Are You Sleeping Through Your Life?

Do you ever feel like not getting out of bed in the morning?  Are you exhausted because you have so much to do?  What about what others want from you?  Do you look around and say “This is my life?  Really?”  And then want to pull the covers over your head?

Let’s say you have decided to go to the gym every morning and are finding that gee, you just can’t seem to get out of the bed.  You just lie there hitting the snooze button again and again and again.  You’ll go tomorrow.  And then, well, we know how that goes.   If you are still reading this, you may even be one of those people who “I’ll do it tomorrow” is a regular thought or phrase for you.

You know, sometimes it’s great to ‘do it tomorrow’ – remember we can’t always do everything in one day.  I know that first hand as I’ve chosen to only spend five hours in my office.  So then, how do we ‘do it today’ and not put it off and essentially sleep through our lives?

First, acknowledge that we cannot do everything.   As women we like to do it all, yet, exactly what is the ‘all’?  And who is the ‘all’ for?  Second — after you have answered the above two questions — determine exactly what it is you want and why.  Do you really want to go to the gym?  If the answer is yes, then by all means, figure out a plan to get there.  If the answer is no, whew, we now have an answer as to why you haven’t been able to get there.

Ok, so you are asking “Now what?”  If you really want to do something, you have to make changes in your life.  If you want to get in shape, feel better, fit into your clothes and have greater health, it’s time to figure out a way for you to do that for yourself.

I’ve used the example of exercise but this can be related to all things.  You can be sleeping through your life by not spending quality time with your children or staying in a job you hate and that is unsatisfying.  There are many ways we sleep through our lives.  Once you make the decision to – as Steve Jobs says –‘change something’, you will find that you are less exhausted in your life, not sleeping through it as much and beginning to enjoy it and come alive like you never thought possible.

As a coach, I help women fit the pieces of their lives together, so please, if you even question “Could I be sleeping through my life?” – let’s talk.  It costs nothing to talk and we’ll see if coaching may be for you.  Remember, coaching is about moving forward.  There is the beginning, the glorious middle and then an ending for which you are not only moving forward but finding that the pieces of your life are fitting you better than imagined!  There is magic in that!  Email me to schedule a call.  Don’t wait to wake up!  Do it now!

I’d love to hear your thoughts, insights and revelations below!


© Copyright 2012 Kim Ravida Coaching. All rights reserved. Feel free to use the material from the article in whole or in part, just makes sure you include this complete acknowledgement including the live website link and let me know where the material will appear: “Kim Ravida, owner and founder of Kim Ravida Coaching, is a Certified Professional Coach and a personal and professional motivation mentor. In essence, she motivates people to stop beating themselves up and helps them get off their butts so that they maximize their time and energy to quickly get what they want in their lives… and love their reflection! Kim produces a weekly ezine where she shares insights, inspirations, tips and ideas for setting and reaching personal and professional goals. To get more information or sign up, please go to” 

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