Do these two things if you want to make more money.

financial freedomDid you think I was going to say forgiveness and boundaries?  Probably not.

When it comes to making more money, why is it important to forgive?  Often, when it comes to money you may not recognize that you may need to forgive in order to move forward.  It’s important to recognize that your relationship with money was formed by what you grew up with.  If you ever heard ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ or ‘you have to work hard to make money’ you more than likely were imprinted with someone else’s beliefs that you took on for your own.  And more often than not you also created some of your own beliefs that are getting in your way of financial success.

Beliefs that we have and operate by that aren’t our own (and here is the shocker, sometimes we don’t even know that isn’t how we feel until we dig a little deeper), have the unseen power to hold us back from realizing our potential.

Last week I began a 6 series free webinar training on 5 Key Money Areas in order to help you eliminate the gaps that could be holding you back from making more money.  Click here to listen to the forgiveness training to have a clearer understanding about how forgiveness can help you create a new family money legacy for yourself and the people who are important to you.

The area of boundaries is also key to your financial success because boundaries can be road blocks that you have placed on yourself or they can be solid supports that you use to honor yourself.  If you often feel uncomfortable discussing money or have not substantially increased your income over the past year, you could have a boundary issue.  A lot of small business owners have this problem.  It’s important for you to value yourself while honoring others so that you make and keep more money.  In this webinar training you are going to learn all about boundaries and how to close the gaps you may have.  Click here to listen to how you can do just that!

Click here first to listen to the Forgiveness Training and then listen to the one on Boundaries.

Do you have clear and present boundaries?

Do you remember the Tom Clancy book or movie, “Clear and Present Danger”?  Well if you don’t have clear and present boundaries you most definitely could be in danger!  This applies to all areas in our lives such as people and money.

Do you remember this:  “Warning!  Warning, Will Robinson”?  It was what the robot on “Lost in Space” would shout whenever there was danger. Boundaries protect us, they help tell not only ourselves but others what it is we will have in our lives and what we won’t. Take behavior, if you have weak boundaries you more than likely tolerate a lot of bad behavior from others. When it comes to your business and money, you may be giving your services away, over-delivering with a client or even working for free (though you might not even realize that part) and what about how you manage your money? Wait, you are managing it regularly, right?


Are there some money boundaries that you need to set, maybe draw the line at over-spending, running up credit card debt or paying your bills late?  Maybe you have some behaviors around money that are holding you back from increasing your income?  Are you thinking to yourself “I never thought about this”?  That’s ok, I didn’t either.  However, now that I do know about it and know the ways in which not being aware of it impacted my income, I’m happy to share my knowledge with you.

Today’s the day that the 3rd training in my free webinar training series The 5 Key Money Areas is released and it’s all about Boundaries!  Go ahead, take a listen and let me know your thoughts.  I’d also love to hear one of the boundaries you want to change and what you will do about it.  Please comment or email me privately at and let me know.

When you set solid, positive boundaries for yourself you have the power to set yourself free. Now that’s a powerful place to be.