It’s easy to make more money

Don’t believe me?  Well, you wouldn’t be the only one.

If you have been reading my blogs lately, you have noticed a pattern from me.  It’s been a lot about money.  That’s because a lot of my clients — and even a survey I did — told me that people want to make and keep more money!

Not surprising because most men and women struggle with their relationship with money in their personal lives, so it’s no wonder that they would struggle with it in their business lives as well.

With that knowledge, I decided to do a FREE webinar training series for you this month.  The only thing you need to do is listen to them and then take action.  That’s it.

They are super short.  Nothing you have to sign up for, calendar in or be on time for.  It’s all for you at your leisure! Though I will warn you… you will want to make time for them and also to implement what you learn.

I’m making it easy, just watch for the link in my social media posts or keep reading my weekly blog where you’ll find the links for each training.  Hint:  you may want to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn so you won’t miss anything.

Today’s first training is an introduction to the 5 Key Money Areas that cause you to struggle with your relationship with money. 

Here is a brief overview of the 5 Key Money Areas:

  1. Forgiveness – why it’s important to forgive and who to forgive.
  2. Boundaries – how not having boundaries causes a lot of indecision, concern and worry.
  3. Action – when you know exactly what you are doing, you do it.
  4. Empowerment – embrace that you are the one in control of your destiny.
  5. Mindset – understand that your attitude, thinking and approach can make or break you.

Click here to get your first training.  Listen now so that you can begin to transform your relationship with money and see fast results.

Do you want the keys to more money?

I know I sure do!  When I started my business, it seemed I was always struggling to make money (never mind more of it) and once I learned the keys to make and keep more, I felt as if I had a big secret.  One that I wanted to share.  If I could help someone else from struggling like I had, then I wanted to do that!

That is where The 5 Key Money Areas free training came from.  And it is ready for you right now!  It will help you create a successful relationship with money. In yesterday’s article I talked about how lots of men and women struggle with their relationship to money and how it is important to have a relationship with your money.


Well you can start today, right now as a matter of fact!  You can learn the 5 Key Money Areas and how you can use them to increase your income.  I’m inviting you to listen here now.  The training is under 10 minutes so you just have to click, listen and then take action (and that is super short too).  That’s it.

My goal is to get this information to you, quickly and easily.  I know that when people transform their relationship with money, amazing things happen for them and for those around them.  Yes, they make more money, but it is so much more than just that.

This is for you if you want to make more money, understand how you may be stopping yourself, understand what you can do to reach your goals and do so quickly.  This is the first in a series of six.  The training links will be posted to my social media as well as to my blog so make sure you connect with me.

For your ease in connecting and in the event that we aren’t already connected, you can find me on Twitter @KimRavida and on Facebook.

Once you listen, post a comment or drop me a note to let me know what you thought.  I’m always happy to hear your thoughts and comments directly.  You reach me at  I’m excited for what is going to happen for you with your relationship with money!



Are you obsessed with money?

I’m obsessed with money.  Are you?  Well maybe obsessed is too strong a word.  I’ll go with passionate.  Sounds better doesn’t it?

You may be thinking I can’t believe she just admitted that.  Well, guess what?  If you aren’t obsessed with money or even preoccupied or fixated on it then you are uninterested in it and as a business owner/entrepreneur that is not a good thing.

Struggle with not enough?

See lots of men and women struggle with their relationship with money.  Lots of people have a love/hate relationship with it and it causes them to struggle.  You probably have never thought about having a relationship with your money.  You aren’t alone.

But here is the thing, if you don’t have a relationship with money, how can you improve it?  You can’t.  In order to improve and keep your human relationships strong you have to work at them because they don’t just happen on their own.  Money is the same way; you have to work at it.

You may be thinking ok, but I don’t even know where to begin.  Tomorrow I am unveiling a free webinar training series that will help you to create a solid relationship with money.  It is a series of 6 short (10 minutes or less) webinars.  All you have to do is click the link to access the training, listen and take the action I am offering.

