Profitability, you got it?

pie chartAs a business owner, how do you define ‘profit’?  Do you take your sales minus your expenses and then see what is left over?  If you do, you aren’t alone; there are many business owners who do just that.  It’s the way we have been taught, programmed and told to do.  But there is another way.  Say what?  Yes, there is another way and I’m happy to share that with you here.

I work with an amazing system called Profit First.  It was created by Mike Michalowicz and since being certified by him, I’ve helped numerous business owners make money in their business and — even better — take money for themselves from their business.  Now I’m not talking about “Oh, look there’s money in the account, I think I’ll write myself a check.”  I’m talking about seriously planning to make a profit and paying yourself a salary, all while you are covering your business expenses and your taxes.

The Profit First System is exactly as it sounds, take your profit first!  We so often pay everyone else and then we live off of what is left (or not live in some cases, I kid you not).  Well, this system flips all of that and has you calculating your profit first and paying yourself a regular salary.  You wouldn’t accept a job interview by saying “By the way, I’m here to work for free,” so why should you work for free in your own company?  If nothing else, you gotta eat, right?

The first step of the Profit First System is that you establish four accounts:

  1. Profit Account
  2. Owner’s Pay Account
  3. Tax Account
  4. Operating Expenses Account

I want to stress here that you want four separate accounts.  You don’t want to have all your money living in one account because that’s one sure-fire way to end up with more month leftover than money.

The next step is to determine the percentages that you’ll be putting into those separate bank accounts regularly.  Now the trick here is to look closely at your operating expenses and make sure that you aren’t paying for things that you don’t need to run your business.  There may be things you think you need that you truly don’t, and guess what?  Once you get rid of those, you’ll have more money for your profit and owner’s pay.

What if you could put more money in your pocket?  Sounds way better, doesn’t it!

My clients go through an analysis so they can see exactly where they are bleeding money and also where they need to put money in order to have a healthy business.  That’s what this system is all about; creating a healthy business that thrives not just survives.

If you are interested in learning a lot more about this Profit First theory, read Mike’s book.  Here is my link on Amazon for you to pick up your own copy.  And if you feel you need or want help with getting a profit first, let me know because I am a Certified Profit First Professional!  Feel free to send me a private email at


Do you have enough money?

Money BagWouldn’t it be great to have bags of money? That would be enough… wouldn’t it?

But what does having enough money mean to you?  Have you ever said “I just want to have enough money”?  I’m going to guess that yes, you have.  I know this because that is what my clients say to me… and most anyone I talk to says the same thing.  So my question is what does having enough money mean to you?

I ask because it means different things to different people.  For a pre-teen they might want to have enough money to buy lunch at the school cafeteria and a pack of gum at the corner store.  For a college student they might want to have enough money to buy a car and to go out and have fun in it.  For a working woman/man they might want to have enough money to pay for rent, utilities and food and have extra left for fun and shopping.  For newlyweds it might be for their first home and for a family it might be to house, clothe and feed them all and for a retired couple it might be to maintain a lifestyle.  As you can see, the answer is different for everyone.

No matter where you are it matters what enough means to you and it’s important to know exactly what enough is to you.  Many people have no idea what they need to live.  They have no idea how much income comes in and how much goes out.  In order to have enough money, you need to know your figures.  In my business I need enough money to run my business and cover my operating costs and pay myself a salary.  And I know exactly what those numbers are which makes every decision I make a confident one.

I love to share tips so here are several for you to begin your own journey to having more than enough money for living your life:

  1. Know exactly how much you bring in.  Get a sheet of paper and fold it in half.  On the left, write Income and on the right, Expenses.  Then go through your paychecks and add them up for the month (you could do the whole year but get a monthly figure first).  Write that figure down on the left side of your paper.
  2. Know exactly how much you send out.  Add up all your monthly expenses (again you can do the whole year as you probably have quarterly and yearly expenses, but let’s get that figure for the month first).  Go through them a second time, you’ll forget something – I always do.  Write that figure down on the right side of the paper.
  3. Know your bottom line.  Subtract your expenses from your income.  Hopefully you have a bigger income number than expenses number, but if you do not, don’t panic.  Take a breath and congratulate yourself for taking the time to take this first step to discovery.
  4. How to have more than enough.  If you have less income than expenses, it’s time to look at those expenses and scale back or cut some out.  Sometimes when you see your monthly expenses it is easy to know what needs to go… and sometimes it is more difficult.  Yet if you are spending more than you are earning, you need to make changes.  So get to taking things out!  Don’t confuse a want with a need: want = cable TV and need = food to eat.
  5. Give yourself credit.  It can be scary and discouraging yet you are now on the upswing.  Once you know where you stand, it will be hard to continue doing the things you had been doing that brought you to this point.  You are stronger than you think you are.  This is where you tell yourself you are happy and proud of knowing your exact figures.

I know this is not easy.  I’ve been in the “I don’t have enough money” position.   I’ve had that feeling of “Wow, I can barely feed myself let alone my pets.”  I’ve been there paying one bill I thought was more important to pay before another.  I’ve made half payments to just make sure I sent a payment.

On the flip side, I now experience the relief of knowing my bottom line and the figure that is my ‘enough money’.  I know the triumph of making choices that bring me the result I want, which is having enough money.

If you have had money struggles and overcame them, I’d love to hear how you did it.  Please post below!