Do you know what your target market struggles with?


I hope you can answer YES! I sure do!  If not, then it’s time that you do.

Time To Get Clear On Who and What Your Target Market Struggles With

One thing that I have noticed (myself included – as I’ve been there too) is that service professionals like to think they can help everyone.  It’s a kind of “leave no one behind” mentality.

I get it, I really do – when I first started out I balked at learning what specifically the people I wanted to work with struggled with because I believed I could help with everything. I can remember when I was in coaching school, I was on a call with my mentor coach and she was talking about choosing a target market and I was so set against it.  I’m not a very vocal participant on a call but on that call, boy I sure was.

I felt I had to defend my reasons for why I felt I could help everyone. Fast forward to today and now I know without a doubt that that’s one sure fire way to fail. I’ll repeat that, not being dialed in to what your target market struggles with is a sure fire way to fail – yup, cause I failed.

What Changed My Mind.

My mind started to quickly change when I didn’t have any clients and I wasn’t getting any clients. What I was getting when I networked or talked with people about what I did was “That’s nice” and end of conversation. No one was interested. And of course, with no one interested, I wasn’t making any money and I knew I had to do something different. I remembered that call with my mentor coach and so I thought, “well, heck, I’ll get specific with a target market and learn more about what they struggle with and see what happens.”

Here Is What Happened.

As you might expect, a funny thing happened, I not only learned what their challenges were, I saw clearly what I did that helped them solve those challenges. As the saying goes “light dawns on marblehead” and I really saw that I couldn’t help everyone (side note: not everyone wants to be helped) and I could only help those that connected with me and what I did.

Kind of a no-brainer, I know but still you’ll be surprised. Maybe you are shaking your head thinking “Kim, you are so wrong.” I respect that and let me share with you a few bits of information that might have you thinking differently.

My previous blog post was about having a system for attracting clients. You can read it here.

Reasons You Want to Choose Who You Work With.

  • Marketing your business will be easy. You have one message that just those you want to reach will see and say yes to.
  • You’ll easily be able to talk about what you do. With your one message, you will always know what to say and never walk away thinking, “no why didn’t I say x?”
  • It gives you direction. You will no longer waste time talking to people who are not your “peeps”.
  • Time and money will be used wisely. You will no longer waste time or money doing things that do not lead you to your goals and spending money on marketing or opportunities you think might help you. Where you spend your time and money will be specifically where you want them to be.
  • It puts you in a place of confidence. Knowing exactly what you do, how you help and who you work with gives you a confidence that will motivate you to grow your business in exceptional ways.

I hope you can see why it’s important for you to be at choice! What WILL you choose?

Would you like an easy way to discover your target market or to expand the one you already have? Sign up below for my FREE 7 Day Client Attractor Challenge. In 7 days you will know exactly who your target market is, where they are and what to do to reach them!

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Don’t make THIS mistake in your business…

audience-ezine-1-19-17Whether you have been in business for a long time, a short time or are just starting out, it’s imperative for you to know who your target market is.

When you have been in business for a long time it is easy to get lulled into believing that who you started out with as a target market is still your target market. And while it may be, failing to revisit this major piece of business is basically failing your business.

The Importance of Knowing Your Target Market

Every so often you need to look at your target market and put it through a series of questions to determine if it is indeed still your market. Additionally, you need to determine who else you can expand your reach to as well as how to find them.

It’s important for you to always know exactly who your client or customer is or else you are wasting your time and resources.

You Can’t Help Everyone

A big mistake solopreneurs and small business owners make is that they help everyone. I know, I did the same thing, and boy did it make marketing difficult. I was practically saying something different to every person I met in case they might be a prospect and hear something that would make them go “Oh, I want to work with her.” But it didn’t work; it was stressful.

Getting very specific is the key to finding ideal clients and customers that will buy your products and services.

What Is A Target Market

A target market is a specific group of consumers at which a company aims its products and services.

You may also have heard the term ‘niche’ and that you need to determine who yours is. Your niche is more specifically defined as a small but profitable segment of a market which makes it easier for you to focus your attention on and market to.

