Do You Do This?


Act imageLights, Camera, Action!  So exciting right?  Action is what we business owners are all about!  But when it comes to money, is your action the absolute right thing you should be doing that will make you more money?’

Let me ask you, do you pay your bills on time (or even early)?  Do you save money regularly?  Do you track your income to the penny every day?  Well, if you want to make more money, you need to be doing these things regularly.  There are certain actions that you must do if you want to make more moneyClick here to learn more about creating simple money systems that allow you to feel confident and help you create greater income.

Once you create your simple money systems, you can empower yourself to new heights, new opportunities and new income!  Empowerment follows actions (it can precede it too).  If you undercharge, or feel overwhelmed when you think about making more money and think you’ll have to work harder, empowering yourself to new heights will eliminate all of that.  Click here to learn how to empower yourself so that you can increase your financial self-worth!

Looking at each of these areas more closely will help you in your goal to make and keep more money.  Remember you are transforming your relationship with money.  And also remember you need to decide that what you want and go for it.

Yes, it may be hard, but it’s always so worth it.  You are the only one who can give you exactly what you want.  You control your destiny.

If you missed any of the previous lessons, click here to listen to them.

I’d love to hear what your results are once you take action (smile), please post below or email me.

Are you uncomfortable discussing money?

If you are uncomfortable about discussing money, it could be why you aren’t making more of it.

Being uncomfortable about money discussions is just one way that you may be holding yourself back from making more.

In last week’s blog we talked about 5 Key Money Areas.  So before we talk about what you are going to do or not do to make more money, it is important for you to know where your gap is between where you are now and where you want to be with making more money.

When you are uncomfortable discussing money, whether it is in your personal life or your business life, it represents a boundary… a weak boundary at that, and one that creates a gap between you and money.

Boundaries are limits or borders that you create in order to best serve yourself.  Let’s look at boundaries as what you are willing or not willing to do.  If you are uncomfortable discussing money it means that you are unwilling to have those important money conversations.

Imagine the business owner who avoids talking with the client who hasn’t paid her, yet she continues to provide great services to them.  She has a weak money boundary in that she is unwilling to have the necessary money conversation about receiving payment.

I’ve worked with business owners who want to make more money yet allow their clients to consistently get away with non-payment of agreed-upon fees for longer than necessary.  This causes them to not be able to pay their own monthly bills and it halts any monetary growth that they want.  And worse, it allows others (people and money) to control them rather than them being in control of their money.

If you are doing this, stop.  Value yourself while honoring others so that you make and keep more money.  Decide right now what is acceptable and what is not – when you do that you create a positive boundary.  Then you begin to put in money structures that will uphold those boundaries which will lead you to increasing your net worth.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this or any experiences you have had.  Please leave your comments below or if you’d rather keep them private email me personally at

5 Key Money Areas

In last week’s blog asked several thought-provoking questions such as what are you willing to do or not do to make more money.  You might think you know those answers, but do you really?

Most women and men struggle with their relationship with money and often struggle as to how to create and keep more money.

This stems from many things.  It stems from being uncomfortable talking about money, and if you are a business owner you may hesitate to ask for the sale.  It stems from feeling guilty or shameful around money, under valuing your worth, putting off paying or managing bills, not standing in your power with money and/or limiting beliefs around money.

The good news is that money is very simple to master.  You do that by having a strategy for knowing how to control your money, valuing yourself and standing in your power with money… with anyone in any situation.

We’ll be getting more into that later, but in the meantime I want to share with you 5 Key Money Areas:

  1. Forgiveness
  2. Boundaries
  3. Action
  4. Empowerment
  5. Mindset

Right now, on a scale of 1-10 rate yourself in each of the five listed above, 1 being “I need help” and 10 being “I’m awesome”.

If you rated yourself anything less than an 8, don’t be discouraged.  As I mentioned, most women and men struggle with their relationship with money and often struggle as to how to create and keep more money.  What this means for you is that there is a gap that keeps you from realizing your full potential when it comes to money.

Next time we’ll talk more about the 5 Key Areas and also coming up you will have the opportunity to take an awesome quiz that will help you really understand where your gap is so that you will know how you can increase your self-worth and net worth. Soon you’ll be able to answer without a doubt the all-important question of “What are you willing to do make more money?”