What Do I Do?

What do I do?I get asked this a lot!  I get it from my business clients and from my fitness clients – and it is usually after someone has said yes to something but now wants to say no. They feel that they can’t change their mind and ask me “Ya, but what do I do?”  I know, it’s a real loop, isn’t it?

It is important to understand and realize that just because we said yes in the first place does not mean that we can never go back and say no.  We agree to do things for many reasons which are usually valid at the time when we say yes.  However then often we have time to think about it and realize a no would have been the best choice.  We genuinely want to help so it’s uncomfortable because we don’t want to disappoint or not be a team player.

Don’t get me wrong, there are times we want to change our mind because we are afraid or are out of our comfort zone and think we can’t do something.  That is not what I am talking about.  I’m talking about things we have said yes to that take us away from our desired outcomes or goals.  Like a client who signed up for a weekly networking meeting and later realized that it was taking her away from running her business and impacting when she could see her clients.  This ultimately led to impacting her money-making abilities so she needed to say no after saying yes.

Where in your life do you need to say no after you have said yes?  Trust me; it isn’t as scary as your gremlin is making it out to be.  We aren’t talking about being mean.  We are all entitled to change our minds and we do not need to offer a great detailed explanation as to why.

You probably think if you say no then:

  • people won’t like you
  • you’ll let others down and they’ll be disappointed in you
  • you’ll look like a failure or worse, you’ll feel like a failure

I am here to tell you that the above are not true!

What is really happening is that you are telling yourself a story about what you think will happen.  You’re talking yourself out of doing what is best for you.  If you aren’t true to yourself, what will happen is that you end up full of resentment, frustration and—even worse—anger at both yourself and the other person.  Let me ask you, do you think this is a good thing?  No, of course it isn’t and you know that.  Which is why you have such an internal tug-o-war; your inner guidance knows it needs to say no and your ego is saying that you can’t.

Saying no authentically and with compassion for both yourself and the other person is the only way to honor yourself. 

I remember the first time I said no after saying yes.  Was I nervous and afraid?  You bet I was.  However, it felt so good that I spoke up for myself and for what I wanted and needed!  Did the world end?  Of course it did not, and it won’t when you do it.

Is there something or someone that you said yes to that now you want to say no?  I encourage you to speak up confidently and say “I know that I said I would do xyz, but I realize that I won’t be able to.”  Sometimes you may be able to make a recommendation or suggestion for a replacement, and if you are by all means please do; just don’t do that in order to take the pressure off of you.  Come from a true place of self-empowerment and you will always feel good about yourself. 

Also, feel free to share your thoughts, insights and revelations below!

Are You Kidding Me?!

Are you kidding me?!As business owners we often try lots of things to build our business.  We go to networking events, meet new people, and try marketing different ways.  Some things work and some do not.  This is the same for health and fitness; in our quest to be healthy, lose weight and get off medications, we try lots of things.  Some stuff works and some stuff doesn’t.

To be successful in both business and health we need to do what will work for us… and what works for us does not necessarily work for others.  We get disappointed when we try something that someone else swears by and we don’t end up with the same results.  We usually find ourselves saying “Are you kidding me?!  I just spent all this time or all this money and it didn’t work!”

Well, in my book that’s actually a good thing!  Why?  Because now we know what doesn’t work so we can move on to something that will.

Sure, occasionally it means giving stuff up.  A business client of mine joined a networking group that met weekly in the early morning.  She hadn’t wanted to join this group because she wasn’t a morning person (especially when having to be somewhere early), the meetings were a regular set-in-stone routine (which she didn’t do well with) and it was all for in-person work (she actually did lots of virtual and over the phone work). But because she was told by others that this was the way to build her business, she did it and went against what she knew to be true for her.

She told me how miserable she was after “spending all this money” to join and how it was actually taking her away from growing her business and her clients.  I asked her what she wanted to do about it.  She said she couldn’t drop out because of the money she invested and the commitment she made.  So I pointed out that it was working against her and costing her time and money.  That in order for her to do what she wanted to do, and what would be more in line with what would work for her style, “dropping out” didn’t seem like such a bad idea.

Her response to me was (you probably already guessed), “Are you kidding me?!  And waste it all?!”  No, I wasn’t.  She didn’t waste a single moment; she actually gained a whole lot.  She now knew that this type of activity was not for her and did not do her business any good – in fact, it held her back.  There is such value in that!

When you sell yourself out, you can pretty much count on stress, frustration and overwhelm to be at your door.  On the other hand, you will never disappoint yourself if you follow your heart and do what makes you happy.  It’s really quite simple: when you honor yourself and what you want, and do what you love with enthusiasm, and it will all be effortless.

Are you still skeptical like my client was?  Here are several tips to help you:

  • Know what you are doing and why you want to do it.
  • Know your likes and dislikes because when you know yourself, you never have to second guess yourself.
  • Trust you are the best judge and no matter what anyone else has to say, you are the only person that knows you and what pleases you.

If you are still saying “Are you kidding me?!  I can’t do this or that because (you fill in the blank)”, I want to know why.  Email me personally or share your thoughts, insights and revelations below. Let’s get you past this hurdle!