You may already have what you need to make money in your business

You may already have what you need to make money in your business

One of the things I hear most as a Business Coach when I begin to work with a new client is: “I need to identify a viable way to make more money.” Maybe you say that exact thing too. And my guess is this, you may already have what you need to make money in your business.

Now, the above is not a bad statement. What I find interesting though is that often when we dig in I see that they already have a viable way (or several actually) to make more money. The problem is that they aren’t doing it. Often, they haven’t taken the time to lay out a system for it and/or given it enough time to see actual results.

I think it has to do with the phenomenon us small business owners get called bright shiny object syndrome. Or our penchant for immediate results that causes this. I see so many business owners giving up way to early. I have heard “well, it didn’t work” so many times I could be a millionaire.

Usually when I hear this, I ask “how long did you do this?” And I’m often met with “a couple of times”.

Seeing worthwhile results takes time

Just like building an emergency savings account or losing weight, time is often where the success lies when it comes to making money in your business.

There is a science to business. You need to experiment and give that experiment time to come to fruition. Of course, there are the specifics to put into place like knowing who your ideal clients are, where to find them, what to say to them and knowing what you are offering them that they feel is valuable for them to say yes please.

That’s all the backend work you need to already have done. There is strategy and then there are tactics. It’s the tactics that may take time to return the results you seek.

Sometimes you need to put in some effort

Have you ever tried something once and said “oh this doesn’t work”? So not only do you not give yourself ample time to have something work, but you also do not put in ample effort to make it work.

Here is an example: a client of mine wanted to have more bookings for her quarterly fitness classes. She wanted her fall classes to be booked over the summer. The plan was to send personal emails and make phone calls (yes, remember those =). She sent some emails and made a few phone calls.  Mind you,  she left messages and had not talked to anyone. Then promptly announced “no one was interested in signing up” to her fall class.

Upon further review, she never did actually have anyone say they weren’t interested in signing up.  She didn’t actually hear back from any of the people she emailed or called. 

You better believe that her next coaching assignment was to follow up and actually TALK to people – not just send messages. And not just any people, but her people. The people who always signed up for what she was offering. And I tasked her with doing it by a certain date.

She begrudging agreed.  And within a week she had a full roster of clients for her fall classes. Which meant, she was now officially booked ahead of time. And she had income coming in and her fall already laid out.

There are no quick fixes

While there are no quick fixes, if you lay out a solid plan and put the effort in, you will get results. If you have found yourself giving up quickly, not putting in the effort you need to see the results you want, you are not alone.

The good news is that you aren’t alone. The bad news is that if you want to stand out alone from your peers and competitors, you need to put in the work. You need to put in the time and the effort. As they say Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was a thriving business.

So let me ask you, are you willing to put in the time, effort and yes sometimes the money to make your business what you want it to be?

I hope so! Because it is so worth it and there are many people out there that need you and what you have to offer.

ScheduleSometimes having fresh eyes on your business helps you to see what you already have and what to do with it to get the results you want. This is why I offer complimentary Business Blueprint Sessions. We’ll look at what you have and how you can maximize it to your advantage now! My gift to you. I do this because I am committed to helping service-based business owners step authentically into their business! 


Making money happen in your business

Making Money Happen in Your Business

My last blog asked this question: What is money anyway? And why should we put thought into the value of money?

A business’s main “business” is to make money. Otherwise, it’s a very expensive hobby. Several of my clients are sole practitioners. They went into business for many reasons, they lost a job, decided it was time to branch out on their own, wanted to be in control of their income. All really good reasons.

Yet, what a lot of them struggle with is how to make money in their business. And what exactly to do to make money. There sure is a lot we can say about this but for our purposes for here and now, let’s stick with charging for what you are wanting to sell. That’s as basic as I can get to help you make money happen in your business.

Charging for your services

The best way you can make money for your business is to sell your services. Which means you need to charge for them. You need to say for x I charge y.

For all of that to happen you need to know what your costs are. Again, my last blog talked about that. Basically you need to do a cost-analysis so that you know without a doubt how much it is costing you (as in paying out money) to run your business. We do pay to sell our services. 

You pay for things like rent, utilities, software, support (an accountant, assistant), office supplies and the like. If you are producing something like a workbook even, there is a cost to that. That cost needs to be included in what you need to charge for your services.