So make sure you check back tomorrow to read my blog and get your access to the 5 Key Money Areas so that you can create a solid relationship with your money.

In the meantime, feel free to share your money story with me here or if you’d like it to be private email me directly at

Are you uncomfortable discussing money?

If you are uncomfortable about discussing money, it could be why you aren’t making more of it.

Being uncomfortable about money discussions is just one way that you may be holding yourself back from making more.

In last week’s blog we talked about 5 Key Money Areas.  So before we talk about what you are going to do or not do to make more money, it is important for you to know where your gap is between where you are now and where you want to be with making more money.

When you are uncomfortable discussing money, whether it is in your personal life or your business life, it represents a boundary… a weak boundary at that, and one that creates a gap between you and money.

Boundaries are limits or borders that you create in order to best serve yourself.  Let’s look at boundaries as what you are willing or not willing to do.  If you are uncomfortable discussing money it means that you are unwilling to have those important money conversations.

Imagine the business owner who avoids talking with the client who hasn’t paid her, yet she continues to provide great services to them.  She has a weak money boundary in that she is unwilling to have the necessary money conversation about receiving payment.

I’ve worked with business owners who want to make more money yet allow their clients to consistently get away with non-payment of agreed-upon fees for longer than necessary.  This causes them to not be able to pay their own monthly bills and it halts any monetary growth that they want.  And worse, it allows others (people and money) to control them rather than them being in control of their money.

If you are doing this, stop.  Value yourself while honoring others so that you make and keep more money.  Decide right now what is acceptable and what is not – when you do that you create a positive boundary.  Then you begin to put in money structures that will uphold those boundaries which will lead you to increasing your net worth.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this or any experiences you have had.  Please leave your comments below or if you’d rather keep them private email me personally at

5 Key Money Areas

In last week’s blog asked several thought-provoking questions such as what are you willing to do or not do to make more money.  You might think you know those answers, but do you really?

Most women and men struggle with their relationship with money and often struggle as to how to create and keep more money.

This stems from many things.  It stems from being uncomfortable talking about money, and if you are a business owner you may hesitate to ask for the sale.  It stems from feeling guilty or shameful around money, under valuing your worth, putting off paying or managing bills, not standing in your power with money and/or limiting beliefs around money.

The good news is that money is very simple to master.  You do that by having a strategy for knowing how to control your money, valuing yourself and standing in your power with money… with anyone in any situation.

We’ll be getting more into that later, but in the meantime I want to share with you 5 Key Money Areas:

  1. Forgiveness
  2. Boundaries
  3. Action
  4. Empowerment
  5. Mindset

Right now, on a scale of 1-10 rate yourself in each of the five listed above, 1 being “I need help” and 10 being “I’m awesome”.

If you rated yourself anything less than an 8, don’t be discouraged.  As I mentioned, most women and men struggle with their relationship with money and often struggle as to how to create and keep more money.  What this means for you is that there is a gap that keeps you from realizing your full potential when it comes to money.

Next time we’ll talk more about the 5 Key Areas and also coming up you will have the opportunity to take an awesome quiz that will help you really understand where your gap is so that you will know how you can increase your self-worth and net worth. Soon you’ll be able to answer without a doubt the all-important question of “What are you willing to do make more money?”

3 Secrets to Money Success

MoneyI love secrets!  But what is a secret? It’s something we usually can’t or don’t tell another.  Well, a secret can also be something that is undisclosed or hush-hush.  When it comes to women and money there are lots of secrets in the way of if you don’t tell or talk about it, it ain’t happening.

Well, I’ve got news for you, it IS happening and that usually isn’t good.  So I want to share with you three secrets.  Once I disclose these to you, and you know about them, you’ll be on your way to money success and happiness!

