How to organize your time more effectively

How to organize your time more effectively.

Where did it go? Where did your time go? In order to know that, you need to know what you are doing. Knowing that, leads to how to organize your time more effectively.

Time management is something I love to talk about. I love to teach about it and I love to make it work.

Though, it’s not as easy or as straight forward as it should be. There are things that you need to know about it. Things that if you don’t it’s rather hard to actually succeed at.

Back in February, I wrote a whole series on productivity. I talked a good amount about time and how to use it to your advantage. And that was prior to everything we have experienced since then. Pandemic, anyone?

Cut yourself some slack.

Life is different now. Quite different for a lot of us. Things that we could easily get done in “no time at all” now take a lot of time. So first, cut yourself some slack. Second, re-think how you are using your time.

Get out a piece of paper and list out everything you have been doing in your business for the last six months. 

Ask yourself this…Out of everything I have been doing:

  • How much of it leads to new business and more income coming in? 
  • What is on that list that is administrative and could potentially be outsourced or condensed so it’s done faster?
  • Where am I doing tasks that I dislike (or hate) to do?

Here is where you cut yourself some slack. Acknowledge where you are. Wherever that is, stellar performance, needing some help or just downright falling down. And…

Let it all go. That’s right, acknowledge, and then say “Ok, I’m letting this all go and will begin right where I am.”

It’s time to rethink how you are using your time for the most important thing in business, making money.

Rethink how you are using your time.

It is time to get clear about the time you have to work (do your work), be honest with yourself about what it is getting you the results you want for new business and income, and do a time analysis.

Here’s how:

  1. Get clear about the time you have to work. Get out your calendar/schedule. Go back over the last several weeks (or more) and see how many hours you actually spent working. I’m talking about actually getting things done. Not taking a break or checking Facebook. Do this per day and per week. So you spent 5 hours on Monday, 7 hours on Tuesday, etc. and then by the end of the week you worked 47 hours. Be as specific as you can. This is a key component.
  2. What are your revenue-generating activities (RGAs)? Out of everything you are doing in your business, what leads you to the money? Make sure you are crystal clear on this. In business, most of the time when we speak about results, we mean results as in financial results. Sure there are other results we’ll watch and measure but ultimately a business is supposed to make money. Make a list of your revenue-generating activities.
  3. Run a time analysis. Just like at the end of each month you run a profit/loss analysis you’ll want to run a time analysis. By that, I mean you will find out how much your activities and RGAs are taking you. Some examples: RGAs: following up on leads, signing on new clients and working with clients. Administrative: Responding to email, making phone calls, updating financials. For everything you are now doing in your business, estimate how much time you think it will take you to do and then figure out how long it takes you to actually do it. See here for more specifics on how to run a time analysis.

Your next steps.

So now you have a better idea of where your time is going. It’s time to be completely honest with yourself. Are you spending your time in ways that support your business goals or are you merely wasting time?

You may have noticed that you spend more time doing things that are not leading you to the money. Or you may have seen that you thought they were leading you to the money and now know better. 

It’s all good. Because you can cut yourself some slack. You did what you did because of what you knew (thought you knew) and now you get to change it! 

I remember when I did this for myself. It was eye-opening. I may have shared this before. I realized that I had moved away from what I love to do, which is coach amazing business owners like you to reach success. And moved into being a marketer. 

I love to market, don’t get me wrong. I love to strategize with my clients on how best they can market. Heck, I designed a VIP Day program so I could do just that and help more people succeed with marketing in ways that feel good to them and their business.

My next steps were:

  1. Schedule more time into my work week for my brilliance work of working with clients to help them move their business forward via strategies for marketing, client attraction, money mindset and more.
  2. Create a marketing plan for my business that was simple, easy to implement and accomplish in under 60 minutes per week.
  3. Cut out about 60% of work that did not lead to any of my RGAs.

What are your next steps? Hit reply and let me know. 

Not sure where to start?

Want to set yourself up for success in the upcoming months but you are not sure what your next steps are? I offer a free 30-minute laser coaching session for just that! Click here to schedule now

How to Network For Amazing Business Connections

Networking for a purpose

How to Network For Amazing Business Connections.

Do you love to network? Am I wrong if I guessed you said “No, I do not love to network?” Many people hate networking. That said, it really is all about how you look at it. Therefore, when you look at networking as making amazing business connections it turns hate in to love (or something like that ;-).

