Are you tired of waiting for things to change?

I was watching an episode of Brain Games and the scientist said that “everything you do changes your brain for good.” That’s a fascinating statement – so why then does it feel like it takes forever to 1) make a change and 2) see a change?

I have my own thoughts on this such as we have habits and patterns as well as mindsets that can keep us repeating the same things over and over again.Dollars spread out

Let’s take a look at saving money. Do you feel like it takes a split second to spend it yet forever to save it? Do you think “why bother saving money because it takes forever for it to grow”? If you do then no wonder nothing is changing.

Our mindset can make or break us and if we are in a why bother frame of mind, we are in a holding pattern, therefore there is no change because you aren’t doing anything. In order for our brain to change, we have to do something, not just anything though, it has to be something different from what we have been doing to see the changes.

So then, what will you do differently that will foster that change you want?  Please share here or email me privately at

What fear of being poor really showed me

It’s a funny thing this money business (sometimes feels like monkey business), how is your money story supporting or destroying you?

Did you even realize you had one? You do! Mine was to hide my money (and sometimes it still is). I would hide it so that I’d have it. Even my close friends knew that I had a secret $20.00 hidden in my wallet. I called it my fail-safe but what it really was (only I didn’t know it then) was my fear of being poor.

See if I had the $20.00 then I wasn’t poor. BUT I couldn’t just have it in my wallet or I’d risk spending it if I saw it (oh the horrors) so I had to hide it. You are probably thinking “isn’t money there to spend” and you would be correct.

Holding Dollarsonto money like I was doing was only perpetuating my fear of not having enough. I was afraid to spend it because I was afraid it wouldn’t come back. I was in a lack mentality, a fear mentality and that mentality is a negative mentality.

This month I’ve been talking a lot about money, I even did a free webinar training series called The 5 Key Money Areas to help others who struggle with money be able to see where their gaps are so that they can let go and prosper.

Once I realized my negative mindset, I was able to free myself from the lack feelings and the fears. You will too. Listen to the free trainings, they are short, 10 minutes each and take one small action toward creating that prosperously positive mindset, you won’t be sorry that you did!

Want to share your story here? I’d love that, or feel free to email me privately at


Try this superior edge to really succeed in business

Here we are the last week in February, wowwee!! How has your month gone? One thing that I have been hearing this month is that it’s “hard to make money” or “I keep trying to make more but nothing is working”.

It’s like the little train – you have probably heard it before, if you think you can, you can and if you think you can’t you can’t so either get on with it or get over it.

What I mean by this is first determine if you even want to do what it is you are thinking you can’t do – because maybe you don’t even want to do it – so move on. Or get over it and just do it.

Mountain Top

It is really quite simple, you do have to do the work, you have to take the action. I wish I could tell you that waving a magic wand would do it but truthfully it’s much more than that. By taking the action you gain so much. In order to have a successful, rewarding, fulfilling life/business, you have to do the work; you have to go through the tough times in order to reach the top. Climbing Mt. Everest wouldn’t be so rewarding if it were easy.

Maybe you aren’t climbing Mt. Everest but it might feel like that and if it does and if you aren’t focusing positively on where you are going, could it be that you don’t even want to be going there? Not everyone wants to climb Mt. Everest, I know I don’t but I do want to be the best I can be at what I’m choosing to do.

What steps will you take to reach your peak? What mindset shifts will you make?

If you would like a superior edge to succeed in business, listen now to my free webinar training on mindset. It’s one of The 5 Key Money Areas and one that can either make or break your success in business and also in life.

Feel free to leave your thoughts here or email me personally at to share.

A simplistic way to create your victory

One of my favorite days of the week is Sunday. It is the one day that I do not work, no matter what.  I love hanging out reading, watching tv (especially if it’s a sporting event) and relaxing.

Today is the DaytoMike Murdockna 500. I’m not a big race fan but I am fascinated about how big NASCAR is and I enjoy watching the beginning of each race because there is so much that goes into one,  the big one as they call this race.

Talk about having a structure, each week is pretty much the same but different venues, the drivers and their teams have very specific actions that they follow, their routines on race day rarely vary. I guess I like it because while I would tell you that I hate routines, I do realize the value of them and when I follow my own routines for my life and my work, everything is rosy and I like that.

What are some structures and routines you use to be successful in your life and in your business?

I would love to hear them. Either comment here on my blog or email me privately at

Are you sensational at making something successful?

Well it’s Saturday.  And it’s also Day 20 meaning Blog 20! I’m just going to take a moment and tell you (myself really) how proud I am of me.

Yay me! Yup, I said it, I am proud of me. I have been consistent with my blogging and I have been consistent with my theme this month of more money because I know I want more and I know so do you.

Yay me

  • Have you ever done something that you are proud of?
  • Was it something that you were maybe hesitant to do in the first place but then so glad you did it?
  • What were the feelings you experienced?
  • What happened to you because you did what it was you were hesitant to do?

I say this all the time, you may even have heard me say it here, it’s because we have the courage/determination/drive to take on something that we are less than certain of that we find the glory.

So please share your glory stories (you can also share the gory stories =), I’d love to hear them and I know my readers would as well. And as always, if you’d like to keep them private, email me personally at

While you are at it, pat yourself on the back for creating an opportunity!

How to make the results you want happen

I saw a Twitter post recently, that said: “Your Attitude Determines Your Direction” and I couldn’t agree more.

