Learn to be productive by being better organized

Better organization for ultimate productivity.

What do I mean by learn to be productive by being better organized?

Well, did you know that by creating a space of organization in your head, it gives you the capacity to actually do what it is you need to do in your business to reach the success you envision?

Everything that we want in our lives begins in one spot:

In our heads.

This may be a new concept for you to embrace. The good news is that you can create ultimate productivity meaning, getting what you want by doing what you need to, by organizing your mind. You’ve heard it before. It’s your mindset.

It begins by how we think of ourselves.

I just had a client call and she told me she needed to re-arrange her office for better productivity. She felt she was unorganized to the point of distraction. She actually said this: “I’m a mess.”

We uncovered that she wasn’t only unorganized in her physical space, but also in her mental space.

Ways to organize your mental space.

You may not have realized that you can organize your mental space. You can and for the record, it is the key place to begin.

Take note of your thoughts, what do they center around? More than likely you have the same thoughts very often. And more than likely you haven’t done a thing about them. That’s clutter. 

I call those types of thoughts loopy thoughts. Because they loop around in our head, they keep coming back and we never seem to be able to stop them.

One of the things I do for myself as well as teach my clients is to be very mindful about thoughts. Especially those loopy ones.

Get those loopy thoughts out of your head and organize them by writing them out on a piece of paper (or enter into a document or online organizing system). Next, create a quick plan of how they will get done. 

What having order in your brain does for you.

When you have order in your brain you are able to have a calmer mindset. You are secure in knowing that you have captured what was in your head and that you actually have a plan to accomplish what you need to.

You are now free to actually get into action of getting your tasks done. What you did was create an organized space inside your head and now you have a clear mindset.

Your brain can relax and you can get to work. Very cool, right? Next, it’s time to organize your physical space so that it supports you in being able to take those actions when you scheduled them.

Organizing your physical space for your ultimate productivity.

Back to my client who first thought she wanted to organize her external space. Once she did her exercise of emptying her brain, writing down what she had in her head and created her path to get things done, it was time to organize the outside.

She actually was very organized to begin with. What we discovered is that she needed to create a physical space that was pretty minimal because if something was out on her desk or in her office and she laid eyes on it, she felt she needed to do it…right that second!

Are you like that? Do you easily get distracted when your eyes land on things? Do you suddenly feel the need to put something away just because you see it? If so, you may benefit from organizing your space so that it supports you rather than distracts you.

I’ve talked about this very thing on Day 18 of the Productivity Actions I wrote about a while back. Success needs a set up.

successful physical environment is set up so that everything you need to be productive is at your finger tips and/or within easy reach.

You have ample space to work, your space is organized for your needs, your electronic devices are in excellent working order, your planner/schedule is easily accessible, your papers are categorized and in places you easily access as are writing instruments and paper…continue reading more here.

Productivity is a direct reflection on organization.

You need to organize yourself inside and out in such a way that you are able to take action to get things done.

And in order to do that, being organized first will lead you to better productivity. The key steps for you to learn to be productive can be found in my blog that will teach you TOP productivity actions

You need to be clear on your TIME, be ORGANIZED with what you are doing, and know how to PRIORITIZE your time and tasks. Once you do, you will have learned how to be productive and it’s such a beautiful thing.

You will be checking things off your list so fast you won’t know what hit you. You will be able to set and achieve goals in ways you haven’t even imagined. 

Are you ready? I hope so. It’s time to learn to be productive with being better organized!

Productivity for Profitability.

When you are productive in the right ways, you are profitable. If you aren’t being as profitable as you want or need to be, I offer a free 30 minute laser coaching session. Click here to schedule now. You’ll walk away knowing what you need to do in order to reach the level of profitability you want.

In case you are thinking “oh right, this will be a sales call.”

It is not, your 30 minutes will be spent on creating your unwavering faith and optimism around what it is you want for yourself.

