Do you get into CRAP?

Thinking, tired or ill with headache business womanI’m curious. Do you get into a lot of CRAP? And what about experiencing The “BIG O”?

If you’re thinking right now “Has she lost it?” you can relax, they aren’t what you think. If you were thinking, “Holy cow, this is going to be interesting!”… you’re right. Keep reading.

As I see it, the BIG O for business owners is Overwhelm. Overwhelm causes a lot of stress, struggle and frustration; “a lot of tears and fears” as my mentor is known to say.

I’ve been there. I’ve had a lot of tears and a lot of fears and it was usually when it came to making money in my business. I didn’t know how or what to do and I shed a lot of tears trying to figure it out.

A lot of small business owners and entrepreneurs have the same problem. Sadly they often aren’t able to solve it for themselves. The BIG O leads to tears and fears, which leads to more BIG O, which then leads to what I call a lot of CRAP in business and in life. The BIG O, as you can see, leads to a lot of not-so-good things!

Now, when I say CRAP, this is exactly what I mean:

• Chaos

• Resistance

• Anxiety

• Procrastination

And when you are experiencing a whole lot of CRAP, it generally leads you to NOTHING — as in no clients, no money, no peace of mind, no freedom and certainly no happiness and joy!

One way to eliminate the BIG O, and therefore get out of CRAP, is to get very clear on what it is you are doing.

Instead, you want to get into creating what I like to call Business Mastery where you truly are the master of your business, you are moving along at a comfortable pace, getting things done and seeing amazing results.

Here are several things for you to get clear on:

• What is your big why?

• Why are you in business?

• What is your business’s purpose?

• What is the impact that you want to make with your business?

This knowledge is key to getting yourself out of overwhelm and into Business Mastery. You’ve heard the saying (you’ve probably heard me say it too) “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.” When you have a crystal clear view of what you want, you will be able to identify with it, and from there you’ll be able to make it happen. Think about this: what you identify with, you become.

So why not identify with being masterful at business? Have a clear understanding of what you need to do to reach your goals of creating the business you want — one that makes great money!

If you haven’t answered the questions above, take 30 minutes to give it some thought.

Now, if you would like to have some help, I have an amazing opportunity open for you. It’s my 2016 Prosperous Business Mastery Group Mastermind Program. Click here for more information or feel free to reach out to me to set up a time to talk.

I certainly do not want my destiny to be Overwhelm!

DestinyOverwhelm was taking over my life.  I felt more and more stressed out and it was bordering on anxiety.  I knew that something different had to happen and it needed to be something drastic.   I knew I needed to make a change and I wanted it to make a positive impact on my life.   

Each time I thought about ‘overwhelm’ I became even more overwhelmed and it wasn’t getting me anywhere.  So that is why decided to take the word out of my vocabulary.  I knew if I stopped saying it, I wouldn’t feel it.  You might be thinking “How does that make any sense?”  Well, I believe that our thoughts create our actions which create our destiny, and ultimately then our thoughts create our destiny.  I certainly do not want my destiny to be overwhelm.  I know what I want my destiny to be, I know what I want to feel, I know what I want to have in my life… and it isn’t overwhelm!

Therefore, by taking it out, I no longer invited it in.  Often though when something comes out something else replaces it, and unless you are very clear about what you want to come in, it is usually something equally negative.  As I was thinking about what I wanted to change, I thought about what I wanted instead.  In my business I wanted peace of mind, ease of execution, and to feel calm.  I wanted to feel productive and happy with what I got done during my day.  Since working in my business was where I felt the most overwhelm, I started there.

It was amazing what happened once I stopped saying it.  Yes, it did take me some time to get out of that habit of just having “I’m so overwhelmed!” pop out of my mouth.  I had to create a reminder for myself.  So I wrote down on a piece of paper what I wanted to feel instead:  Peace of Mind, Ease of Execution and Feel Calm.  I put it where I could see it every day.  Once I began to tap into the feelings I wanted, it began to feel easy and best of all I was able to remove “that word” from my vocabulary because I didn’t need it anymore!  Each day I feel more and more at ease, have peace of mind and it’s a beautiful thing to feel calm regularly.

Now, my guess is that you don’t want to live your life in overwhelm either.  Decide what aspect of your life has the most of ‘it’ and make a conscious decision about how you want to feel instead.  Remember to write it down and keep it close to you.  Read it daily so you’ll be reminded why you set out to make this change.  Then watch what happens in your life!