey. The difference is that marathoners have a specific well-laid out plan for them to follow where they are in constant movement, then rest and recovery. In addition they do a lot of tracking and reviewing to see what works really well and what doesn’t.

It is an absolute that as a business owner you must be healthy and fit. Before you get all up in arms over that, I am not saying you have to be a marathoner or anything of the like. But what I am saying without a doubt, you have to incorporate fitness, eating healthy, stress-reduction and rest into your business plan.

When you are healthy and fit you feel better, you have more physical energy and you have more mental energy. Maybe you have heard that our biggest successes and our biggest failures are all because of our mindset.

When you are run down, strung out and stressed out, you simply don’t have the mental capacity to be at the top of your game.

More great reasons for being healthy and fit for running a successful business.

A large study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine discovered that for workers who ate healthy and had regular exercise such as exercising at least three days per week were more likely to have a better job performance than those who did not.

You may not consider “job performance” when it comes to you because you probably don’t consider yourself an employee, but you really are. In fact, if you are like a lot of my clients you are the main worker bee so why not be the healthiest one?

When you put your fitness, eating well and sleep as a priority your brain power is boosted, stress is reduced and your work performance is improved. And least we forget, your overall mood increases! Talk about a positive mindset!

It doesn’t have to be hard!

Now for the good news! Increasing your health and fitness doesn’t have to be hard. Nor does it have to take tons of hours. What it does take is a bit of planning and execution but hey, you are a business owner you are used to that already. So take the skills you have been using and implement them on your health and fitness plan. And if you really aren’t sure where to start, here is a very quick video I posted to my Facebook page to get you started. It’s really simple, and you’ll probably go “really?”, yes really!

One of the things I make sure my clients have is their very own personalized health and fitness plan that supports their business goals (not to mention the personal ones too =) and that is easy for them to achieve. If that’s something you’d like but can’t seem to figure out on your own, let me know email me at! I’d love to help you create a kick-butt plan that gives you all the stamina you need to run a healthy, successful business!



Yes, there are some things you should do when it comes to your health & fitness

I know, you probably don’t want to be told what you should be doing. I get that. However, what if it were something that would add to your business and your life success? Would you be open to listening? Being healthy & fit is an important component for you to have in your business.

Health & fitness is another one of my specialties.  I’m a huge advocate of being healthy and fit. It helps us stay focused, gives us more energy and even brain power. Recently a client came to one of her sessions asking for “help getting healthier”. I’m qualified to help her with this too as I am a Certified Personal Trainer and have many years of both personal and professional experience and success in this arena.

A lot of people struggle with their health when they have their own business. True, it can be a challenge to run a business and be healthy but it isn’t impossible. Often, we talk about setting aside time for business related tasks and appointments so we can use time here as it pertains to your health & fitness.  Here are a few to get your started:


  • Make time for movement. Take a short walk, get up and stretch, go up and down a couple of flights of stairs a few times. Simple movement will bring oxygen into your body and will give you a boost in energy and mood.
  • Make time to plan, shop for and eat healthy meals. Plan and shop for what you will eat for the week, this will cut down on you just grabbing something unhealthy. When you know what you’ll be eating it is easier to just eat it.
  • Make time for sleep. Yes, sleep plays a hugely important role to your health & fitness. Just think about the time you didn’t get enough sleep and how hard it was for you to do the simplest tasks the next day, enough said!

That’s it, very simple “shoulds” right? Yes, absolutely. I’ll expand on them in later blog posts but for now, contemplate how it is you will fit these key three into your life so that you have optimal health & fitness!

I’d love for you to share your experience with your own health & fitness. Feel free to post a comment here.

If you would like to set up a free Strategic Plan of Action Call to get clear on how you can bring more health & fitness into your life, simply email me at with the subject line of I want to be fit and I’ll email you back to get set up!

Are You Healthy And Wealthy?

Health Wealth Happiness signpostAre you thinking, “What an odd question?”  If you are, then maybe you aren’t healthy and wealthy!  As a business owner and fitness expert, I know that being healthy is really what makes the business wealthy.