Your mindset is your attitude. If you have a winning mindset, guess what? You will win. If you have a losing mindset, well, you will lose.

When it comes to business (and heck, everything) if you aren’t in a winning mindset why are you even in the game? When it comes to being in business and making money, your mindset will make or break you.dreamstime_xs_51541207

My 6th and final free training in The 5 Key Money Areas webinar series is about mindset. You’ll learn how your mindset can transform your results and you’ll answer several questions that will help you with your mindset now.

Listen now and then come back to share your new winning mindset and the one thing you are going to do that will support your new mindset. Can’t wait to hear it! If you’d rather email me privately, please do so at


Do You Do This?


Act imageLights, Camera, Action!  So exciting right?  Action is what we business owners are all about!  But when it comes to money, is your action the absolute right thing you should be doing that will make you more money?’

Let me ask you, do you pay your bills on time (or even early)?  Do you save money regularly?  Do you track your income to the penny every day?  Well, if you want to make more money, you need to be doing these things regularly.  There are certain actions that you must do if you want to make more moneyClick here to learn more about creating simple money systems that allow you to feel confident and help you create greater income.

Once you create your simple money systems, you can empower yourself to new heights, new opportunities and new income!  Empowerment follows actions (it can precede it too).  If you undercharge, or feel overwhelmed when you think about making more money and think you’ll have to work harder, empowering yourself to new heights will eliminate all of that.  Click here to learn how to empower yourself so that you can increase your financial self-worth!

Looking at each of these areas more closely will help you in your goal to make and keep more money.  Remember you are transforming your relationship with money.  And also remember you need to decide that what you want and go for it.

Yes, it may be hard, but it’s always so worth it.  You are the only one who can give you exactly what you want.  You control your destiny.

If you missed any of the previous lessons, click here to listen to them.

I’d love to hear what your results are once you take action (smile), please post below or email me.

It’s one of the amazing things about ourselves

Being empowered is what I’m talking about!

Did you know the opposite is forbid? That’s just horrifying to me. Empowered is independence. It’s freedom, positive sense of self. It’s feeling an accomplished state of self-responsibility and self-determination.  How beautiful is that?

Well it’s also the subject of my next training in the training series 5 Key Money Areas, are you ready to find out?  I hope so, listen here then pop back to share (or email me personally at just how empowered you feel – or if you aren’t feeling empowered just yet, what is taking you away from being empowered?

The secret is only you can empower yourself, so start now.

As a business owner, it is important for you to empower yourself and others, especially your team, clients and other people who come into contact with you.  Tell me, where are you excelling or where are you falling down here?


What valuable opportunities are you actually making for yourself?

My blog yesterday was about how action is the key to success. It was in regards to money (one of my favorite subjects if you haven’t already guessed =).

As a business owner it is important to be in action in many areas of your business. I recently committed to doing a month long blog challenge; you may know this if you read my blog. It’s posting a blog a day (now that’s a lot of action). Did I mention that I was blogging 1-2 times a month before this?

At first I wasn’t sure I wanted to do it but I said yes in spite of not being sure. And boy am I glad I did. I wanted to share with you what has happened for me because I decided to participate and take an act every day toward my results.

How we do one thing is how we do everything, I was able to use the steps I outlined in my article yesterday “An awesome way to be powerful in making money” because the steps applied to my action on blogging daily and away I went.

Here is what I learned:

  • I am more disciplined than I was giving myself credit for.
  • It’s easier than I had thought.
  • How to have fun with this process.
  • To navigate in WordPress (I didn’t do my own posting before).
  • How to link back to previous articles.
  • To create images to share on my blog posts.
  • Why it’s important to create intriguing titles.

The really amazing part though is how much more confidence I have had with myself.  AND there is still two weeks to go!  Imagine what will happen for me in the next two weeks.  I can’t wait.


Have you ever taken an action that you learned more from than you thought you would? I would love to hear what happened for you. Feel free to post here or email me privately at to share.

An awesome way to be powerful in making more money

Action is the key to success.

If you are not taking regular money actions, you are missing out on a powerful way to make more money.  And as a business owner, I know that you want to make more money.

How to Get What You Want clipboard of steps and instructions as a to-do list for getting your desire or goal - dream, plan, do it

Are you sticking your head in the sand when it comes to managing your money?  If you aren’t reaching your money goals and getting the income/financial results you want, you aren’t taking powerful money actions.  So what do you do in order to do that?

  1. Determine your #1 money goal and write it down. Example:  I want to make $100,00 this year.
  2. Figure out the steps you need to take in order to reach your end result. Steps might include: I will track my income. I will pay my bills on time. I will commit to a weekly money date.
  3. Create a step-by-step plan (schedule) for each of these steps. Using what you come up with from #2, layout the exact steps you will take and then schedule them to be done. Using the examples from #2: I will track my income daily; I will pay my bills on the 10th of each month; I will have my money date every Friday at 3:00pm.

By focusing on what you want and then scheduling them to be done, it ensures that you will take action to reach your results.  Once you get into action, you get into momentum which moves you forward and has you seeing results.  Remember the saying a body in motion stays in motion?  That will be you!

Here is to your taking actions and attaining your results!  If you haven’t listened to training #4 on action of my free webinar training series, listen now.

I would love to hear your thoughts and what you plan to do for your success.  Feel free to post here or email me personally at to share.