The magic happens outside your comfort zone

You didn’t actually think stuff happened in your comfort zone did you?

It is truly magic when you have the courage to do something new and/or different. Today I did something I knew would help me grow my business. Something I absolutely am committed to doing. Yet, I was dragging my feet on it. When I finally did it it not only felt amazing but I got exactly the results I wanted.

So what is it I did? I went into Boston for a women’s networking event. No biggie you might be thinking.  Ok, I hear ya. However, having worked in the City of Boston for 25 years and making a very fast escape, never to return to work there it was a big deal for me to head in in rush hour no less!

But man, I am so glad I did.  I not only was in a room with some amazing women and business women, but I was able to meet 5 new women that I can work or collaborate with. That wouldn’t have happened had I sat at home. Already I have set up 4 appointments for the upcoming weeks.

I took a Parking locationphoto of the card you take from the garage elevator to prove that I was indeed there this morning!

I did have a funny, I have always been challenged by riding the elevators in the big city (I’ll save my very first Boston elevator ride for another time) and this was no exception. You would think someone who worked in a high rise for 25 years would be able to get into an elevator, right? I mean, how hard is it to get into an elevator? Well, apparently now in the high rise buildings you don’t just walk up to the elevator and push the up button, you have to put in on the keypad (where the up button used to be) the floor you are going to and you are then assigned an elevator.

After I gave security a run for their money trying to help me and a big laugh I made it to my destination. I’ve been laughing about it all day and it makes me think, no matter how much you feel you are prepared there is always something that will show up for you to keep you on your toes.

Where in your business are you keeping yourself on your toes and creating the magic to reach your goals? I’d love to hear your stories! Either comment here or drop me a personal note at

Secret to Business Success

I’m a home-body.  I love to be home.  Not that I don’t leave my house, I do.  I travel and go places; but ultimately I really just like being home.  It’s my comfort zone.

A comfort zone is a place that feels good, is safe and protected; nothing wrong with that except that it’s the place where things do not happen.  

As a business owner it is important for you to stretch outside your comfort zone.  We also call the comfort zone the safety zone, and you know what happens in a safety zone – nothing!

True, no one gets hurt in the comfort zone, but no one grows and expands and experiences really amazing things either.  Outside the safety zone is where you have the possibility and opportunity to learn, have fun and live.  Which do you want to be in?

We tend to hold ourselves back for many reasons; fear of the unknown, feeling stupid, losing money, losing face or whatever.  However, I’m here to tell you not only from my own experience personally but also from my clients’ as well, thatwhen we do step outside our comfort and safety zone, the greatest success, accomplishment and feelings materialize and they are SO amazing. 

Here are several suggestions for you to step outside of your comfort zone:

  • Set up a one-on-one meeting close to your office.  Call up someone you would like to know more about (them personally as well as their business) and schedule to meet for coffee or a light lunch.
  • Attend networking events and meet two new people to connect with.  When you have the goal of meeting just two people, it makes it easier for you to get out there.  If you get there and find you enjoy it, meet more!
  • Do the one thing that you have wanted to do, but have been afraid to do.  Maybe it’s travel to a conference in another state or attend a workshop or do a speaking gig.  Whatever it is, choose the date and then do it!

Make a pact with yourself that you will start stepping outside your comfort and safety zone, even just a little bit, in order to reap all of the amazing experiences that are just out there waiting for you!  You will so gratified you did.  And when you do, be sure to drop me a note at  (or simply reply to this email).  Or if you wish to share with a larger audience, post to my blog!

If you are ready now to step outside of that comfort zone, I have an amazing place for you to step into.  It is my 2016 Prosperous Business Mastery Group Mastermind Program that I am running beginning January 5.  Click here for the details.  It’s a great place to stretch yourself to grow and reap the rewards you want for you and your business.