Secret #1:  Discover Your Money Patterns and Behaviors.  In other words, this is how you “do” money consciously or unconsciously.  And believe me, when it comes to money we all do things unconsciously.  You probably say you want more money and to be better at money.  Well, in order to have money success, you need to look at your patterns and behaviors.  One of the ways to identify your patterns and behaviors is to understand your money archetypes.  Archetypes represent a pattern of power within you.  Meaning stories, beliefs, motivations, fears, courage and perspectives.  They speak to you through your subconscious.  When you are aware of your money patterns, you’ll be able to see objectively how you handle your money: your spending and saving patterns, your decisions around money, what you do and what you don’t do. Ultimately you will be better at money so that you can start making the changes you want.

Secret #2:  Create a Positive Money Story.  What is your money story?  A money story is the narrative you tell yourself about money.  Some examples are:  Money is hard to make, I’m not good with money, money doesn’t grow on trees, and things of that nature.  Take a few moments and write down what the money story is that you grew up with.  Is it one that is serving you or is it holding you back?  If it isn’t serving you, change it!  You have the power to change what you believe about money.  Now, there is way more to this topic and when I work with my private clients, we go through several exercises to really get clear on this and to heal ingrained money beliefs and legacies.  But for now, just start thinking about what you want your money story to be right here in the present.

Secret #3:  Empower Your Voice.  Empower means:  Authorize – Allow – Sanction – Give Power to – Make Powerful.  What this means for YOU is that you get to do all those things for yourself.  By authorizing yourself, allowing yourself, sanctioning yourself to be, do and have all that you want, you give power to yourself (and make yourself powerful) simply by connecting with – and creating a healthy relationship with – your money.  Empowering Your Voice is about being confident to speak up for what you want and to get what you want.  Again, this is the tip of the iceberg here and when I work with my private clients we go through a very powerful exercise that has them empowering their voice in so many amazing and unsuspecting ways.  I’ve had women who, after going through the exercise with me, decide to stop hiding out from their spouses.  They finally have what they felt were hard conversations about money but which turned out to bring them closer to their spouse.  I’ve had clients leave jobs they were unhappy in and find ones that made their heart sing.  There is no telling what can come from Empowering Your Voice.  For you, right now, just think about what is it you want and then ask for it — speak up and declare it!  You won’t be sorry, I will guarantee that.

Once you embrace these 3 Secrets to Money Success, you will be on your way to your financial freedom, inner self-worth and money success!

If you are interested in learning more about your Money Archetypes which I mentioned in Secret #1, and taking your very own personalized money archetype assessment, email me at and put in the subject “I want to know my Money Archetypes.”  Yes, it’s that easy!

Do you have ‘secrets’ about money? Do you know your patterns? What’s your money story?  Post them below!

Do you think about money?

Piggy BankI’m pretty sure you do.  However, how do you think about money?  Are you someone who thinks about it positively or are you constantly thinking “I don’t have enough”?  It’s important because how you think about money will lead to the actions you will take (or not) around money.

There’s much out there written on your relationship with money.  Why?  Because many of us have a negative relationship with money and, hence, we have lots of debt and no money.  We spend more than we save and we have challenges being self-supporting on what we make.

You know the old rule of spending less than you make, but do you do it?  I didn’t.  And guess what? I was trapped in the loop of never having enough.  I always had to pay the credit card or loan… and let me tell you it’s a challenge to get out of that loop.  The interest on those credit cards kill you.  Just when I celebrated paying off a credit card, I’d get a bill that said I owned more!?  Say what??  That can’t be!  I called, I asked for the payoff figure, I paid it off.  Oh, but alas, there is that dreaded interest rate that just keeps on adding up.

So then how do we create a solid money relationship?  We need to do several basic things.  Notice I said basic, I did not say easy.  But then again, anything worth going for is never easy; there is always some skin in the game, sacrifices, dedication and hard work to be had.

Here are a few must dos in order to begin to create your own solid, positive relationship with money.