Pricing is a sticking point for so many small business owners. And in order to actually make money, you need to bring in MORE than you are shelling out.

Action time: take a look at what you are selling and how much it costs you. Then subtract what it is you are pricing it at, are you ahead or behind?

You need to be ahead by at least 10% or more to make money happen in your business.

The value of you

While a business is it’s separate entity. You often bring the value of you into it. And therefore your value of money as well. Your mindset is paramount to creating a successful and thriving business that has you making money happen in your business. How we do one thing in one area of our life falls into other areas of our lives. If your money mindset is a little on the negative side, it could be hindering you a lot. If you struggle to charge what you not only are worth but what you need to make in your business, are challenged by money actions and/or need to consult with money before you make any decisions, a money mindset upgrade will do you and your business a world of good!

Get your Money Mindset Upgrade now! I offer complimentary Business Blueprint Sessions. In this session, we’ll upgrade your money mindset so that you have a successful and thriving business now! My gift to you. I do this because I am committed to helping service-based business owners step authentically into their business their way! I also value helping business owners, like you make more money.


The value of money

Value of Money

Your view on the value of money

What is money anyway? And why should we put thought into the value of money?

As defined by Investopedia: Money is an economic unit that functions as a generally recognized medium of exchange for transactional purposes in an economy.

I don’t know about you, but that is not what I would have defined money as. And that my friend is the point I want to make.

We all define money in our own unique ways. Merriam-Webster defines money as: something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment. Which maybe that is what you said too.

The value of money really is what YOU put on it. As as a small business owner, when someone tells you that your prices are too high, what they really mean is they don’t value what you have or they don’t value seeing how it could help them. Usually, it is the latter.

Your money glasses

We all have our own perspective on money and how we feel about it. And we bring that to our businesses. It shows up in what we charge, how we handle late or non-payments, as well as how confident we are in making an offer (as in asking for a sale). Also known as “asking for money.”

I’ve had clients tell me that they could never charge that much for their services. And this is often after we have done a cost-analysis and they know without a doubt how much it is costing them (as in paying out money) to run their business.

So, the glasses you are wearing when it comes to money definitely hinders or helps when it comes to how you value money.

Changing the shade of your lenses

Have you heard the saying “how you do one thing is how you do everything?” Well, let’s look at it as how you do money is how you do everything…


  • You are late paying bills, more than likely you are late to appointments
  • You misplace invoices or even checks, more than likely you misplace your keys or your glasses and other important paperwork
  • Your wallet is a mess or falling apart, more than likely you have a messy office (or even a messy house)

Can you see how you handle money, it shows up in other areas of your life. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being not at all to 10 being YES I succeed with my money!, go ahead and ask yourself:

How successful am I with money?

If you scored less than an 8, you have opportunity to take on a new, more supporting perspective when it comes to money.

Choose Your Money Path

Take a look at your business, how profitable are you? As in how much are you making after you subtract all of the costs you have to run your business. 

Are you at a loss, break-even or have extra (that’s your profit)? If you are at a profit, are you happy with it? If not, what would you like it to be? Write that number down and then write down as statement that will help you reach that goal. 

If you are at a loss or break-even, what is the number you would like to have? Write it down (even if it is a stretch). Let’s go with $5,000 profit each month.

Write that down as a statement. It will help you reach your goal.

Ultimately, you want to have a statement that is positively stated and in the present. An example:

“I am making $5,000 profit in my business every single month.”

What this does is it helps your brain begin to see in black and white what it is you are aiming for. The more you see it, the more the brain begins to work to achieving it, the more you begin to believe in it. It also puts your attention in the direction of what you need to be doing to reach that goal. Making money in your business shouldn’t be a hope. And in order to do that you need to take action. 

Get into action

Once you can see it and begin to believe, it’s time to take specific business and money making actions that will help you get there. Go back to your Business Plan. Look to see if it is still in line with what you need to be doing to reach your goal(s).

Several questions to ask:

  • What needs to be improved or changed?
  • In what way can I bring in additional income quickly? 
  • Do I need to revise my ideal client and where I market to them?
  • Where can I cut costs to lower my monthly burn rate?

Your Business Plan will guide you. Your Business Plan is the place for you to begin to look at money through different lenses. And it will drive you to take actions in the direction of what will bring you the results you need and want for your business.