Networking is really all about making connections that help your business and put you in a position to help other businesses.

I am a true connector. Making connections is a value of mine. So networking comes easy to me. Nevertheless, I know a lot of people, maybe even you, do not like networking. With this in mind, let’s look at how you can start networking with a purpose for amazing business connections.

Network with a purpose for amazing business connections.

Earlier this year, I joined a women’s networking group. I’ve been successful with it because I went into it with a purpose.

For instance, I knew what I wanted to give to it and I knew what I wanted to get out of it. I had a plan and I follow my plan. I’ve been able to refer business to a lot of members and I’ve been referred business as well.

As with anything you do in business, you must create a networking plan. If you are not a fan of networking, my guess is that you have not yet created your plan and named your purpose.

As a rule, it’s easy to do. I’ll show you how.

How to network with purpose.

As a business owner, you know that having a plan is a key element to reaching your goals successfully. Moreover, remember a plan is something that fits you and your goals, it is fluid and you will make changes to it as you go.

Here are five of my top networking tips:

  1. Define to yourself why you want to network. What is it you want to get out of it and what is it you want to give to it?
  2. Make sure you are in the right networking group. Do your research. What is your business and who do you help, who do you need help from? When does the group meet, for how long, what are the expectations that you will need to fulfill? Interview people in the group to be sure you choose the right group for you.
  3. Create your elevator speech. Be succinct, to the point, and informative. You will be introducing yourself formally and informally so be prepared. Make sure you state your name first, your business and how you help in an understandable way. Now is not the time to be cute or overly creative. You will be able to expand on what you do/how you do it and then some later.
  4. Show up and participate. Think of this as an integral part of your business. For people to get to know, hire and refer you, you need to show up and participate. You need to get known and you need to know your fellow members.
  5. Set aside follow-up time. The connections happen in between the meetings. Do not wait for someone to reach out to you. Within the week of your networking meeting reach out to one person and set up a one-on-one meeting to learn more about that person and their business.

Make it fun.

If the above sounds like work, well, it is. Building a business is work. That said, if you make it fun, it doesn’t have to be tedious. And if it isn’t tedious, more than likely you’ll want to do it.

Networking is part of your marketing plan. It’s a piece of your puzzle or pie, if you’d rather look at it that way.

It is a piece that fits into your overall plan to market. It’s called a TouchPoint. A point where you, as a business owner, reaches out to touch the world so that the people in it know you exist.

For this reason, people do business with people, consequently networking is one of the best pieces of your puzzle/pie to have for your business success.

Are you ready to love networking? I hope so. What is one TouchPoint you would like to do this week?

Set up for networking success.

Would you like help to create your networking success plan? I offer a free 30-minute laser coaching session for you to identify your ideal clients and create TouchPoints to reach them. Click here to schedule now

Success is simple when you fall down, you get up

Success is simple when you fall down, you get up.

When you ski and fall you get up. Why don’t we do that in our business and in our life when we fall down? Success is simple when you fall down, you get up.

Ok, maybe you are not a skier. I’m what you’d call someone who has skied before and knows how, but it’s not my sport of choice.

That said, I do know that when I’ve fallen down, regardless of how hard it is to get up, I get up like right away. And it can be hard depending on where your skis are pointed!

Before you get all, “yes, but what if I hurt myself, I’m not going to be getting up now am I?” on me, let’s pretend that you have not hurt yourself bodily.

When we are on the ski slopes and we wipe out, we get up. Sometimes it’s an easy up and sometimes it isn’t. Yet, we GET UP and usually as fast as we can. 

Why then do we take so long to get up when we have taken a “fall” in our business?

The longer it takes you to get up, the longer it takes you to get where you want to go.

Success is simple when you fall down, you get up. No matter how many times, you get up.

The longer you take to get up, the longer it will take for you to get where you want to go in your business.

Success needs a setup. You aren’t setting yourself up for success when you are down and out laying on the proverbial ground.

Clients often come to me when they are on that ground. They have tried and tried and just can’t seem to get to where they want to go. And I often hear “I’ve tried everything.” When really what they have tried is a couple of things and so they stay down and out.

Are you like that?

Turn your success around. How to get up and make it happen.