  1. Spend less than you make.  Yes, there it is.  In order to do this, add up all of your monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly and yearly expenses and get a clear picture of what you pay out.  Then add up your income.  If the income is more than the expenses, awesome, go on to number three but if not…
  2. Cut expenses.  Truly ask yourself what is essential to live (in other words what do you have to have) and what is optional.  Guess what?  Cable TV is NOT essential, nor is dinner out every night, take out, etc.  Get rid of non-essential expenses so that income is more than your expenses.
  3. Track your income and expenses on a monthly basis.  Use pen and paper or any electronic means that makes sense to you – if you can have this process be fun, even better!  It is exciting once you start to see your expenses going down and more money in your pocket.
  4. Get support and encouragement.  It’s not easy to make these changes on your own; if you could have you would have by now.  Have your spouse/significant other on board with you.  Ask a trusted, money-savvy friend or someone else you know to help you get started creating solid, positive money goals.

Keep in mind that there are more things you can do.  However, if you begin with this list, it’s a great place to start.

If you would like more information and steps to take, feel free to reach out to me.  If you want to know your money archetypes, send me an email at with “archetype assessment” in the subject line. I’ll give you the assessment and a free session to go over what it means for you and how you can use them to improve your relationship with money!

Are You a Money Martyr?

NOT ENOUGH !!!I’m cracking myself up here – when this title came to me, I thought “I must write about it!” But wondered will anyone even know what I’m talking about? And if not, will they be curious enough to read to find out? I guess we’ll see!

So here you are reading this. Let me guess, you either are a Money Martyr or you said “What the heck is this? Maybe I am and maybe I’m not, but I’m going to find out.” So let’s begin.

What is a martyr? For those of you who have no idea, for our purposes here it is defined as a sufferer for a cause and a willing victim.

So how does that relate to money? Well, are you settling with making less money than you want or you need to live on? Are you self-employed and are reluctant to raise your fees? Are you employed and afraid to ask for a raise or go for a promotion? That means you are a willing victim, and I guess it could be defined as a sufferer for a cause.

What cause you might ask? Well, the cause of not wanting to rock the boat, or for fear of speaking up for yourself. You are afraid someone will say no, so you don’t ask.

Another example is if you never stand up for yourself when someone wants to negotiate your rates. You almost always say “Oh, okay” because you don’t want to lose out on them as a client or income. Yet, you aren’t actually getting the work you really want or the money you really want and/or need when you do that. Also you might always just say ‘yes’ because there is money involved, but not take a look to see if you are being paid what you need to make. You sell yourself out. It’s not exactly the most powerful place you put yourself in!

If you give your services and/or products away for less than what they should be sold for because you think that your clients can’t pay… you are suffering for someone else’s cause. Maybe you do a lot of pro bono work because the ‘cause’ — and in this case we mean ‘cause’ literally — is a worthy cause doing good work. One client I worked with spent so much time working for a non-profit free of charge that she didn’t have time to bring in her own new business!

A Money Martyr is someone who puts themselves last at the expense of someone or something else. And then what do you get? You certainly aren’t making the money you want, and then you get a whole lot of resentment and bad feelings about the other person and even about yourself (which in case you are wondering, can be even more detrimental to your welfare).

So you are sacrificing yourself and your earning potential for a cause? Here is an insight to try on; you can still be a part of the cause and not be the sufferer of the cause yourself.

How do you avoid being a Money Martyr?

Identify where you might be suffering for a cause or a willing victim. Determine why you are putting yourself in that position. A lot of times, there is fear involved or even feelings of self-worth. We don’t think we are worth what we are asking for so we undermine ourselves and give in. We accept less than what we want and a need to live on. Then we end up working more and feeling burnt out, stressed out and angry.

Take steps to work on your ‘why’. Get help, ask a trusted friend for assistance, hire a coach or even seek therapy. By honoring yourself and your needs, and learning to value yourself, you will no longer be a Money Martyr — or any kind of martyr for that matter — because how you do money is usually how you do everything!

Are you being haunted?

haunted (640x625)Did that get your attention?  I hope so – and I hope you are asking ‘”Haunted by what?”  Haunted by your money story.  Your money story – we all have one – is the story that you tell yourself about why you aren’t good with money, why you feel entitled to spend money, why you believe what you believe around money.  Some are good and some are not so good and others are really haunting.