When you begin to value money, like with everything, you begin to value yourself, your time, your energy and your customers. It’s amazing how putting on a new set of glasses can shift the way you do business and the way you do life.

A Business Plan is your business roadmap. Not sure you have one that is successful? Want help creating one that is? Or maybe you would like someone else’s eyes on the one you have to help you level it up. I offer complimentary Business Blueprint sessions. My gift to you. I do this because I am committed to helping service-based business owners step authentically into their business their way! I also value helping business owners, like you make more money.


How to step into your marketing plan authentically.

Reasons to step into your marketing plan authentically.

We do business with people we know, like and trust. As a service-based business owner, it is important for you to step into your marketing plan authentically.

What do I mean by this? I mean be yourself. Be genuine. There is no one else like you. You are unique and specially made. I mean, bring your specialness to the formula.

When I work with business owners who want help creating a marketing plan that works for them, so many of them tell me “I just have to do social media better”. Seems reasonable right? Until I ask them what they like about doing social media and they say “well…I really don’t even like social media.”

Your Golden Ticket!

AHA! This information is the golden ticket. It’s the golden ticket because it’s the reason why they have struggled with their marketing plan. If you don’t like something, why would you do it?!

Well, for starters because everyone else is doing it. And then there is FOMO (fear of missing out). But let me ask you this, just because someone else is doing something, does it mean you have to do it too?

I can hear you saying what your mother used to say (so annoying when you are a teenager), “if so and so jumped off the bridge, would you jump too?” Now, you may out of spite back then have said YES! However, as you stand now, as an adult you more than likely would say no or not necessarily.

And if you said no, it’s because you know it wouldn’t be the right thing for you to do. So let me ask you this, is what you are doing for your marketing the right thing for you to do and are you loving doing it?

If you answered YES! Fantastic. That’s what we want to hear. But if you, like my clients, are saying “I just have to do xxxx better…” that’s a sign that what you are doing may not be the best thing for you to be doing. And it’s time for you to do something you really like and enjoy. And that, my friend, is the secret to marketing authentically and putting together a marketing plan that is authentically you.

Marketing authentically changes everything.

A marketing plan is something you put together to create exposure for your business. That’s really all it is. What you plan to do, when and how.

When I work with my clients, we work with 7 important pillars. There are foundational ones and structural ones. Branding and Marketing are foundational ones. As you probably already know, if you do not have the right foundation things fall apart.

As you think about stepping into your marketing plan authentically, can you see yourself in it? Can you see yourself enjoying it? Can you see yourself excited about what you want to share? This is how to step into marketing authentically!

Using your energy to market authentically.

When you think about something you love to do or an experience you are looking forward to, can you feel the energy of it? The way you are looking forward to it. Think about an upcoming vacation or family event that you just can’t wait for! It’s that energy you want to have when you are creating your marketing plan. And it’s that energy you want to step into when you are implementing and executing it!

I’ll give you a real-time example. I sat down to write this and thought “I have no idea what I want to say…” I knew I wanted to write about marketing because that’s what I’ve been talking about lately but I was stumped. Then I thought about you and thought what can I share that would make a difference? And how do I want to feel as I’m sharing it. I decided I wanted to feel energized and helpful. And since that is who I am, I authentically stepped into that mindset.

Try it! Think of a mindset you’d like to be in. One where you are truly you. It changes you right then and there. Can you feel it?! I bet you can. This is what it means to be authentically you!

Be courageous, let the world see the true authentic you.

Your true authentic self is what the world needs. It’s what your clients need. It’s what you need. 

It’s a place where you are in the flow, feeling good, seeing amazing results. It’s the place where you can be each and every day. So often we act based on how we feel. I’ve heard “but I don’t feel like it…” a lot when it comes to doing things in business. There are too many women business owners waiting to “feel like it” and I believe it’s because they are out of alignment with their true authentic self.

It is time for you to step into who you really are, to shine in your life, if for no other reason than to feel good about yourself. Trust me, when you do, the rest will follow.

And if you find yourself wanting to create a marketing plan that only has what you love to do on it, then that’s a wonderful place to be!