I am known for asking my clients “what is it you need to do to set yourself up for success when you fall down?”

That may sound rather negative. It is not, I assure you. It sets the stage for my clients (and now you, because you know the secret) to attain the success they want.

What is one thing that you feel you have or keep falling down on that you simply can’t seem to gain any traction on?

Got that one thing in mind? Ok, great. Ask yourself the golden question:

What one thing can I do right now to make reaching my goal of [insert your goal or the thing you want to do] easier?

In essence, you are setting yourself up for success. You already know what didn’t/isn’t working and now it’s time to focus on what will work and help you reach success.

Set up for success.

When you set yourself up for success, amazing results happen. Sometimes without you having to push so much. If you would like help setting yourself up for success, I offer a free 30-minute laser coaching session. Click here to schedule now

In case you are thinking “oh right, this is a sales call.”

It is not, your 30 minutes will be spent on what it is you want for business and yourself.

If you want to talk about how working together could help you become more successful with your business we will.

Learn to be productive by being better organized

Better organization for ultimate productivity.

What do I mean by learn to be productive by being better organized?

Well, did you know that by creating a space of organization in your head, it gives you the capacity to actually do what it is you need to do in your business to reach the success you envision?

Everything that we want in our lives begins in one spot:

In our heads.

This may be a new concept for you to embrace. The good news is that you can create ultimate productivity meaning, getting what you want by doing what you need to, by organizing your mind. You’ve heard it before. It’s your mindset.

It begins by how we think of ourselves.

I just had a client call and she told me she needed to re-arrange her office for better productivity. She felt she was unorganized to the point of distraction. She actually said this: “I’m a mess.”

We uncovered that she wasn’t only unorganized in her physical space, but also in her mental space.

Ways to organize your mental space.

You may not have realized that you can organize your mental space. You can and for the record, it is the key place to begin.

Take note of your thoughts, what do they center around? More than likely you have the same thoughts very often. And more than likely you haven’t done a thing about them. That’s clutter. 

I call those types of thoughts loopy thoughts. Because they loop around in our head, they keep coming back and we never seem to be able to stop them.

One of the things I do for myself as well as teach my clients is to be very mindful about thoughts. Especially those loopy ones.

Get those loopy thoughts out of your head and organize them by writing them out on a piece of paper (or enter into a document or online organizing system). Next, create a quick plan of how they will get done. 

What having order in your brain does for you.

When you have order in your brain you are able to have a calmer mindset. You are secure in knowing that you have captured what was in your head and that you actually have a plan to accomplish what you need to.

You are now free to actually get into action of getting your tasks done. What you did was create an organized space inside your head and now you have a clear mindset.

Your brain can relax and you can get to work. Very cool, right? Next, it’s time to organize your physical space so that it supports you in being able to take those actions when you scheduled them.

Organizing your physical space for your ultimate productivity.

Back to my client who first thought she wanted to organize her external space. Once she did her exercise of emptying her brain, writing down what she had in her head and created her path to get things done, it was time to organize the outside.

She actually was very organized to begin with. What we discovered is that she needed to create a physical space that was pretty minimal because if something was out on her desk or in her office and she laid eyes on it, she felt she needed to do it…right that second!

Are you like that? Do you easily get distracted when your eyes land on things? Do you suddenly feel the need to put something away just because you see it? If so, you may benefit from organizing your space so that it supports you rather than distracts you.

I’ve talked about this very thing on Day 18 of the Productivity Actions I wrote about a while back. Success needs a set up.

successful physical environment is set up so that everything you need to be productive is at your finger tips and/or within easy reach.

You have ample space to work, your space is organized for your needs, your electronic devices are in excellent working order, your planner/schedule is easily accessible, your papers are categorized and in places you easily access as are writing instruments and paper…continue reading more here.

Productivity is a direct reflection on organization.

You need to organize yourself inside and out in such a way that you are able to take action to get things done.

And in order to do that, being organized first will lead you to better productivity. The key steps for you to learn to be productive can be found in my blog that will teach you TOP productivity actions

You need to be clear on your TIME, be ORGANIZED with what you are doing, and know how to PRIORITIZE your time and tasks. Once you do, you will have learned how to be productive and it’s such a beautiful thing.

You will be checking things off your list so fast you won’t know what hit you. You will be able to set and achieve goals in ways you haven’t even imagined. 