How so?  Well, if we are unhealthy and feeling out of sorts, we don’t have the energy to run our business.  We are not able to effectively execute all that we need to do as a business owner.  We don’t feel like doing it, plain and simple, and then we will force ourselves to do stuff.  When we are sluggish and lethargic, everything seems to take so long.  It feels like such an effort and we never seem to get anything done… and if we do, we find we have made tons of mistakes and have to re-do things.

This is no way to live!

However, when we are healthy we have a lot of energy to run our businesses.  We go to networking events and put our best foot forward to connect with people and make follow-up coffee appointments to get to know the other person better.  We effortlessly tackle our to-do lists and we complete so much more… and we do it right the first time!  New projects excite us and everything is fun.

So you can see how being healthy leads to being wealthy.  Today I am sharing with you three of my top tips for being—and staying—healthy while running and growing your business (and if you don’t have a business, no problem, you can use these tips in living your life).  When I follow these throughout my work day, I feel great and get more done which equals better health and wealth!

  • Tip 1:  Get plenty of sleep.  Most business owners (most people for that fact) don’t get enough sleep.  Give yourself a bedtime and stick to it.  Create a routine around your bedtime so that you have plenty of time to wind down after your day.  Research shows that we need more time than we think to get the sleep our bodies require.  There is no sense jumping into bed without relaxing first because your body and your mind have no time to shift from being active to becoming (then being) inactive.
  • Tip 2:  Drink plenty of water.  Water is key to our survival.  When we are dehydrated we feel tired, sluggish and irritated.  Simply drinking enough water for your body weight is the key to keeping your energy levels up as well as staying focused on what you are doing.  Plus you’ll have breaks built in because you’ll need to get up to go to the restroom!  It’s kind of like a failsafe so that you aren’t stuck sitting at your desk or your workstation for ridiculously extended periods of time with no movement.  Get a fun water bottle or glass and note how many ounces it holds, then aim to drink as many glasses to equal at least 32 oz. if not 64.
  • Tip 3:  Take a break:  You thought I was going to say exercise.  Well yes, that is true.  BUT really what needs to happen is a break, whether it is 5 minutes or a day off.  When you work, work, work, you cannot succeed in being health and wealthy.  The reason is that our brains and bodies need periods of rest to renew and refresh.  Our thinking goes stagnant without breaks as does our bodies (that’s where the exercise comes in).

That’s it – start with those three simple tips and drop me a line on how you feel.  I’d love to compare notes or share your thoughts, insights and revelations below.  Need more help?  Contact me and we can talk about how your health can improve your wealth.

Are You Zoning Out?

If you haven’t reached your goals yet—for this year or for your life—it could be because you are zoning out, living in your comfort zone. 

I’m the first to admit that I thought my comfort zone was very good to me for much of my life.  But truth be told, I didn’t have much of a life!  Ironic, eh?  It was when I decided to step—no, jump out of my comfort zone that the most extraordinary things began to happen.  I met the man of my dreams, got married, left an unsatisfying job and started my own business.  I have been living happily and fulfilled in my life for a little over two years now and I wouldn’t go back!  Oh sure my comfort zone shows up every now and again, more than I would like, but it’s all good because it shows me that it’s time to stretch myself to the next level.

Does the following description sound like you?  You live your life in fear: fear of looking like a fool, fear of appearing stupid, fear of what other people might say, or fear of not knowing what or how to do something.  That’s how my life looked.  I never set foot outside my comfort zone and therefore missed so many wonderful experiences and opportunities.

It is now my quest to help others break free of their comfort zone so that they can have their best life ever.  My clients take great strides forward.  Sure, sure, initially they are hesitant but they called me in to help them…and help them I do, and for the most part painlessly too.  Look, change isn’t easy but it is very much worth it.  You can either stay in your comfort zone or stretch out of it for the most unbelievably satisfying life!

Here is a step-by-step exercise to move you out of your comfort zone. Grab a piece of paper and write down the answers to these questions (I even provided some examples to help get you started).  Oh, not to worry, these can be baby steps.  If you want to run, you first need to feel good about walking.  These will do that!