You are onboard with creating that authentic-to-you marketing plan but have no idea just how to do it? I’ve got you covered! Sign up for my free gift of a Business Blueprint session. Why free? Why you? Because I am committed to helping service-based business owners step authentically into their business their way! Walk away with your unique-to-you, feel-good marketing plan!


How to create a solid business foundation for you to thrive

Create a solid business foundation for you to thrive

Building a business takes time, effort and planning. Creating a solid business foundation for you to thrive is a key element to your success.

A lot of people ask me what I specifically work with my clients on. I’d like to share one of the things with you today.

I work with my clients to help them create a solid foundation for their business to thrive in the way of support systems.

Because when we have solid support systems that work in our business, it makes things more enjoyable and we are better able to be successful with more time to capture more revenue! 💰

Boundaries are fundamental to your business success

Support systems come in many forms and shapes.

Does the term “whack-a-mole” mean anything to you? Well, it does to my clients who are struggling to make things happen for their business.

One of those systems I use with my clients is boundaries. Let me show you how I am currently working with three clients to create boundaries in their business.

You may see yourself in one of the scenarios:

Each client brings a unique set of circumstances, beliefs and behaviors to the table so I work with my clients on “specific-to-them” solutions.

And each client has similar circumstances, beliefs and behaviors that keep them struggling.

I just work with them to create their own solutions that feel good to them so that they can have their business and their life, their way! And you can too.

One client needed to create set days and times to see clients.

Another needed to create a script to use so that she could comfortably wrap up her client sessions.

And the other needed to learn how much her business tasks took so she could schedule them so they’d get done.

I hope you can see how for each client, a boundary was created to aid in their success.

Create specific-to-you boundaries

Once my clients have these systems (aka boundaries) in place, it creates space for them to flourish and yes, capture all the revenue they desire! And what could be better than that?

As you build and grow your business, think about what tools you need both physical and mental that will help you earn money while freeing you from time constraints. 

See each boundary you put into place will save you time, energy and money. 

Your turn. Where are you struggling that if you created a boundary for it would allow you to thrive?


5 Essential Steps for a Profitable BusinessIf you liked this blog, I send out a weekly ezine full of business how-tos, tips, resources and more that will help you create your business, your way, you can get on that list and get my free 5 Essential Steps to Creating a Successful Business That is Profitable ebook by clicking here.


How to get more hours in your day

How to get more hours in your day.

It’s true, we can’t manage time. So how on earth then do you get more hours in your day?

If you read the best way to get through your to-do list and be successful, you may remember I mentioned that your to-do list should be your best friend. 

Your list helps you stay on track. It’s kind of like the lines in the road when you drive on the highway, it keeps you in the lane you need to be in to avoid colliding with another vehicle.

It’s great to have a list, and the idea of that list is so you get things done. And to do that you need to have hours in your day.

Get more hours in your day.

The way to get more hours in your day is to first know how much time you have to work for each day. And you must also know how long things take you to do.

If you only have four hours to work, you cannot put five hours of work into that day. I’ve said it before, I used to smoosh 60 minutes of work into 15 minutes. I was famous for saying “I can do that in 15 minutes.” 

An example of this is you only have five hours to work and you have four Zoom meetings all that will run (you hope) one hour each. Meaning you’ll be on Zoom for at minimum of four hours.

And you have a training audio you want to listen to that is an hour. It also has parts for you to actually work on. Yet you “forget” that latter part and you only give yourself an hour to do it.

Can you see how you now have LESS hours in your day? 

Only by being specific with the time you have, what you will do in that time and knowing how long each task will take you can you have more hours in your day.

Making time work for you.

The way that I teach my clients how to have more hours in their day is by having them get clear on knowing how much time they actually have to work and how long what they are doing (and need to be doing) takes. And then write it out.

So you can see what I mean by knowing how much time you have and what it is you are doing in that time, an example of one of my recent days is below.

Before I headed into my office, I had a list in my head of things I really wanted to do on this particular day. Things such as file maintenance, office organization, and things of that nature.

I determined my workday would be 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. And as you’ll see, there was not any additional time to do the things I had in my head. Unless, of course, I wanted to overwork, which I did not :

  • Admin/Money Mgmt 9:00-10:00a
  • Prep & Client Delivery 10:00a-12:00p
  • Lunch and Dogs 12:00-12:30p
  • Marketing 12:30-2:00p
  • Prep & Client Deliver 2:00-4:00p
  • End of Day Admin/Email/Wrap up 4:00-5:00p

Can you see that once you know where your time is actually going in a day, it makes it easier to eliminate other items?

