
I’m Kim. I’m a small business coach. Some of my clients call me a “secret weapon”. I’ll share my story below so you can get to know why I do what I do. I am happily married and am happily owned by two beautiful Bernese Mountain Dogs (Bruin and Blades). My husband and I traveled to Prague in 2010 to watch the Boston Bruins open their Stanley Cup Winning Season for our honeymoon. Yes, we did! We then traveled to Austria, Munich and Switzerland.

I grew up just outside of Boston, Massachusetts (yes, I have a “Boston accent”). I worked in the city for a large Boston law firm and went to school part time to earn my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing. I thought I’d go into marketing.

But…I kept dragging my feet. I had one excuse after another and I wasted a lot of time deciding to leave. Until one day I decided enough was enough and left. And I did not leave for another job. I left with no job. I always liked to help people and everyone so after some research I decided to become certified as a professional coach.

I did my training, opened my business and thought, this will be awesome. I’m a new business owner, I can’t wait to get started helping people. My story may not be unfamiliar, you may have heard it before, you may be in it right now. I struggled to figure out what do I do first, then what? How do I let people know what I do? How do I find more people to work with? Where are they? There were so many pieces I spent more time wrangling all that there was to do running a business that I wasn’t doing any business.

Have you been thinking that too? Or maybe that is where you are now.

Maybe right now you are clicking around on the internet looking for some help with your business.

Maybe you have tried to figure it out on your own too and it’s not working the way you thought it would.

One of the things I struggled with early on was knowing that I needed to do a lot of things to get my business started so that I could make money. After all, I had left a full-time corporate job that gave me the means to live the life I wanted so making money was the number one focus.

There were many pieces that were missing for me. And I had no idea what they were. Pieces such as what am I going to offer to people so that they will jump up and say YES and pay me for my services. Things such as how do I talk about what I do and how I help others.

Oh and just who were those people I wanted to work with, the “ideal clients”? I had no idea.

And then there were the back-end pieces. The administrative parts, the daily activities (just what were those anyway?), the to-do lists, managing a schedule and a calendar, paying bills (yup, those started immediately) and paperwork.

I had lots to do and I was doing it! Heck, I’m nothing but an achiever and a go-getter. But the money didn’t come. No one knew what I was doing because I didn’t know how to met them and tell them. I didn’t know how to create an easily executed marketing plan and I did not have a great system of what to do first, second and so on in a way that created a cohesive business.

Once I was able to get all of that together, things skyrocketed. When I knew what I was doing, with whom, how, why and when did my life and my business changed.

And that is what I’m here for. I help business owners like you create a crystal-clear brand that encompasses all of the touchpoints you want to use as you get out into the world to market (aka letting people know you exist) your business. I help you understand just who your clients and customers are, what they need/want from you, where they are and how to reach them. And I also help you clear the clutter of all of the business tasks, to-dos, must-dos and how-tos! You need to have a very clear picture of where you are, where you are going and most importantly, how you’ll get there. And just being good at time management will not get you where you want to be going.

When you get it all together and have things running smoothly, you’ll feel amazing.

Does that sound awesome? I bet it does. I know because it’s just how I felt (and still feel). I went from feeling like a loser. From someone who was barely contributing to my household monetarily and barely able to cover my business expenses to knocking it out of the park and feeling proud of myself. I had a sense of accomplishment and joy.

I was finally doing what I had set out to do when I left my corporate job. I was able to elevate myself as a person and as a business owner to excel in my life and my work. There is no better feeling than knowing you have everything you need to create the business of your desires.

My sole and soul purpose is to see your success! I help my clients apply revenue strategies that earn you money while freeing you from time constraints. I like to say I help business owners capture more revenue and recapture time to build and grow a business their way. Your life, your business, you way.

While no one page can tell you everything you need to know about someone, I hope I’ve given you a little taste of where I was and that I’ve shown you that if one person (me) can get to where they want to go, then so can you.

I’d be honored to help you. Click here to schedule a time for us to meet and talk about how you too can elevate yourself to excel in your life and business.

And in case you were wondering what Bruin and Blades look like, here they are:


Download your free ebook

5 Essential Steps to Creating a Successful Business

to get started!


Kim Ravida holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from Salem State University. Kim is a Professional Certified Coach from the International Coach Federation. She is a graduate of iPEC (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching) where she received her Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and ELI – Master Practitioner Certifications. In addition, Kim is a Money Breakthrough Method® Certified Coach, Sacred Money Archetypes® Certified Coach and Certified Money Breakthrough Business Coach.

She is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF),  International Association of Women in Business Coaching (IAWBC) and Women’s Business League (WBL).

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