  1. What is one thing that you really want to try but are afraid? I want to try a new exercise class.
  2. What makes you scared and/or nervous about it?  I’m scared that I won’t know what to do and will feel stupid.
  3. Why do you feel this way?  I feel nervous because I’ve tried other exercise classes before and I didn’t know what to do and felt awkward.  I don’t like to be the new person.  I don’t want to be the one who doesn’t know everything.
  4. Why do you want to do this one thing; what are the results you are looking for?  I know I need to find an exercise I enjoy doing, and will look forward to, so that I can manage my weight.
  5. How will you feel once you do this one thing?  Elated, excited, proud and energized.
  6. What are things you can do (no matter how small) to help you step outside your comfort zone so that you can experience those feelings?  Find exercise classes in my area that I am interested in.  Go and meet the instructors.  Ask if I can observe a class or try it as a guest. 
  7. What timeline are you willing to assign to each of those steps in order to reach your goal?  I will research exercise classes tomorrow, meet two instructors over the weekend, and observe or try out one class by this time next week.
  8. How do you feel now, knowing you have a plan?  I feel relieved and encouraged because now it doesn’t seem so scary.
  9. Who will you share this information with that will hold you accountable to your schedule?  One of my best friends who loves to exercise but lives too far away for us to be exercise-buddies would be excited for me to do this. Or my husband because he can help me with chores and errands to allow me the time to make this happen.
  10. What’s stopping you now?  Nothing!

Being afraid to try something new certainly shows up in many areas of our lives, not just exercise. I used this example of an exercise class because I am a fitness instructor and coach, and I come across this scenario all the time.  Let me say that good instructors welcome “newbies” to the class.  And if they know you’re new, they’ll usually give extra instruction so that you can follow along. There’s no reason to be intimidated!

Staying in our comfort zone does not do us any good mentally or physically.  We need to stretch our mind and body in order to stay alert, active and healthy.  As you may have figured out, a lot of what keeps us in our comfort zone is in our heads.

This week, take one action step toward reaching one of your goals that you have been afraid to try or to go after.  When you do, write and let me know how it turned out for you.  I’d love to hear about how you felt before you took the step that started you moving out of your comfort zone…and then how you felt after!  Also, feel free to share your thoughts, insights and revelations below!

You Are What You Eat

In case you didn’t know this about me, I also teach group exercise.  As is usually the case, one of my current group participants recently asked how could she lose weight.  I already know she works out optimally and amps up her time when she is in the gym, so I told her she had to eat.  She said “That’s what everyone has been telling me, I know I don’t eat enough.”

How did I know this right off the bat without having to ask her any questions?  I’ve seen this same scenario occur way more times than I can count, not only with my own clients but with strangers, too.  What holds people back from reaching their weight loss goals is that they think less is better.  They believe less food will mean less weight gain.  Now true, less of the wrong foods would be better but isn’t the right answer either. When it comes to healthy foods and eating properly, don’t fool yourself, less is not better.  More of the right kind of foods in a regular serving size is what it takes to reach and maintain a healthy weight.

What do I mean about the right kind of foods?  Lean proteins such as beans (which contain as much protein as an ounce of broiled steak) and white meat of poultry; whole grains (the less processed, the better) for carbohydrates; and foods high in good fats like nuts, seeds, and fish, all work in combination to fuel your body.  Most of us are busy; we have things to do, places to go and fun to be had…so we should want our body to run optimally. When we eat the most advantageous foods, our body can run optimally allowing our life to run smoothly.

If you don’t believe me, give it a test.  Wait until you are hungry…then don’t eat.  Pay attention to how happy you feel and see how much patience you have.  I had a client who would say “Ok, I’m coming up to the ugly stage.  If I don’t eat something soon things are going to get ugly around here quick.”  It was true.  She would be cranky, did not have any patience and the smallest thing seemed huge to her.  Being hungry and not eating has failure written all over it!