The beauty of a niche is that you can create your own by identifying needs or wants that your prospects and clients have, and offer solutions that will satisfy their needs and wants.

Once you know your target market, you can get clearer on how to attract clients to you and focus on being their solution.

Would you like an easy way to discover your target market or to expand the one you already have? Sign up below for my FREE 7 Day Client Attractor Challenge. In 7 days you will know exactly who your target market is, where they are and what to do to reach them!

We respect your email privacy.

Do You Have a Client Attraction System?

7-day-challengeIn order to be a Client Attractor, you need to have a system for attracting clients.

If your business is one of the many that just “wing it” when it comes to knowing their client, you are leaving lots of opportunities and money on the table. Practically every business owner I talk to says that out of their goals for the year they want to make more money. And who doesn’t? Yet when I ask them how they are going to do that they aren’t sure.

A Surefire Way To Make More Money In Your Business.

One of the best ways to make more money in your business is to increase your client base (or your customer base as the case my be). I’m not just talking the number of people you add to your mailing list I’m talking about those who buy. And the best way to find those people is to know precisely where your ideal clients are and how to reach them. And again, when I ask business owners if they know where their ideal people are and how they will reach them, I get a lot of shrugging of the shoulders!

I don’t know about you, but that is certainly no way to make more money.

How To Know Where Your Ideal Clients Are.

The best way to know exactly who will be attracted to you so you can attract them is to KNOW right down to the who they are so that you can speak their language, go where they are and attract them like crazy. Here are a few steps to get started:

  • Pick a category of people who you serve. For example, start-up businesses, sales and marketing, health professionals to name a few.
  • Get super specific within this category.  Are they online businesses, brick and mortar, other?
  • Know what they struggle with. What are their challenges that you will help them solve.
  • Identify where they are. Where do they network, what groups are they in, find where they are so you can target your efforts there.

Why It’s Important To Have A Client Attraction System.

As you might already see, it’s important that you know exactly who you serve and narrow it down so that your efforts are on point and so that you can easily know who and where to market to.  It’s important that you know what they struggle with so that you can show up and solve their problems and be their superstar and it’s important that you know where they are so you can attract ideal clients easily and consistently.

And that my friend, is what will help you make more money this year, grow your business and be able to do some amazing work with awesome clients that are just perfect for you and you for them!

Now if you liked these tips, you’ll love my FREE 7 Day Challenge:  Be a Client Attractor NOW. Sign up and in just 7 Days you will know EXACTLY what to do to be an amazing client attractor because you will have your very own client attraction system!

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What is it you want to experience in your business?


It’s the first week of a new year! Happy New Year. Just what do you want to experience in your business?

Why it’s important for you to know what you want to experience.

As a business owner, you spend a lot of time trying to figure out exactly what you want your client to experience. You ask, you test, you record the results, and then you go out and give them exactly that.

And for the most part, it’s the right thing to do to be successful. After all, if they aren’t looking for what you offer, they won’t buy and you won’t have a business.

Yet, what often happens, especially in a very small business or one that is run by you and you alone is that you end up running a business that is the exact opposite of what you want for yourself and your life.

Yes, you may be wildly successful in growing your business and making money, but are you happy? If the answer is no, then it’s time for you to ask yourself “what is it I want to experience in my business?”

See, in order to be happy, you need to do things that work for you and will make you happy.

Business is not just about growth and making money.

Sometimes business is about what works for you. As Emily Ley discovered, sometimes we have to make giant business decisions that will change our businesses and lives in order to be happy. You can read about Emily’s giant business decision and what it means to her and her business here.

I’ve spoken to several of my business colleagues who recently decided to make giant business decisions for themselves for this year. Many of them told me that they were going to stop doing the things that they hated doing and either delete them entirely or delegate them. They also said they wanted to do more quality work, rather than more work.

What do you want to do this year in your business?

Behind the scenes of business success

ixgpcausaom-remy-baudouinHow to create your business success

I was reading Daymond John’s book  The Power of Broke where he tells readers “Remember, you are the brand.” It’s a very powerful reminder. One that many business owners forget. And if Daymond John is saying it you know it’s something to listen to since he’s all about business success.