What is your money story?  Do you feel good about money?  Do you feel powerful with it?  Do you feel in control of your money?  Are you happy with your money and how you handle it?  Do you always have enough money to pay the bills with money left over to take vacations, buy things you like, have experiences you want?

For many, their money story isn’t a pleasant one.  I’ve heard a lot of money stories.  Here are a few – one woman’s mother used to hide money because she was afraid that someone would break in and steal it (even though they lived in a pretty good and safe neighborhood).  She didn’t want anyone inside the family discussing money with anyone else.  She would always say “This goes no further” with such a stern voice, the kids never did talk about money (or anything else for that matter) because they were afraid they would get into trouble….hmmmm

Another woman never had to ask for money; she always got what she wanted and then some.  Her family was very loose with money, always spending it and enjoying it.  And so that is what she did when she was old enough to earn her own living.  Her money story was that money was always there for whatever she wanted, that’s what she had learned.  It wasn’t until she tried to get a mortgage that she realized she was in debt up to her eyeballs and owed almost everyone tons of money – her words.  See she didn’t learn how to live on what she brought in because her money story was that money was meant to be spent and enjoyed.

Two totally different money stories.  The woman whose family didn’t talk about money took that to mean not to talk about money or anything else and to hide it.  And the woman whose family spent freely took that to mean to spend without abandon.  Both women have money issues that get in their way of living the life they want.  Both women’s money stories created painful life experiences and lots of negativity and shame in their lives.

Our money story, while not necessarily a negative, can be something that is holding us back from truly prospering.  So then, what is your money story and is it something you want to change?  If it is, know that you can.  Choose what you want your new money story to be and start living it!

Do you have it?

money down the drain (640x480)Money, that is.  Or are you wondering where it went?  Where does the money go?  Did it go out the window?  Down the drain?  Was it stolen?  Do you know where your money goes?  If you said yes – congratulations… err maybe.  Do you really know where it goes?  Do you track it or do you just know it goes out to pay bills?

Why am I talking about this?  Because it has recently come to my attention that many people are living blindly.  They have no idea how much money they bring in and worse, how much they send out.

Recently I worked with a client who realized with much dismay and discomfort that more money was going out than coming in and the reason it wasn’t noticed was because credit cards were bridging the gap, which of course caused more stress and anxiety.

Well then, there it was out in the open, she now knew exactly how much money came in and went out.  This knowledge first made her sad, then afraid.  See, she thought she had enough money.  Yes, this knowledge was stressful and scary but once she saw it she was relieved.  Every month she dreaded paying her bills and looking at her checking account because underneath everything she knew she didn’t have enough, she only ‘pretended’ to have enough.  Yet a funny thing happened.  After seeing the figures, she realized that she was no longer at the effect of this but could be at the cause.  She could take steps to release the stress and worry and begin to have enough!  It was a beautiful thing to watch and experience with her.

She had stuck her head in the sand and hoped it would go away… and it didn’t, it only got bigger.  The more she ignored it the bigger it got and the more afraid she became.  The day she found out exactly how much money was coming in and going out was the day everything changed.  She put steps in place to change her behaviors and began really paying attention to her money situation.  She is now making and saving money, paying down debt and feeling great.  She knows exactly what her figures are and she knows she wants to feel empowered rather than afraid.

I’ve been writing a lot on the subject of money.  It’s because it is a hot topic!  The beauty of knowing where your money goes is that you now have a say in it.  Money doesn’t just walk out the door – though it may feel that way.  You have control over it.  Here is your chance to be in control!  Go for it, what do you have to lose?  More money that’s all!  And you have everything to gain, money especially.

I want to teach you how to use your archetypes (don’t worry, I’ll explain what those are) to your advantage so you stop doing the things that sabotage your efforts to grow your money tree! If you are interested, click here for more info.