How connected are you to your money?

Is money an important aspect of empowering yourself?

If you said yes, then you are connected to your money.  Whoohoo, more than likely you are in the green and doing well with your business.  More than likely you are making a lot of money and feeling great about yourself. Congratulations!

Now I say more than likely because sometimes while you may feel that money is an important aspect of empowering yourself, there are things inside you that speak to the contrary. When that happens, you aren’t connected to your money in a strong enough way. It means that you may be struggling to make ends meet, pay the bills and earn the income you desire.

Connect with money

When you are not connected to money there are many challenges you face. A few that show up are:

  • Lack of financial independence
  • Not feeling empowered with money
  • Feeling overwhelmed with basic financial details

Let’s take a look at each one a little more closely and then learn what you can do to empower yourself to be strongly connected to your money.

Lack of financial independence.

You may blindly trust the handling of financial details to others. You may be happy when someone else is making financial decisions for you.

If you are lacking financial independence you in essence give your power over to someone else. You avoid making decisions that you need to make, you choose to ignore certain steps that you need to take and it’s a place where you may be letting others run the show rather than you. This gives you less than stellar results making you feel like you have let yourself down.

Not feeling empowered with money.

You can easily allow others to make you feel disempowered or inadequate about money. When you aren’t connected to your money, it’s hard to be empowered with it. You can be taken advantage of financially. This shows up when you negotiate your fees and walking away feeling as if you got the short end of the deal or that you didn’t get what you are worth. It shows up by you spending too much for products and services for your own business and in your life. And it shows up by you not taking steps to ensure your financial security.

Feeling overwhelmed with basic financial details.

You may wish you didn’t have to think about making or managing money.  You may avoid facing your own money situation, hoping it will improve on it’s own. You may pay your bills late or even forgo certain services that you need to have for your business. You may have a hard time balancing your checkbook, or not even keeping one. When this happens you may cause a lot of financial stress for yourself and your loved ones.

If you see yourself in any of the above, first let me tell you that you are in a great place! Awareness is everything. Next you can begin to create a stronger connection to your money.  It’s never too late to start!


Creating a connection to your money.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. If you were solely responsible for your money management, what are 8 financial details you need to know?
  2. What are 3 qualities you appreciate in the people who have assisted you financially, and in what specific ways would your life change if you adopted these qualities for yourself?
  3. What beliefs would you have to acknowledge and transform in order to empower yourself to be independent financially?

Take a few moment to sit and ponder the questions and then journal them in a notebook. From there what one step are you willing to take right now?

I’d like to offer you an empowering money mindset as a take-way today.  It is:

“The more comfortable I get with money, the more I empower myself.” Say it outloud 3 times and notice how you feel. Then write it down and use it as your new money mindset.

If you are game to empower yourself, why not empower others, jump over to my Facebook page and share the one step you are willing to take right now to empower yourself and by doing so you’ll empower others..

3 Secrets to Money Success

MoneyI love secrets!  But what is a secret? It’s something we usually can’t or don’t tell another.  Well, a secret can also be something that is undisclosed or hush-hush.  When it comes to women and money there are lots of secrets in the way of if you don’t tell or talk about it, it ain’t happening.

Well, I’ve got news for you, it IS happening and that usually isn’t good.  So I want to share with you three secrets.  Once I disclose these to you, and you know about them, you’ll be on your way to money success and happiness!

Secret #1:  Discover Your Money Patterns and Behaviors.  In other words, this is how you “do” money consciously or unconsciously.  And believe me, when it comes to money we all do things unconsciously.  You probably say you want more money and to be better at money.  Well, in order to have money success, you need to look at your patterns and behaviors.  One of the ways to identify your patterns and behaviors is to understand your money archetypes.  Archetypes represent a pattern of power within you.  Meaning stories, beliefs, motivations, fears, courage and perspectives.  They speak to you through your subconscious.  When you are aware of your money patterns, you’ll be able to see objectively how you handle your money: your spending and saving patterns, your decisions around money, what you do and what you don’t do. Ultimately you will be better at money so that you can start making the changes you want.

Secret #2:  Create a Positive Money Story.  What is your money story?  A money story is the narrative you tell yourself about money.  Some examples are:  Money is hard to make, I’m not good with money, money doesn’t grow on trees, and things of that nature.  Take a few moments and write down what the money story is that you grew up with.  Is it one that is serving you or is it holding you back?  If it isn’t serving you, change it!  You have the power to change what you believe about money.  Now, there is way more to this topic and when I work with my private clients, we go through several exercises to really get clear on this and to heal ingrained money beliefs and legacies.  But for now, just start thinking about what you want your money story to be right here in the present.

Secret #3:  Empower Your Voice.  Empower means:  Authorize – Allow – Sanction – Give Power to – Make Powerful.  What this means for YOU is that you get to do all those things for yourself.  By authorizing yourself, allowing yourself, sanctioning yourself to be, do and have all that you want, you give power to yourself (and make yourself powerful) simply by connecting with – and creating a healthy relationship with – your money.  Empowering Your Voice is about being confident to speak up for what you want and to get what you want.  Again, this is the tip of the iceberg here and when I work with my private clients we go through a very powerful exercise that has them empowering their voice in so many amazing and unsuspecting ways.  I’ve had women who, after going through the exercise with me, decide to stop hiding out from their spouses.  They finally have what they felt were hard conversations about money but which turned out to bring them closer to their spouse.  I’ve had clients leave jobs they were unhappy in and find ones that made their heart sing.  There is no telling what can come from Empowering Your Voice.  For you, right now, just think about what is it you want and then ask for it — speak up and declare it!  You won’t be sorry, I will guarantee that.

Once you embrace these 3 Secrets to Money Success, you will be on your way to your financial freedom, inner self-worth and money success!

If you are interested in learning more about your Money Archetypes which I mentioned in Secret #1, and taking your very own personalized money archetype assessment, email me at and put in the subject “I want to know my Money Archetypes.”  Yes, it’s that easy!

Do you have ‘secrets’ about money? Do you know your patterns? What’s your money story?  Post them below!