Are you doing all it takes to make more money?

When it comes to making money it’s not just about what you do to bring money in but how you handle money as well.

What I’m taking about are the actions you take with your money.  Actions such as:

  • Tracking your income.
  • Paying your bills on time.
  • Filing your receipts in an orderly fashion (just stuffing them in a draw doesn’t count).
  • Sending out your invoices on time.
  • Having an empowering conversation with a client who hasn’t paid you for some time.

Taking action is what will start the momentum, and help you to build and maintain it.

Try this, start saving $10.00 a month in an envelope.  My clients find that when they do it they want to save more, and they also pay more attention to their money actions so that they can do so.  It’s a jumping off point for them and they start to see amazing results that happen just from this one exercise.

Action is the Foundational

If you own a business, you need to take consistent money actions that allow you to run that business as a business.  If not, it is as if you are saying that you do not respect the business.This carries over to yourself personally and your clients as well.

I talk more about this in the 4th webinar 5 Key Money Areas training.  Hop on over and listen now and then determine what ONE thing you will start to do right now.  You must get into action in order to reach your success.

Comment or drop me a personal email at to let me know what your one thing is!


Do these two things if you want to make more money.

financial freedomDid you think I was going to say forgiveness and boundaries?  Probably not.

When it comes to making more money, why is it important to forgive?  Often, when it comes to money you may not recognize that you may need to forgive in order to move forward.  It’s important to recognize that your relationship with money was formed by what you grew up with.  If you ever heard ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ or ‘you have to work hard to make money’ you more than likely were imprinted with someone else’s beliefs that you took on for your own.  And more often than not you also created some of your own beliefs that are getting in your way of financial success.

Beliefs that we have and operate by that aren’t our own (and here is the shocker, sometimes we don’t even know that isn’t how we feel until we dig a little deeper), have the unseen power to hold us back from realizing our potential.

Last week I began a 6 series free webinar training on 5 Key Money Areas in order to help you eliminate the gaps that could be holding you back from making more money.  Click here to listen to the forgiveness training to have a clearer understanding about how forgiveness can help you create a new family money legacy for yourself and the people who are important to you.

The area of boundaries is also key to your financial success because boundaries can be road blocks that you have placed on yourself or they can be solid supports that you use to honor yourself.  If you often feel uncomfortable discussing money or have not substantially increased your income over the past year, you could have a boundary issue.  A lot of small business owners have this problem.  It’s important for you to value yourself while honoring others so that you make and keep more money.  In this webinar training you are going to learn all about boundaries and how to close the gaps you may have.  Click here to listen to how you can do just that!

Click here first to listen to the Forgiveness Training and then listen to the one on Boundaries.

Would you do it?

It’s official! It’s February and I went and did it. I signed up for the Blog A Day Challenge.

I must admit, I’m a little tense about it. It’s not my first time blogging, I blog regularly. What is new is that I’ll be doing it every day.

Baloo under the covers

Baloo under the covers

Until today I was blogging about several times a month or even weekly (and I thought that was a stretch). I’m up for the challenge though because I’m ready to take myself and my business to the next level and I know that I can’t do that unless I’m willing to step outside my comfort zone. As someone who regularly asks others to step outside their comfort zone, I need to be prepared and willing to do the same myself.

What’s going to be different here is that I’m doing this all on my own. I usually have my assistant read through and proofread my blogs to make sure I don’t make any typos and that I make sense. This challenge is going to be all me. So I might make a few mistakes or have a snafu (or two) happen and that is what is really the crux of it all and why I’m tense about this challenge. I mean come on, it might not be perfect.

AND I’m going to do it anyway. I’m willing to step outside my comfort zone and show up in the world to grow and to show others that it doesn’t have to be perfect (you can also read that to say I don’t have to be perfect =). I can do it. I’m really looking forward to it and where this experience takes me.

If you resonate with this, let me know what your fear point is that you would like to overcome. You can reply to this blog or email privately at

Would you like to participate in the Blog A Day Challenge? If so, sign up here: we can do it together!

Three Steps to Chill Out and Be Present

spilled coffeeThere are so many things we have to… and need to do… and want to do… that it is easy to jam pack our to-do list, our schedule and our life with busy-work.  BUT it is necessary to do so?  You may be saying “Yes, of course it is.  How else am I going to get things done?”  Well, that depends on what you have to get done.

If you are a do-er and an action-taker—and dare I say ‘perfectionist’—it is very easy to get caught up in the doing of it all.  But where does living your life like you want it fit in?  It really doesn’t because you are so busy being in the future about what you have to get done and feel you should be doing that you forget to live in the here and now.

My dad had a saying, well he actually had two that are relevant to share with you: “One day at a time” and “One thing at a time”.  He was good at saying “I’ll be with you in a moment, right now I’m finishing this.”  Meanwhile my mother and I are racing around doing (and not finishing) ten things to his finished one.  I know for sure, by my own experience and those of my friends and clients, that when your attention is not in one place, neither are you.   You simply cannot give whatever you are doing justice if you are not fully present.

Have you ever spilled a beverage, dropped something, banged into the corner of your desk, or stubbed your toe while you were trying to do something else?  That’s being in the future (or the past).  And oh yes, the spilled beverage on your carpet, the shattered screen on your dropped smart phone or the stubbed toe absolutely brings you into the present in a very fast way!  It’s a rude reminder that you need to slow down, take a breath and maybe take a break.

I had a client who woke up one morning, got out her cereal bowl and her juice glass, and before she realized what she was doing the bowl was full of cider.  She was upset and beating herself up over this.  It actually threw off her entire day and when I asked her what was going on the moment before she poured the cider, she said she was thinking about her day and all that she had to do and what she wasn’t going to finish.  And so there you have it:  when we are not present, we can’t fully be mindful of what we are doing.

Would you like to experience fewer mishaps and mistakes throughout your day?  Do you want to accomplish things and have them done right the first time?  Be with yourself and not 10 steps ahead.

Here are three quick and easy ways for you to check in with how you feel and be more mindful and present in the moment:

  • Take a breath.  Do you feel frazzled?  Simply stop moving.  Sit or stand still and breathe in to the count of 5 (slowly), then hold for a count of 2 and let your breath out for a count of 5, pausing for another count of 2.  Try it right now – don’t you feel better?
  • Look around you.  Are you jumpy and anxious?  Look at where you are and what’s near you.  Name what comes into your vision and give it a moment’s thought.  The dog, “Oh, he’s actually snoring in his sleep”; the knickknack you picked up on vacation and what a fun time you had; the clouds in the sky and the shape they appear to you.  Small distractions will settle your thoughts.
  • Change your view.  Do you need to get out of your office?  Do you need to go outside?  Sometimes stopping what you are doing and taking a break is essential to help you be more mindful.  Whatever it is, do it.  Just five minutes can do wonders for your focus.

Follow the above tips and you’ll be mindful and in the present moment in no time (without stubbing your toe).  You’ll be happier, more productive and relaxed too.  And the next time you feel on the edge…go ahead and try one or all of them all and let me know how it works out for you.  Also, feel free to share your thoughts, insights and revelations below!