Even though I had that list in my head, once I saw where my time was allotted to for the day, I could then determine the next best time container to put in what I wanted to do.

When you think and work in terms of “Time Containers” (as in you have a specific amount of time) and nothing else will fit in it, it makes it so much easier to be realistic with what you can actually get done.

Determining your time is key to getting things done.

Remember, you need to determine how much time you think something will take before you can actually put it into your hours.

If you have no idea then the first time you do it, TRIPLE the time you think it will take. This works because you have ample time to get the task done and the key is, it gets DONE.

Sure you may have time left over. And when you do, guess what that means, you have MORE hours! Isn’t that just cool and well, what you are striving for.

5 Essential Steps for a Profitable BusinessIf you liked this blog, I send out a weekly ezine full of business how-tos, tips, resources and more that will help you create your business, your way, you can get on that list and get my free 5 Essential Steps to Creating a Successful Business That is Profitable ebook by clicking here.


The best way to get through your to-do list and be successful

successful to-do list

The best way to get through your to-do list and be successful.

Your to-do list should be your best friend. I like to use the analogy of that old saying “check it twice.” 

Your daily to-do list should be your friend. You should be making a list and checking it twice.

If you are someone who makes a list and another list and another list and /or adding and adding to your list my guess is that you never seem to get much done from it.

Am I correct?

If that’s you, you aren’t being very efficient and that’s not good for business. True, no one is watching you to see if you are being naughty or nice, but it’s one of those self-defeating or self-sabotaging activities that inhibit your business success.

Here is the game changer. Make your list and THEN check it twice. The reason for that is to be sure that the only things you have on your daily to do list are the tasks that you absolutely can and have to do today.

It’s the one way to be sure that you will get what you need/want to done!

Trying to do too much is probably a struggle you have. It’s one a lot of business owners have. I talk about it a lot with my clients and I and have struggled with in the past too. It’s part of wanting to be successful in business.

I was famous for smooshing 60 minutes of work into 15 minutes, sure I could do that! No problem. I used to say “this will only take me 10 minutes” a lot. When it really would take me 10 hours!

That mindset is a problem. A BIG one. It’s not at all helpful and it causes you a lot of backlog, frustration and overwhelm.

If you do something similar, you’ll never get things completed. Time management is so elusive we think we can manage it but we can only manage a task.

Two thing you need to know:

  • How much time do I have today and
  • How long will the task(s) I need/want to do take to complete.

Until we make changes to how we manage our tasks, it’s mission impossible and often epic failure that follows.

To ensure that you set yourself up for success, I’m going to teach you something that works, and you won’t like it. In fact, you may even ignore me. That’s ok, I’ll have put the idea into your head and you may choose to come back to it. 

Look at your list and pick one thing you want to accomplish today. Determine how much time you think something will take. And then TRIPLE the time you think it will. This works because you have ample time to get the task done and key is, it gets DONE.

AND you may have time left over! That’s a beautiful thing.

Before you think “ya but, it could be too much time.” Yes, it could be. So then chunk it down into 25-30 minute timeframes and set a timer. 

My experience and that from my clients have been that when using a timer, we stay more focused and get things done quicker. Best of all we stay on task!

Give it a go. Something I use to stay on target is the Pomodoro technique. Here is a little explanation of what it is and the actual one that I use to keep myself on task.

If you like the idea but not the resource, there are more out there you can use. I suggest you DO NOT use your mobile phone because, well, do I really need to tell you?!  I think not.

But I can’t help myself, it’s because you will get distracted! It’s best to not be distracted when you are working to get something completed.

This week give it a go and see what happens. Triple the time you think something will take and then go ahead and use a timer. Let me know how it goes. 

It can be a little like a game. I bet you’ll get more done than you imagined and even have some fun doing it!

As you get better and better at this best way to get through your to do list and be successful you’ll find you achieve more and more faster and faster!

5 Essential Steps for a Profitable Business


If you liked this blog, I send out a weekly ezine full of business how-tos, tips, resources and more that will help you create your business, your way, you can get on that list and get my free 5 Essential Steps to Creating a Successful Business That is Profitable ebook by clicking here.