Are you ready? I hope so. It’s time to learn to be productive with being better organized!

Productivity for Profitability.

When you are productive in the right ways, you are profitable. If you aren’t being as profitable as you want or need to be, I offer a free 30 minute laser coaching session. Click here to schedule now. You’ll walk away knowing what you need to do in order to reach the level of profitability you want.

In case you are thinking “oh right, this will be a sales call.”

It is not, your 30 minutes will be spent on creating your unwavering faith and optimism around what it is you want for yourself.

I promise you I will not be selling anything to you during your time with me. That said, if you want to talk about how working together could help you become masterful at your business I’m all ears. I love to help business owners succeed and create order, peace and prosperity for themselves and their business.

Do You Have Unwavering Faith And Optimism?

Unwavering Faith and Optimism and what it means for you.

Unwavering faith and optimism means you have a steady complete trust or confidence in yourself and are hopeful and confident about the future or the successful outcome of something.

What this means for you is that it gives you a strong foundation to stand on. 

It gives your customers/clients a trust in you to help them with where they are and to get where they want to go.

Unwavering faith and optimism speaks to you standing in your ultimate power in your business and in your life.

By being in faith and optimism, your clients and customers feel supported as well as important especially in a time of unrest.

And that also means you are supported.

How supporting others helps you.

When you have unwavering faith and optimism you become someone who people want to be around. People will gravitate to you. They will want to be near you.

When that happens the people you support, will support you. And that feels good. 

Think about someone who you like to be around. My guess is that they also have unwavering faith and optimism. 

Now think about someone who drains your energy or is hard to be around. Someone who doesn’t have a lot of faith or who is pessimistic.

Doesn’t feel so good, does it? So I think you get my point.

By you supporting others such as your clients and your customers they support you by giving you amazing referrals, continuing to do business with you and so much more.

Stand in your faith and optimism.

Here are several ways for you to stand in your faith and optimism:

  • Trust that you are where you are supposed to be.
  • Be confident in your skills and ability to learn what you need to learn.
  • Plan out your results and the steps you will take to get them.
  • See yourself being successful in all of your outcomes.

Let’s put this into action, what is one area of your life or your business that you would like to enhance with faith and optimism?

  • Name it (increase revenue, improve relationship with clients, get physically fit, have more time for family).
  • State the reason you want that outcome (to hire help, be of greater service, have more energy, build closer family ties).
  • Create clarity (make it do-able by breaking your goal down into steps, listed as one action at a time and in order of first to last with a timeline of completion).
  • State why you believe this result will happen (here is how your faith and optimism plays a part).
  • Off you go (it’s time to put the plan into action and reach your end results).

Do you need some accountability? Go ahead and share it by commenting below or email me at with Accountability in the subject line. I’ll be happy to hold you accountable. 

I have unwavering faith and optimism in you that you will achieve your end result!

Accountability = Responsibility to yourself.

And if you need actual in person accountability, I offer a free 30 minute laser coaching session. Click here to schedule now. You’ll get clear on what it is you want, how to go about getting it and of course, be held accountable.

In case you are thinking “oh right, this will be a sales call.”

It is not, your 30 minutes will be spent on creating your unwavering faith and optimism around what it is you want for yourself.

I promise you I will not be selling anything to you during your time with me. That said, if you want to talk about how working together could help you become masterful at your business I’m all ears. I love to help business owners succeed and create order, peace and prosperity for themselves and their business.

How to embrace simplicity with your marketing plan

Embrace simplicity.

I know what you may be thinking. If I embrace simplicity, then my marketing will be boring and no one wants boring marketing.

Embracing simplicity does not mean being boring. It means: the quality or condition of being easy to understand or do.

I am going out on a limb (but it’s a strong one because I’ve been there and so many of my clients have too), and say your marketing is not easy to understand.

In fact, when you speak your “elevator speech”, my guess is there are at least several people who think to themselves “I still don’t know what she does.”

And when it comes to marketing your business, it is imperative that you are easy to understand. So that your ideal people will know that you can help them.

Does that make sense?

So, what do you do? 

I was at a networking event and one of the participants (an attorney) had to leave. We knew each other and she said “Kim, I’ll circle back up to you to connect later.” When she left, another participant said to me “what kind of law does she practice?” 