If you are a fan of Shark Tank, you know that many times the Sharks invest in the person. I know I’ve watched and thought “wow, I can’t believe they invested in that.” What the Shark was doing was investing in the person. One of the best things you can do for your business success it to own your brand. Your brand is so much more than a logo and colors.

Your brand is so much more than your logo

Your brand is a combination of elements that all add up to your brand is the PROMISE of an EXPERIENCE.

Your brand is an opportunity for you to create:

  • Meaningful, thought-provoking connections with your customers and clients
  • Focus, intention and energy for you in building your business

Ways you can create an amazing brand for business success

There is so much more to your brand than a logo and a tagline or something snazzy. Yes, those are parts of your brand and they all lead to brand awareness, you however, want to create that meaningful, thought-provoking connection with your customers and clients so that they will be loyal to you for a long, long time.

In order for you to do that in such a way that it leads to your business success answer each of the following questions:

  • What is my Unique Brilliance?
  • What am I a Stand for in my business?
  • What am I an Expert at?
  • What is my Brand Promise?
  • What are my Brand Values?
  • What is my Brand Client Experience?
  • What is the Personality of my Brand?

If you would like to learn more about your Unique Brilliance click here.  In upcoming blogs, we’ll discuss in depth each of the above-mentioned questions but for now, go ahead and answer the questions for yourself, it’s a great start. I know you are interested in creating an amazing brand so give yourself at least 30 minutes to answer the questions.

Keys to Improving Your Brand

As you answer the questions, keep in mind the brand you have (if you have a brand at this moment) and whether or not it is the brand you want to have in the future. If it is, great, how can you improve upon it? If it isn’t what do you want your brand to convey? What do you want it to say about you? What do you want your customer’s/client’s experience to be?

Now is a great time to look to the future and the experiences your customers and clients get and will get from doing business with you.

Once you answer the above questions, shoot me an email at and tell me what you discovered, what you are excited about and how will knowing what you now know lead you to your business success!



Is your marketing right on or are you stumbling and bumbling?

What is marketing, anyway?

In business marketing is a BIG word. It’s used all the time, but what exactly does it mean and what does it mean to you?

Marketing as is defined by Wikipedia is: the communication between a company and the consumer audience that aims to increase the value of the company or its merchandise, or to raise the profile of the company and its products in the public mind. The purpose of marketing is to induce behavioral change in the receptive audience.[1]

The American Marketing Association has defined marketing as “the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.” [2]

And this is all fine and good, but what does it mean to and for you? Well, ultimately it means exposure, you get known, you make SALES and you have money! Whoohoo. Are you getting excited yet?

Oh but wait, there is more!

How can your marketing improve your success?

One thing that I see small business owners and solopreneurs fail at is creating marketing messages that capture their spirit, personality and passion. They fail to put themselves into.

One of my clients owns a successful hair salon and the reason it was successful was because she knew that it was her that people came into see.

In the beginning, it wasn’t always that way, she wanted to and did take a more background role. What she noticed was that she didn’t get as much repeat business as she did when she was the one greeting, setting their next appointments and conversing with them.

After she understood it was her Unique Brilliance that lead to more business, it was easy to create a marketing plan that filled in the missing pieces and gave her much success.

By identifying your Unique Brilliance and what you bring to the table, you can use it as a powerful catalyst for using your gifts and talents on your most profitable actions.

Unlock your powerful, instantly recognizable presence.

The best way to become a client-attraction and opportunity magnet is to know and strategically use your spirit, personality and passion to create hot marketing messages, create amazing images, attention-getting copy and many other marketing touch points that lead to increased clients and sales.

Knowing Your Unique Brilliance

Your own Unique Brilliance is not a skill, it’s a powerful force that describes the very core of who you are as an individual.

Here are a few questions for you to ask:

  • Write down what you loved to do as a child.
  • What are some words or qualities that describe that?
  • Finish this sentence:  My Unique Brilliance is that I _____________________

A few examples: I inspire possibility; I ignite passion and action; I empower greatness.

