What a difference a year makes

This time last year where I live we had so much snow we could barely see over the snow banks and just try driving down the street! Our two way streets were turned into one way streets with all the snow fall we had.

2015-02-02 10.09.04

I have a Bernese Mountain Dog (Baloo) and he was in his glory, us humans were not! At first it’s nice but then it gets old, tromping around in the snow, slush, cold and freezing temperatures got old very quickly.

Today as I sit here writing this it’s a cold 35, sunny with bare streets and lots of brown grass but I’m not complaining. Baloo might be but I’m not. It got me thinking about what a difference a year makes and that got me thinking, what a difference a day makes for that fact. So if you aren’t happy with where you are right now, just know that tomorrow is another day, a different day and you have the opportunity for it to be different!

The question is what will you do to make it different? Let me know! Email me at kim@kimravida.com to share or comment here.

It’s never as hard as we make it out to be

In yesterday’s post, The remarkable thing about what you are telling yourself I shared with you how we become story tellers and make things out to be harder than they truly are.

Today I have a real life example to share with you. Last year a beloved uncle died and an out-of-state cousin asked if he had any hats and if no one else in the family wanted them he’d like to have them. Well all I had to do is send him the hats. Simple enough, yes? You would think so.

However, in my mind it was a different story. See I had made up a story about what a pain it was going to be to send the hats. I’d have to find the right size box, find packing materials, get the hats in the box and then take the box to UPS. Sheesh, that was a lot of hard work my mind was telling me.

That was until a client of mine (it’s isn’t always me teaching my clients, sometimes they teach me =) told me a story about a friend who said that she wasn’t good at sending things to other people; to which my client said to her “it’s not that hard, just go to UPS and they’ll pack it for you”.

My “hat” story changed that day when my client told me this and so off I went to UPS and said to the guy behind the counter, Steve was his name, I need some direction here, I want to send these hats do I just pick out a box and he simply said “no just put everything on the counter and you are all set.”

Quote - Mark Twain

I thought, WHOA, just like that? This couldn’t be this easy, the story I had going was it was going to be hard and viola just like that less than 5 minutes later (well, almost a year and 5 minutes later) my cousin’s package was on it’s way! And I felt an amazing sense of relief at having accomplished this task after so much time.

The lesson I learned for myself and that I’m sharing with you is that things are never as hard as we make them out to be. So the next time you think “this is going to be a pain, too hard, or take too long”, think about my hat story and how it took just 5 minutes and it was done.

I know I’m not the only one with a story such as this, please feel free to share, I’d love to hear. Or if you would rather keep it private, email me personally at kim@kimravida.com

The remarkable thing about what you are telling yourself


I’m a do-er. I love to get things done. However, I’m not always as quick as I could be at getting things done.

Woman saying yah rightI am also a story teller. I make up these really far-fetching stories in my head when it comes to getting said things done. And, by the way, I’m not telling just any kind of stories, I’m telling massively untrue stories.

Stories such as:

  • It’s going to take so long to get this done.
  • I have no idea where to start.
  • It’s going to be hard.

Ever say anything like that to yourself? Well, one thing I have learned over the years is that it NEVER takes as long as you think it is going to take so those stories that I have been telling myself are lies.

You’ll note that I haven’t said I’m a liar, but I really am. When I tell myself untrue stories I am lying, lying to myself and that’s just as hurtful as lying to someone else – actually it is even worse.

So what’s going on? Well, it’s a mindset. Mindset will make or break you. Now when it comes to money I have been known to tell myself so many untrue stories. The good news now is that I know when I’m telling an untrue story and it’s what helps me be able to help my clients with heir own mindset, especially when it comes to money.

Would you like a money mindset shift? If you said yes, take this Money Breakthrough Quiz. You’ll be able to see where your gaps are and start improving your own money mindset.

I’d love it if you shared your insights here or feel free to email me privately at kim@kimravida.com. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Do you have what it takes to have a winning mindset?

Were you ever told that you needed a new attitude? Sometimes you do. An attitude is your mindset. If you aren’t making the money you want in your business, you need to shift your mindset to one of unlimited opportunities for you to increase your self-worth and net worth!

Mindset is what I like to call the end all, be all. If you have the right mindset, anything is possible. If not, for the most part everything is difficult. Think about some pro athletes, often it is not their sheer talents and abilities that make them successful, but their mindset.

Do you have the mindset that it takes to win in your business? Do you have a winning mindset that no matter what, you will succeed? Did you reach your income goal from last year? What about for the month of January? If the answer is no, why not? What do you have to do or know or be in order to have that successful mindset so that you reach those financial goals? You may have gaps that are holding you back from reaching your goals.

Dollars and woman

If you have been listening to my free webinar series The 5 Key Money Areas, you may already have taken the quiz and know where your gaps are. If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, you can find it here, it’s short and it won’t take you longer than 5 minutes to do. It relates to The 5 Key Money Areas I’ve talked about this month.

Once you identify your gaps and take action to close them, you’ll be able to increase your self-worth and net worth. Doesn’t that sound like a beautiful thing!?

I’d love to hear what you think comment or email me at kim@kimravida.com to share!

Are you tired of waiting for things to change?

I was watching an episode of Brain Games and the scientist said that “everything you do changes your brain for good.” That’s a fascinating statement – so why then does it feel like it takes forever to 1) make a change and 2) see a change?

I have my own thoughts on this such as we have habits and patterns as well as mindsets that can keep us repeating the same things over and over again.Dollars spread out

Let’s take a look at saving money. Do you feel like it takes a split second to spend it yet forever to save it? Do you think “why bother saving money because it takes forever for it to grow”? If you do then no wonder nothing is changing.