I realized that I knew she was an attorney but I did not know exactly what type of law she practiced. And I didn’t know this because in all of my networking with her (yes, I had heard her speech), she never said it.

She would talk about how she is a lawyer, where her office was, how she could connect each of us with anyone we needed (ok, but what if we need you). And she never mentioned what type of law she practiced.

Trust me when I say that you want your marketing messages to be crystal clear and so simple. You want it so that a 5 year old could tell someone what you do.

Here are a few examples:

  • Not so great example: I work with business owners to be successful.
  • Better example: I work with business owners to be clear on their brand.
  • Best example: I work with business owners to know their brand so that they create an impressive, confident and authentic marketing plan to build a profitable business that makes money year after year.

Simple, to the point and now you know what it is I do. 😊

Ya but…

I can hear you now. Ya but…I do so much more.

Yes, and so do I. 

However, what you ideally want to do in your marketing is create simplicity.  I’m probably going to sound like a broken record. But on the off chance you have never heard this before:

A confused mind does not buy. Here is an article that will help you see this more clearly.

Not now, not later, not ever.

Simplicity is the way to go with your marketing plan. The beauty of it is it is focused, to the point, understandable and empowering. 

I love the part about empowering. It’s empowering yourself to be able to make things simple so you get to do many other things. Heck, your business is not to spend your time marketing, is it? It’s also empowering for those you want to attract because it will be so (yes, I’m going to say it…) simple. People will raise their hand and say YES! ME please.

Start with ONE thing.

So what it is you can start doing right now to create simplicity with your marketing plan.

Is there something you are doing that you know isn’t working yet you just keep doing it. You know what the brings to mind, right?

Could there be another action that you could do that would be easier and bring you results you want?  My guess is, yes there is.

So then, let’s begin there. Brainstorm several really easy ways for you to get the results that you want and begin to implement them right now.

When you do, an interesting thing will happen. You will begin to start to look at everything you do through this simplicity lens. Which is amazing. You can start to ask yourself something along the lines of:

“How can I make this even more simple so that by doing it, everything else is easier or unnecessary?”

And then when you know what that is, 

“What is the simplest one thing I can do, such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”

Yes, it’s a take on The One Thing quote that reads:

And before you tell me “it’s too hard”, let me leave you with where else in your life do you say “it’s too hard”? Do not let your challenges define you, let your strengths influence you to make your marketing fresh, upbeat and uncomplicated to attract your ideal people right to your door.

Start embracing simplicity right now.

I offer a free 30 minute laser coaching session. Click here to schedule now to gain insight into how you can create your own simplicity in any area of your business. You will walk away knowing exactly how to create simplicity for yourself in your business (or in your life if that is what you need right now).

And in case you are thinking “oh right, this will be a sales call.” It is not, your 30 minutes will be spent on what it is you choose to use it for. I promise you I will not be selling anything to you during your time with me. That said, if you want to talk about how working together could help you become masterful at your business I’m all ears. I love to help business owners succeed and create order, peace and prosperity for themselves and their business.

How To Be In Control And In Charge Of Your Business

Be in control and in charge of your business.

As a small business owner, as the owner goes, so does the business. This is why it’s important for you to be in control and in charge of your business.

I adapted that from a saying I once heard: “as the leader goes, so goes the followers.” I’m not sure who said it but it stopped me in my tracks.

As a leader, if I’m floundering and failing so then are my followers. That could mean my staff or it could mean my clients. See how it has a big meaning?

It made me realize that as a business owner, I need to be in control and in charge of first myself and then my business.

In our world today where things change very rapidly and our feelings are often hung out to dry it is so important that as a business owner you are in control and in charge of your business.

What does being in control and in charge mean?

Above all, let’s dispel that being in control and in charge is a negative thing. It does not mean that you are the Devil Wears Prada. It means that you are the one making the easy and the tough decisions that keep your business running.

Things like, you are offering services to those who need it at a special price. Or you are hiring a new team member to help with your increased work.

Whatever it is, and it will be very specific to each business owner, it means you are in control and in charge of what is happening and what will happen.

Essentially, you are coming from a place of order. From there you will create peace and prosperity in all meanings of each word for yourself and others.

Taking charge inspires confidence for others.

As a business owner, you are a leader. Demonstrating being responsible for your business empowers others. Seeing you taking charge inspires confidence for others.