Eating the right kind of foods, tailored to your likes, gives you the building blocks for a healthy life.  My mother just had her very first operation and has been eating healthy and exercising all her life.  She looks about 65 and has the energy level of a 35 year old.  She is 90.  I kid you not.  When the medical staff asked her for her date of birth and she said 1922, their eyeballs popped out.  Many of the nurses, both male and female, asked what her secret is.  If that isn’t evidence of how taking care of your body makes a difference, I don’t know what is.

And let’s not forget serving sizes!  It doesn’t matter how healthy a food is, too much is too much.  Here are some ideal serving/portion sizes:

  • Meat or other protein-based part of your meal should be around the size of a deck of cards.
  • The starchy part of your meal–for example the rice, potatoes, bread or grains–should roughly be the size of one tennis ball or your balled fist.
  • Fruits and vegetables should fill approximately half of your plate.
  • Fats and oils should be kept to a minimum, say, less than one tablespoon.

Before we go, I want to make one thing perfectly clear.  Just because a diet claims you will lose weight in 3 days–and that may be the case–when have you heard the statement “and the weight will stay off?”  I thought so, me either.  They never say that because it doesn’t.  It is a quick fix that doesn’t solve the ultimate problem.  The only sure-fire way I know to lose weight and keep it off is to create a healthier lifestyle where over time you make better choices and keep making those better choices.  Eventually it becomes your routine, the way you eat, and your way of life.

I hope some of my tips this week help you change not only how you choose to eat but also who you choose to be when you eat—a healthier, happier you!  I’m up for any success stories.  If you were able to break the rollercoaster of weight loss, write below to encourage others.  On the flip side, email me if you need help breaking the cycle.  I can promise you I will not tell you to stop eating your favorite foods!





You Thought It Was Just You!

Today I was talking with a client and she said something that was music to my ears.  I love it so much when clients finally have their “ah-ha!” moments! What she said to me was that because she made the decision to take care of herself, she was seeing all kinds of changes that were both positive and exciting!

Specifically, she said she had more energy, she felt better, she had more self esteem, and she had more patience for her work and tolerance of her customers — they didn’t annoy her as much (which is a good thing!).  She said she was ‘more laid back’, her kids were proud of her, they were all having more fun and doing more family things together like cooking and eating healthier dinners and they were even helping her clean up afterward.  They all wanted to spend more time together because they were all enjoying each other’s company.

(Did you happen to notice the underlying theme of “more” being better?)

This woman has six — yes, I said six — children: five boys and one girl.  She works full time, too, but she is at the gym every single day working out and seeing her efforts pay off.  She regularly asks me “Kim, how am I doing?” because she wants to improve every time she comes in.  I call this commitment!  And it isn’t just a commitment to herself, it is also to the life of her kids, family and all aspects of her life.

When we make a decision to put ourselves first and begin taking care of ourselves, all kinds of great things happen.  This lady started out only wanting to get her shape back – you can understand that, right?  Six kids!  And what she has found — and is still finding — is that there is WAY more to this ‘getting healthy, getting fit’ thing.  Yes, it is about having a fabulous figure that you love and feel good in, but it is also about self esteem, confidence, happiness, joy, and anticipation of what is to come into your life.

Where in your life have you not made a commitment? Something that you have been wanting to do, but just… eh, not gotten there yet?  Where are you ‘settling’?  Even though you know if you finally made the commitment to yourself that not only will your life be better but that of those around you will be better, too – heck, not just better but amazing!

When I teach my in-person group exercise muscle conditioning classes, I am famous for saying “Ok, today’s challenge is …” and then I give the participants the option to ‘take it or not’.  Would you like to guess how many opt not to take it?  If you said “no one”, you are correct!  Everyone has the opportunity to always rise to the occasion and some even go higher.  I tell them to remember that the challenge is all theirs and they can make it what they want, but that this is where they will begin to grow and stretch and get closer to their personal goals.  With my private coaching clients, I offer them similar challenges and no one ever says no – although it is an option.  They know that if they are open to it, they will see great growth, success and happiness.

My challenge to you is to pick one area in your life that you have been mulling about changing, shifting, or looking at differently and take one small inspired action step toward reaching it.  Maybe it is a health and fitness goal, a fun and enjoyment goal, a family goal, a personal goal, a financial goal – whatever it is the challenge is to pick, act and smile!  You too will be on your way to growth, success and happiness!