Keep in mind that your Unique Brilliance is just you – so it will not mention others and it does not describe steps or process.

How can you use your Unique Brilliance in your marketing? If you empower greatness how does that look? What social media messages and images are you creating; what are you talking about to potential clients; and how are you presenting your business to the world?

It’s fun and exciting! You can effortlessly create amazing marketing materials. You won’t be just creating a message you’ll be creating and building a brand!

If you are stumbling and bumbling with your marketing and attracting clients in your business and want to create amazing marketing messages that are on point and on brand, I have something you can’t say no to, it’s called Create The Soul of Your Business Marketing Guide. All you have to do is email me at and put in the subject line YES! It is my gift to you. Don’t wait, this offer will go fast and it’s so awesome you won’t want to miss out.

It’s all about the money

Money, money, it’s such an interesting subject

Mention the word money to someone and see what their reaction is. Then ask them how much they make a year and watch their reaction. Ask them if they think they are great money managers and listen closely.

Money is a touchy subject. Often we look at things in black and white. Those who have it and those who don’t.

Are you someone who wants to have more money? If you answered yes (and I can’t imagine that you wouldn’t) what is it you really think about it? Do you love money or do you hate it? Are you thinking “of course I don’t love money”? And if you said “I love money”, are you feeling excited and elated about that or are you secretly thinking “um, that feels really strange”?

The importance of your relationship to money

The way you feel about money is the way your relationship is with it. Yes, you do have a relationship with money. As a business owner, this plays a huge role in your success and of course, in your profitability.

If you have a negative relationship with money you might bury your head in the sand when it comes to knowing your financials. When you do that, that just leads to disaster.

As a business owner, not knowing your numbers means that you cannot create a healthy business. It means that you may even be working for free. Now I know you don’t want that to happen, so it’s imperative that you know your numbers.

How to know your numbers

Here are simple steps to get your started:

  • Gather your income figures for the last 12 months
  • Gather your expenses for the last 12 months
  • Add each of them up to get a 12 month total and then subtract your expenses from your income
  • Ask: what do these figures mean for my business?

After you get your figure, hopefully you’ll be in the green, but if you aren’t take a deep breath. This may be the first time you have seen everything in one place.

The reason you want to ask what does this mean for my business is so that you can take a look at what is going on. You may need to go through your expenses to see what needs to be eliminated but you also may need to increase your income. If you do this, one thing is for sure, you will have a good financial picture in which to begin to make changes to lead you to profitability.

Can you see how knowing your figures will help you determine your outcomes? First you need to see what is going on, then you need to make adjustments and then from there you can begin to work on making a profit.

Give yourself a pat on the back for doing this. This may be a new behavior for you and you want to make sure you congratulate yourself for taking this action!


My free e-book will give you a step by step guide to creating a successful and profitable business as well as a life! Download my free e-book now! It even has a companion workbook that you can use to get starting immediately.

How to be a time producer instead of a time waster

How you handle your time will = your outcomes

“I’m late for a very important date” said the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland.  He actually said more than that it went more like this:

“I’m late, I’m late for
A very important date.
No time to say hello, good-bye,
I’m late, I’m late, I’m late
I’m late and when I wave,
I lose the time I save.”

And just like my blog last week about creating your roadmap quoted Lewis Carroll who wrote: “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” The same thing will happen for you if you haven’t gotten a hold of yourself when it comes to time.

Not only will you not get to where you are going, you’ll never have the time to get there.

Time Management is a real farce

There is no way you can manage your time, but you sure can handle your time. Are you someone who knows exactly what you need to do as well as know how to do what it is you need to do? Are you someone who has clear priorities and accomplishes a lot in a short amount or time, or are you well, just all over the place?

What to do to get a handle on your time

First, you need to know what you are doing, how much time you think it will take and then how much it actually takes. Once you know that then you need to schedule it to get it done.

That was a struggle for me. I wasn’t always so great at time. I was a total time waster! I struggled so much with time. I worked with productivity experts, coaches, accountability partners and I read practically every book (yeah, not kidding) on time management as well as any blog I could find to help me and I just couldn’t figure this time thing out.