For instance, in the past, I was part of a networking group and somehow it turned into more of a support group. At first, I fell right into the “woe-is-me” theme that presented itself. Instead of creating connections, sharing business ideas, referrals and making offers, it turned into a meeting where everyone talked about how bad things were going for them.

We were in an economic downturn and as you can imagine, there was a lot of businesses affected. What I soon saw was that the other women business owners were being led to think about all that was going wrong and not about what was going right and/or what they could do to help turn their experience around.

After that meeting, I decided that I didn’t want to be in that energy.  I wanted to show how (aka lead) by taking charge of my situation I could inspire confidence in others.

It took about two meetings of me coming from and showing up from a place of being in control and in charge (and yes I used those very same words to my group) to help shift that group. Soon the other business owners saw that they could also be in control and in charge of their experience.

I’m happy to say many of them turned their businesses around very quickly. They had decided to step into a place of taking charge.

How to have a sense of mastery over yourself.

There are so many things I can share with you to be in mastery and in control and in charge. One thing that I want you to embrace is to simply ask yourself: “what does it mean for me to be responsible for and to myself?”

Once you have that answer the next question is: “what is one thing that I can do that will bring a sense of grace and power to my business?”

You will easily answer those questions because you already have the answers inside of you. It’s through your Unique Brilliance that your answers and you will shine forth.

From there, you then implement business strategies, tactics and actions into your day-to-day operations, are able to look a little more long term and start seeing amazing results.

Remember everyone wants to feel successful. So first you feel successful and then you can lead others to feel successful.

In what way can you as a leader of your business inspire confidence for your customers and clients?

Begin now…

Need help?

Do you want some help? Sometimes trying to figure all this stuff out on your own can be challenging. I offer a free 30 minute laser coaching session. Click here to schedule now. You will walk away knowing exactly how to be in control and in charge of your business.

How To Let Your Personality Shine Bright In Your Business

Let your personality shine bright.

As a business owner, much of what you bring personally to the table matters. Hiding your true self doesn’t help anyone. Let your personality shine bright.

By letting your personality shine bright, you open the doors to success. You open the doors to your business to allow your ideal clients and customers to feel comfortable to step right in.

You have your own unique personality. Your spirit, if you will. Your true self. The one you are no matter what.

When you let your personality shine bright, it makes your marketing easier. It is simple to create a unique marketing message for your business that will have your ideal clients/customers finding you over and over again.

It helps you to create an amazing client/customer experience that they will come back for time and again.

And most importantly, you are your true self. That alone is what makes your business a success.

Don’t be afraid to be yourself.

When I work with clients I often hear things such as:

  • I can’t really do what I want
  • No one will want me to be myself
  • How can I be myself if I’m in business

In response to those statements, I like to ask:

  • Who says you can’t really do what you want?
  • Who do you think people want you to be?
  • How can you not be yourself in your business?

You can see how my clients probably answered. In fact, maybe you answered the same way. My questions are asked to get my clients to think differently. Of course they have to be themselves, they can’t be anyone else. They are who they are.

Can we improve on that, absolutely. Coaching is great for that. Yet, you are, at your truest form, the most magnificent being on this earth.

You alone have unique skills, talents, gifts, ways of being and so many other parts to you that only you possess.

Don’t be afraid to show them, to show your true self. It is only then you’ll truly shine in your life and in your business.

In my last blog I wrote about how the time has come to better your best self. In it I talked about changing takes courage. It stands to reason that a little courage and some understanding of what you really bring to the world could be all you need to be able to let yourself shine bright.

Take an inventory of your unique self.

If you are still skeptical to let your personality shine. It could be you aren’t clearly seeing all that you have to offer the world.

If that is the case, I recommend that you do an inventory of your skills, talents and gifts. Below are several resources for you to be able to do this on your own.

Skills, according to Indeed: “Skill is a term that encompasses the knowledge, competencies and abilities to perform operational tasks. Skills are developed through life and work experiences and they can also be learned through study. There are different types of skills and some may be easier to access for some people than others, based on things like dexterity, physical abilities and intelligence.”

You have skills that are unique to you and ones that are transferable. That means they are usually broader and related to leadership, communication, critical thinking, analysis, and organization. And can be used in a number of different capacities. Use this skills worksheet if you need some help with transferable skills.