I’d love to hear your thoughts, insights and revelations – please comment below!

© Copyright 2012 Kim Ravida Coaching. All rights reserved. Feel free to use the material from the article in whole or in part, just makes sure you include this complete acknowledgement including the live website link and let me know where the material will appear: “Kim Ravida, owner and founder of Kim Ravida Coaching, is a Certified Professional Coach and a personal and professional motivation mentor. In essence, she motivates people to stop beating themselves up and helps them get off their butts so that they maximize their time and energy to quickly get what they want in their lives… and love their reflection! Kim produces a weekly ezine where she shares insights, inspirations, tips and ideas for setting and reaching personal and professional goals. To get more information or sign up, please go to”

Are You Taking Care Of You?

It’s kind of a buzz word — more of a buzz phrase — that we hear here, there, and everywhere!  But what does ‘taking care of yourself’ mean to you?  Are you thinking “I have no idea”?  Then you are not alone.  Let me help you because it took me a long time (and I mean a long time) to get it.  Here it is, the secret meaning behind that phrase – it means whatever you want it to mean.  Tah-Dah!

For example, I love to go for a manicure, yet I never seem to make myself an appointment.  There are various reasons; I don’t have the time, I don’t want to spend the money, I can’t find the number, etc.  Then one day I realized I was heading down a slippery slope because everything seemed so hard, my mind was racing, I wasn’t eating properly, nor was I exercising for myself.  It suddenly became clear to me that I was NOT taking care of myself.  So, I made a conscious effort to eat healthier, exercise more for myself, get enough rest and I made that appointment for a manicure.  Then some really cool things happened.  I relaxed, my mind stopped racing and I enjoyed myself.  Everything that I had going on around me didn’t feel so overwhelming or stressful or out of control anymore!

It was then I realized what taking care of myself meant.  It is all about what I enjoy and what brings me happiness — and no matter what it is, I have a right to it.  High on my list of what is important to me is my health and wellness; health in the physical sense and wellness in the overall sense.  Taking care of my mind, body, and spirit is truly what keeps everything in my life running smoothly – from running my business and helping out my family, to fun and recreation.

Where in your life are you NOT taking care of yourself?  I encourage you to take a moment right now to think about all the things you like to do but always put off for later when you think you’ll have time.  What brings you happiness, joy and good feelings?  What relaxes you or energizes you?

Here are a few of my favorite wellness tips:

  • Spend five minutes just breathing – sit quietly and focus on your breath as you breathe in and out.
  • Spend as little as 10 minutes doing some light stretching – yoga poses.
  • Take a brisk walk outdoors (with or without kids/pets).
  • Get out a novel and enjoy reading for pleasure – for five minutes or 30 minutes.
  • Schedule a facial, manicure, pedicure or massage.
  • Be present where you are and with whom (even if it is just yourself).
  • Play with your kids or your pets.

Don’t slide down the slippery slope of letting yourself go and wondering “When on earth did I start to look and feel old, tired and worn out?”  Instead, take the time to make a list of at least five things that you will do to help you begin (or continue) taking care of yourself over the next week.  Now schedule them, do them and — most importantly — enjoy them!  They’re good for you!

Please share with me below your tips and the things that you do to take care of yourself.  I can tell you, not only will you inspire me, but you will inspire all the fabulous men and ladies who are part of my world!


© Copyright 2012 Kim Ravida Coaching. All rights reserved. Feel free to use the material from the article in whole or in part, just makes sure you include this complete acknowledgement including the live website link and let me know where the material will appear: “Kim Ravida, owner and founder of Kim Ravida Coaching, is a Certified Professional Coach and a personal and professional motivation mentor. In essence, she motivates people to stop beating themselves up and helps them get off their butts so that they maximize their time and energy to quickly get what they want in their lives… and love their reflection! Kim produces a weekly ezine where she shares insights, inspirations, tips and ideas for setting and reaching personal and professional goals. To get more information or sign up, please go to”