I started to think something was wrong with me. It wasn’t until I realized I didn’t have a clear idea of how much time something would take that I had my “V-8 moment” and I finally understood how I could handle time and be a time producer!

Become a Time Producer

A time producer is someone who gets a lot done without a lot of chaos, stress and mess! A time producer knows exactly how much something will take, knows when they will do it and does it.

This might sound like a no-brainer but you’ll be surprised how many people tell me they have no time to do what I’m recommending.

Take the time to figure out exactly how long something will take you to do so that you can know when you’ll be able to get it done.

If you would like a time tracker sheet, download my free e-book 5 Essential Steps to Creating a Successful Business That is Profitable. It comes with an accompanying workbook where you’ll also find step-by-step instructions on how to track your time to know your exact figures to be able to put more time in your day, because for a business owner, more time, equals more money!!

My free e-book will give you a step by step guide to creating a successful business as well as a life! Download my free e-book now! It even has a companion workbook that you can use to get starting immediately.

Why it’s important for your business to have a roadmap

Do you know where you are going?

Lewis Carroll wrote: “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.”

It’s very true in business. If you haven’t laid out your path, chances are you’ll do a little of this, a little of that and end with with a whole lot of nothing.

I know because that’s exactly what I did when I started my business. Truth be told, I really didn’t have any idea what I was doing. I didn’t have a coach or a mentor to help me, I just dove in and thought I can totally do this.

I didn’t really know what “do this” was until it was almost too late. Luckily, I found a coach who had been there and done that. She helped me get on the right road.

What to do to get on the right road.

One of the things I did was to create a road map. I developed it out of my why I went into business in the first place. You can read about the why in my previous blog article: Do this important step when launching your business. In my road map I laid out my #1, 2 and 3 goals.  I then created the specific steps I would take in order to reach my top 3 goals.

It isn’t enough to say I want to increase my revenue or I want to grow my business. You have to have the specific steps that you will take to get you to that goal. The more specific you, the better!

Take the time to plan out what you will do specifically to get to your end result, those who fail to do this step, well, fail. My free e-book will help you get started, download it now – it is named 5 Essential Steps to Creating a Successful Business That is Profitable because that’s what I help my clients with and that’s what I want to help you with. It’s free to you for now and all you have to do is to put the time and effort in to make your business successful!

My free e-book will give you a step by step guide to creating a successful business as well as a life! Download my free e-book now! It even has a companion workbook that you can use to get starting immediately.

Do this important step when launching your business

There comes a time in every business owner’s existence when they start to wonder just why they thought they wanted to own their own business.

That time is usually when the money is running out, or there is no money coming in. It’s a holy-“youknowwhat” moment.

AND It’s always a great moment for you to remember why you went into business for yourself.

ebook - your why

One essential step in launching a business is to know your why. The reason that you went into business for yourself in the first place. It’s super easy to get caught up in the doing of getting a business started and running. That’s why when you lose focus of your reasons why remembering them can bring you back to your center and help you get on track.

In my 5 Essential Steps to Creating a Successful Business That Is Profitable e-book I lay out 5 essential steps, and the first step is to Know Your Why. It’s what keeps everything in perspective for you. It’s what keeps you honest, focused and motivated.

If you are feeling as if you have lost your focused, are frustrated because you aren’t making the money you thought you would, or just down on yourself, it may be time to come back to your why.

Check in to see if you are on target with what your vision was for your business. And if you skipped that part, not to worry, take 5-10 minutes of quiet time to sit and think about your reasons for opening your business and then think about the future and what you want your business to be like.

I guarantee if you do that, you’ll find your why and your motivation will return and you’ll be able to get back on track!

If you’d like a step-by-step guide, download my free e-book now to get started, it has a companion workbook that you can use to refocus your vision or even create a brand new one and it’s free for a limited time.

In the meantime, if you’d like more specific-to-you help, let me know and I’d be happy to set up a complimentary time to talk with you to get you started, simply email me at

I’d like to leave you with this:

Which one do you want to be?