To discover your talents, take a look at 3 Ways to Discover Your Natural Talent.

To help you discover your gifts, if you need to, read this article by Tony Robbins, How To Find Your Gift and 5 Ways to Identify Your Unique Gifts by Tris Thorp, of the Chopra Center.

Need help?

Do you want some help? Sometimes trying to figure out your uniqueness on your own can be challenging. I offer a free 30 minute Uncover Your Unique Brilliance session. Click here to schedule now. You will walk away knowing exactly what your Unique Brilliance is and how to use it in your business.

Introducing a remarkable way to get things done

I always do what I say I’m going to do, do you? Although this may have been true, some of the time, it wasn’t true for all of the time.

BUT, I created a new strategy for myself. And now I actually do what I say I’m going to do.

A new strategy to help you get things done!

I’ve been writing a lot lately about time management. One, because so many of my clients struggle with it and two, there are so many options out there it’s hard to find the time to figure out which will work for you.

My goal has been to share simple strategies that work so you can just get to the doing. You can read about fundamental of getting time on your side and several others over on my blog – I try to write short, informative articles so that you can read them and get going on implementing the actions I share with you.

The new strategy that I want to share with you isn’t anything you haven’t heard before. In fact, nothing really regarding time management is. The strategy is taking a NO EXCUSES approach to doing what you say you are going to do.

Excuses will kill your productivity

For the purpose of this article, an excuse is a reason why you didn’t do what you said you wanted to or needed to get done.

It usually shows up when you say things like:

  • I don’t have enough time
  • But I needed to do this first
  • I was tired
  • I didn’t feel like it
  • Ya but….(fill in the blank)

At the same time, you might be thinking ya, but, I have a good reason for putting it off or not doing it. To that I say you may think you have a good reason, but it is still killing your productivity.

Stop making the excuses. Instead, think on the positive side of what will happen for you because you did what it was you were going to do (or even supposed to do).

Your turn, what are the excuses you are guilty of using? And then, when will you stop making them? Leave a comment if you so dare!

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The fundamentals of getting time on your side


Do you follow a schedule? Do you get things done? Or do you wonder what happened to your time and why you always seem to not have enough?

I could go into telling you that we all have the same amount of time in a day, but you’ve heard that before and I’d like to tell you something new (or at least a new spin on it).

There IS a better way to finally getting things done.

The better way is to schedule it. And I’m not talking about scheduling your appointments with other people. More than likely you already do that (or at least that’s my hope) so that isn’t a problem.

What I’m talking about it to schedule your tasks and activities. To give you an idea of what I’m talking about, here are a few examples:

  • Planning time
  • Writing your blog
  • Specific times you set aside for phone calls and follow up
  • Social Media Marketing (and let’s not confuse this with socializing)

Moreover, knowing what you are doing and how long it takes you makes is simple to put it into your calendar. And to that end, get it done. I wrote about this in a previous blog, which you can click here to read if you don’t know what you are doing and how long it takes. As long as you already know what you are doing, you can then schedule it and get it done!

Trick to getting things done.

Because I’ve had many trials and errors when it’s come to time and getting things done, one trick that I have learned is to use the time blocking method. It’s blocking off the time that I know I have to work with and scheduling in my tasks and activities into that time.

Here’s what it looks like:

  1. Look at your day (the night before is preferable) and get clear on how much time you have to work with. Since you already know what you are doing and how long it will take you, you can schedule appropriately.
  2. Enter that task/activity into the time you have for it.  Example: Writing a blog takes 1 hour, enter ‘write blog’ into the appropriate time slot on your calendar.
  3. When that time comes, you know what you’ll be doing so you go and do it.

Where most people go wrong is that they have a laundry list of things they want to do, are going to do or even need to do and they never seem to get them done. Whenever we fail to schedule, we fail. Plain and simple. I know this because a) it’s happened to me and b) my clients were doing this before starting to work with me and once they created their time management system they got things done – even those that they had had trouble doing.

Your Next Step – Take Action.

Give it a try and see what happens, my guess is that when you put what you need to do in your schedule and follow it, you’ll be getting many things done, feeling pretty great about yourself and reaching your goals!

And if you are still struggling and would like help. Schedule a 30-minute complimentary Business Strategy Session where you’ll walk away knowing specifically how to set your schedule for your optimal results!

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