A delightfully simple fix to get ahead in your business

business woman

The delightfully simple fix you’ll want to do right away.

When it comes to a delightfully simple fix to get ahead in your business you may think to yourself “right, nothing is simple.”

That could be true. Simple means easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty.

And true, once I tell you what it is, you may think to yourself that this could present some difficulty.

Remember, how you think, so you are. How you do one thing is how you do everything.

Are you ready to know what it is? 

Go through all the projects you are stalled on or have yet to finish and get rid of them. 

Yes, I said get rid of them. See, isn’t that a delightfully simple fix to get ahead in your business?

Because all they represent is clutter and clutter will hold you back every single day!

The truth is, you will never complete it.

Yes, declutter the projects that you have not yet completed. 

If you have old projects and things undone, the truth is, you will never complete them. 

You know this is true. Otherwise, they would not be left undone creating clutter in your space and in your mind.

By letting them go you free yourself. And you free up time, energy and space to do what really matters.

You are the person you are.

We all self-identify with who we want to be. The business owner who gets it all done, easily. The business owner who is rocking it. The business owner who just has everything under control.

Yet, when we are not truly doing what we self-identify as, it creates a gap. And then we feel as if we are failing.

Right now, you are the person who is not getting those projects done. But you may be the person who is knocking it out of the park in other areas of your business.

That is who you should be identifying yourself with and as.

How clutter holds you back in your business.

Clutter, no matter whether it is physical, mental or emotional holds you back. It takes up precious space and time and keeps you from reaching your true potential.

I work with lots of business owners who have a lot of mental clutter. Mental clutter such as:

  • “I plan to do that soon.”
  • “Once everything is where I need it to be I will…”
  • “As soon as I get more time that will be finished.”

I probably do not need to tell you that they never do what they are telling me they will do. It just creates noise in their physical space and in their heads. 

And worst of all, makes them feel bad.

Let It Go, Free Yourself.

One of the best things you can do is to let it go. Be it a physical item, mental or emotional.

I recently listened to a podcast and the guest asked about sentimental items that they were given or inherited that they did not want but could not seem part with. The podcaster said “ultimately when you cannot get rid of something that you do not use, want or love, it is dragging you down, and what you are really doing is taking care of a corpse.”

That struck me in so many ways. Both personally and professionally.

How many of us are holding onto old ideas, thoughts, courses, projects in our business that are holding us back?

How many of us are ultimately taking care of the corpse of ourselves because we are afraid to let it go? Because we are afraid to live and be free?

I can raise my hand here, what about you?

So, what do you think? Are you taking care of anything that is dead and really needs to just be tossed? Can you imagine who you can actually step into being by letting go of the old, undone and almost forgotten?

Are you ready to take the delightfully simple fix to get ahead in your business?

I’d love to hear your ideas. 

If you liked this blog, I send out a weekly ezine full of business how-tos, tips, resources and more that will help you create your business, your way, you can get on that list and get my free 5 Essential Steps to Creating a Successful Business That is Profitable ebook by clicking here.


How to Build Amazing Brand Loyalty Easily

Building Brand Loyalty is Easy

Brand loyalty is when someone purchases from you again and again. Refers you to others and sings your praises to anyone who would listen.

Building brand loyalty looks different depending on what type of business you have.

A business that offers products builds brand loyalty differently than a business that offers just services.

Though both need to offer amazing client experiences that the client thinks are amazing.

One of my coaching clients is a restaurant. They build their brand loyalty by learning their customer’s names and what they usually like to order. They often will give them a free drink with their order or a side dish as a thank you.

Another client is a service-based business. She is a coach and builds brand loyalty by offering her current clients a special price on repeat business.

Build Your Own Amazing Customer Experience

Let’s look at a few ways you can build brand loyalty by way of creating an amazing Customer Experience for your customer.

The key here is to think about what exactly would your customer think is a great customer experience. It’s easy for you to think “well, I think it would be this…” You could be right or you could be wrong.

Start by asking customers what they value about you. What is it that has them coming back for more?

Some of my clients send client gifts either when they sign on new clients and/or when they wrap up a working engagement.

My restaurant client sends emails to their customers who have signed up for their newsletter and offers them specials only because they are on their newsletter as a thank you.