I promise you I will not be selling anything to you during your time with me. That said, if you want to talk about how working together could help you become masterful at your business I’m all ears. I love to help business owners succeed and create order, peace and prosperity for themselves and their business.

Do You Have Unwavering Faith And Optimism?

Unwavering Faith and Optimism and what it means for you.

Unwavering faith and optimism means you have a steady complete trust or confidence in yourself and are hopeful and confident about the future or the successful outcome of something.

What this means for you is that it gives you a strong foundation to stand on. 

It gives your customers/clients a trust in you to help them with where they are and to get where they want to go.

Unwavering faith and optimism speaks to you standing in your ultimate power in your business and in your life.

By being in faith and optimism, your clients and customers feel supported as well as important especially in a time of unrest.

And that also means you are supported.

How supporting others helps you.

When you have unwavering faith and optimism you become someone who people want to be around. People will gravitate to you. They will want to be near you.

When that happens the people you support, will support you. And that feels good. 

Think about someone who you like to be around. My guess is that they also have unwavering faith and optimism. 

Now think about someone who drains your energy or is hard to be around. Someone who doesn’t have a lot of faith or who is pessimistic.

Doesn’t feel so good, does it? So I think you get my point.

By you supporting others such as your clients and your customers they support you by giving you amazing referrals, continuing to do business with you and so much more.

Stand in your faith and optimism.

Here are several ways for you to stand in your faith and optimism:

  • Trust that you are where you are supposed to be.
  • Be confident in your skills and ability to learn what you need to learn.
  • Plan out your results and the steps you will take to get them.
  • See yourself being successful in all of your outcomes.

Let’s put this into action, what is one area of your life or your business that you would like to enhance with faith and optimism?

  • Name it (increase revenue, improve relationship with clients, get physically fit, have more time for family).
  • State the reason you want that outcome (to hire help, be of greater service, have more energy, build closer family ties).
  • Create clarity (make it do-able by breaking your goal down into steps, listed as one action at a time and in order of first to last with a timeline of completion).
  • State why you believe this result will happen (here is how your faith and optimism plays a part).
  • Off you go (it’s time to put the plan into action and reach your end results).

Do you need some accountability? Go ahead and share it by commenting below or email me at kim@kimravida.com with Accountability in the subject line. I’ll be happy to hold you accountable. 

I have unwavering faith and optimism in you that you will achieve your end result!

Accountability = Responsibility to yourself.

And if you need actual in person accountability, I offer a free 30 minute laser coaching session. Click here to schedule now. You’ll get clear on what it is you want, how to go about getting it and of course, be held accountable.

In case you are thinking “oh right, this will be a sales call.”

It is not, your 30 minutes will be spent on creating your unwavering faith and optimism around what it is you want for yourself.

I promise you I will not be selling anything to you during your time with me. That said, if you want to talk about how working together could help you become masterful at your business I’m all ears. I love to help business owners succeed and create order, peace and prosperity for themselves and their business.

It’s all good

It’s all good.  I love that statement.  The other day I saw an image post on Facebook that said to not think of the glass as half full or half empty but that it’s refillable!  Man, that hit me.  I had an immediate shift in my thinking and each day now I think ‘it’s refillable’ – I define my “it’s” as anything I choose.

If something isn’t going the way I want, I can stop and refill and not have to go down the dark path of thinking negative thoughts.  I love that I can change my thinking immediately.

What about you?  Are you a glass half full or half empty person?  Would a change in your thinking help you with your goals?  As a business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in limiting beliefs and ways of doing things that aren’t supportive.  Geez just watch an episode of The Profit on CNBC and you’ll know what I mean.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter of half full, half empty and the new one, refillable.  Feel free to comment here or send me a private email at kim@kimravida.com.

One thing I can always count on are my pets to keep me in the moment and having fun.  Yesterday I shared with you my Bernese Mountain Dog Baloo. Here is “the brother”, Razz enjoying his time in the snow!

Razz snow