Our mindset can make or break us and if we are in a why bother frame of mind, we are in a holding pattern, therefore there is no change because you aren’t doing anything. In order for our brain to change, we have to do something, not just anything though, it has to be something different from what we have been doing to see the changes.

So then, what will you do differently that will foster that change you want?  Please share here or email me privately at kim@kimravida.com

What fear of being poor really showed me

It’s a funny thing this money business (sometimes feels like monkey business), how is your money story supporting or destroying you?

Did you even realize you had one? You do! Mine was to hide my money (and sometimes it still is). I would hide it so that I’d have it. Even my close friends knew that I had a secret $20.00 hidden in my wallet. I called it my fail-safe but what it really was (only I didn’t know it then) was my fear of being poor.

See if I had the $20.00 then I wasn’t poor. BUT I couldn’t just have it in my wallet or I’d risk spending it if I saw it (oh the horrors) so I had to hide it. You are probably thinking “isn’t money there to spend” and you would be correct.

Holding Dollarsonto money like I was doing was only perpetuating my fear of not having enough. I was afraid to spend it because I was afraid it wouldn’t come back. I was in a lack mentality, a fear mentality and that mentality is a negative mentality.

This month I’ve been talking a lot about money, I even did a free webinar training series called The 5 Key Money Areas to help others who struggle with money be able to see where their gaps are so that they can let go and prosper.

Once I realized my negative mindset, I was able to free myself from the lack feelings and the fears. You will too. Listen to the free trainings, they are short, 10 minutes each and take one small action toward creating that prosperously positive mindset, you won’t be sorry that you did!

Want to share your story here? I’d love that, or feel free to email me privately at kim@kimravida.com


Try this superior edge to really succeed in business

Here we are the last week in February, wowwee!! How has your month gone? One thing that I have been hearing this month is that it’s “hard to make money” or “I keep trying to make more but nothing is working”.

It’s like the little train – you have probably heard it before, if you think you can, you can and if you think you can’t you can’t so either get on with it or get over it.

What I mean by this is first determine if you even want to do what it is you are thinking you can’t do – because maybe you don’t even want to do it – so move on. Or get over it and just do it.

Mountain Top

It is really quite simple, you do have to do the work, you have to take the action. I wish I could tell you that waving a magic wand would do it but truthfully it’s much more than that. By taking the action you gain so much. In order to have a successful, rewarding, fulfilling life/business, you have to do the work; you have to go through the tough times in order to reach the top. Climbing Mt. Everest wouldn’t be so rewarding if it were easy.

Maybe you aren’t climbing Mt. Everest but it might feel like that and if it does and if you aren’t focusing positively on where you are going, could it be that you don’t even want to be going there? Not everyone wants to climb Mt. Everest, I know I don’t but I do want to be the best I can be at what I’m choosing to do.

What steps will you take to reach your peak? What mindset shifts will you make?

If you would like a superior edge to succeed in business, listen now to my free webinar training on mindset. It’s one of The 5 Key Money Areas and one that can either make or break your success in business and also in life.

Feel free to leave your thoughts here or email me personally at kim@kimravida.com to share.

A simplistic way to create your victory

One of my favorite days of the week is Sunday. It is the one day that I do not work, no matter what.  I love hanging out reading, watching tv (especially if it’s a sporting event) and relaxing.

Today is the DaytoMike Murdockna 500. I’m not a big race fan but I am fascinated about how big NASCAR is and I enjoy watching the beginning of each race because there is so much that goes into one,  the big one as they call this race.

Talk about having a structure, each week is pretty much the same but different venues, the drivers and their teams have very specific actions that they follow, their routines on race day rarely vary. I guess I like it because while I would tell you that I hate routines, I do realize the value of them and when I follow my own routines for my life and my work, everything is rosy and I like that.

What are some structures and routines you use to be successful in your life and in your business?

I would love to hear them. Either comment here on my blog or email me privately at kim@kimravida.com.

Are you sensational at making something successful?

Well it’s Saturday.  And it’s also Day 20 meaning Blog 20! I’m just going to take a moment and tell you (myself really) how proud I am of me.

Yay me! Yup, I said it, I am proud of me. I have been consistent with my blogging and I have been consistent with my theme this month of more money because I know I want more and I know so do you.

Yay me

  • Have you ever done something that you are proud of?
  • Was it something that you were maybe hesitant to do in the first place but then so glad you did it?
  • What were the feelings you experienced?
  • What happened to you because you did what it was you were hesitant to do?

I say this all the time, you may even have heard me say it here, it’s because we have the courage/determination/drive to take on something that we are less than certain of that we find the glory.

So please share your glory stories (you can also share the gory stories =), I’d love to hear them and I know my readers would as well. And as always, if you’d like to keep them private, email me personally at kim@kimravida.com.

While you are at it, pat yourself on the back for creating an opportunity!

How to make the results you want happen

I saw a Twitter post recently, that said: “Your Attitude Determines Your Direction” and I couldn’t agree more.

Your mindset is your attitude. If you have a winning mindset, guess what? You will win. If you have a losing mindset, well, you will lose.

When it comes to business (and heck, everything) if you aren’t in a winning mindset why are you even in the game? When it comes to being in business and making money, your mindset will make or break you.dreamstime_xs_51541207

My 6th and final free training in The 5 Key Money Areas webinar series is about mindset. You’ll learn how your mindset can transform your results and you’ll answer several questions that will help you with your mindset now.

Listen now and then come back to share your new winning mindset and the one thing you are going to do that will support your new mindset. Can’t wait to hear it! If you’d rather email me privately, please do so at kim@kimravida.com