And they also track who uses those offers and give only those who they know use their offers, even more, offers and specials.

Take some time to:

  • Think about what you think would be an amazing customer experience.
  • Ask your customers what you could do to make their experience even better.
  • Remember a time when you had an amazing customer experience that had you going back for more and what was it about that you would like to begin to do for your customers.

Happy Customer = Brand Loyalty

We all like to feel special. And one way to have a client for life is to treat them so well they never want to do business with anyone else. And/or you are always their top choice!

So, what do you think? Any ideas you have in creating a customer experience come to you while reading this that you’ll implement?

I’d love to hear your ideas. 

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How to step powerfully into being a successful business owner

Step powerfully into being a successful business owner.

What does it take to be a successful business owner?

It takes thinking and planning. When I ask my clients how much time they take for thinking and for planning I am often met with silence.

And then they answer me, “umm….none…”

Well, there we have it, a great starting place! I actually like to hear none because it’s one of the first places I like to begin with my clients. All of my clients get a Planning Day as part of working with me.

The thinking part they do mostly on their own and then we come together to plan what they thought about. See if you haven’t thought about what you want it’s hard to actually go and get it.

It takes courage to take time to think and to plan.

If you are in business, you need to be setting aside at the minimum, an hour a week as “thinking time”.

It may sound crazy and you may be thinking (yes, pun intended =) “I do not have time to think.” Very well, then you do not have time to have a successful business and you will use (as in waste) a lot of time trying to throw spaghetti against the wall to see what will stick.

You will also lose a lot of time trying to figure out how to operate your business so that it actually works and does what you want it to do…make money.

Thinking time is vital to the success of your business.

I am a do-er. I like to get things done. Yet, I also am a jumper. As in I jump into things without really giving much thought to it.

Here is an example, early in my business I decided in October that I wanted to run a year-long business mastermind that would begin in January. So I jumped in. 

When my assistant asked me when and how I would market it, I was the one who was saying “um….. I don’t know.” See, I never gave thought to that. And that year I wanted to take time off for the holidays but I never thought about the time I would need to talk with the people who were interested in the mastermind. 

Since I didn’t think about any of this ahead of time, I ended up forgoing my time off that I so desperately wanted and worked throughout the holiday season to fill my mastermind.

I learned a valuable lesson that year, I need to THINK before I jump for things just like this. Also, thinking helps me be a better jumper.

It gives me time to consider, re-consider, plan and then execute in a way that is effective, efficient and successful. So rather than having to course-correct at every turn I give myself the time to think and then to plan it out so that I can execute it in a way that I want for it to be successful.

Now let’s look at another key component to business success, planning.

Successful businesses are planned.

I know that you did not start your business thinking you’d fail. But did you actually plan for your success?

Did you lay out the steps you would take in order to reach your success? What about a time-line for those steps? How much thought did you put into each large and small step that you would take to reach your end goal?

A successful business owner puts in the thinking and planning time that lead to the results they want for their business.

“Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it.” –Marva Collins

You may have heard “build the plane as you go” and I believe there is a lot to that attitude. It means you create as you go. I have built the plane as I go many times.

Take me and my mastermind program. I sold it and then decided exactly what I would do with it. 

And the one thing that I absolutely had PLANNED out was the exact results my clients would get from participating in the mastermind. And I knew exactly how many sessions, the times we would meet, how we would meet (and get this, it was before Zoom, so we did a teleconference!), for how long and what deliverables I would use.

I had taken the time to plan it. Which made it easier to fill and to deliver. Planning makes implementation and execution so much easier! It paves the way for results. Or put another way, for successes.

So while you can do some jumping (if you are like me) into things, by taking the time to do your thinking and planning ahead of time, you will reach your results easier and faster. 

Thinking and planning allow you to empower yourself and others. The two allow you to be in-charge and inspiring in a confident, client-attractive manner. By being the leader, you are much more likely to lead yourself and others to massive success. What is not to like about that?

Thinking and Planning Your Business.

If you are hoping for a better 2021, start thinking and planning it now. I’d love to be the one to help you go from hoping to having. Sign up for a free consultation and we’ll talk about how you can create your successful business plan to build and grow your business to where you want it. Click here to set up time for us to talk. I look forward to meeting you.